Fundraising System Types and Codes

The following table describes the fixed and non-fixed system types and codes for the Fundraising subsystem. The non-fixed system types must be defined before working with the FND subsystem.






The types of acknowledgement letters. For example, New Donor Thank You or Pledge Payment Receipt Acknowledgement. This code is used on the Simple Gift Entry screen.



If an organization wants to create a merged letter that includes a particular signor at the organization, they would setup the signor(s) as a code value for ACK_LETTER_SIGNOR. The Signor and Default Signor fields display on the Fundraising Letter Information screen and Fund Definition and Maintenance screen.



The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Comment

·       Credit

·       Examination

·       Education



The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Business

·       Home

·       Seasonal

·       Work

·       Blank



The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Broken

·       Misplace

·       Stolen



The method by which the appeal activity occurred. For example, Email, Mailing, Phone, Telethon. The Appeal Activity field displays on the Appeal Definition and Maintenance screen.



The classification of the appeal. For example, Email, Follow-up, Initial Appeal, or Phone. The Appeal Class field displays on the Appeal Definition and Maintenance screen.



The type of asset. The Asset Type field displays on the Planned Giving screen.



The classification of the campaign. This class code can be used for reporting purposes. For example, Building Campaign, Endowment Campaign, General Campaign, or Scholarship Campaign. The Campaign Class field displays on the Campaign Definition and Maintenance screen.



Capability is a value that represents a donor's capability to give. This value, along with an estimate of a donor's inclination to give, represents an organization's best judgement on how likely a prospect/donor is to make a donation. For example, ‘EXCELLENT’. The Capability field displays on the Capability Score History screen in Donor360.



Capability Score is similar to Capability. It is the numeric value for the amount of money that a donor is willing to donate to your organization. This score is assigned by a solicitor or fund development manager to the prospect/donor. It populates the Assigned Capability Score and Calculated Capability Score fields on the Prospect Moves Management Screen. This is generally represented by a numerical value, such as ‘$10,000’ or ‘$20,000’. The Assigned Capability Score and Calculated Capability Score fields displays on the Capability Score History screen in Donor360.



The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Contact

·       Solicitor



A user-defined code that can be used to define additional roles, particularly for soft-credit records. For example, Volunteer and Solicitor. The Credit Role field displays on the Donor360 and Donation Entry screens.



A system-defined code that identifies whether the hard or soft credit record was created for a donor, ship-to customer, solicitor, employer, tribute customer, or bill-to customer. This code is used on the screens from which you can view hard and soft credits, including Donor360 and the Donation Entry screens.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Bill Customer

·       Ship Customer

·       Solicitor

·       Soft-Credit Customer

·       Manual

·       Donor

·       Tribute

·       Employer

·       Employee



If constituents are defined as related-customers on a fundraising gift product, this code identifies the role of the constituent. For example, author or vendor.


The Relationship Type field displays on the Related Customers screen.


The Option 1 field is used to create a product relationship between the product and the constituent. Enter "CUS001I-APPEARANCE" in this field in order for the code to be an option from the Relationship Type drop-down on the Related Customers screen.



The general classification of the donor. For example, Big Contributor, Corporate, Platinum, or Small Contributor. This field displays on the Prospect Maintenance screen. If a donor has requested that they not be solicited anymore for donations, you can use this field to create a "Do Not Solicit" Donor Class code. The Donor Class field displays on the main page in Donor360.


The Option 1 field identifies the customer type that can be assigned this code. Enter any combination of the following values: "I' (individual), "C", (company, "S" (subgroup), and "T" (committee). For example, to assign the DONOR_CLASS "Platinum" to an individual, company, subgroup, and committee, enter "ICST" in this field.



A system-defined code that identifies whether a constituent is a prospect (meaning they have never made a donation), current donor, current major donor, past donor, or past major donor. What qualifies as a major donor and what time period qualifies as past is identified in the following Org-Unit Parameters: MAJOR_DONOR_THRESHOLD_AMOUNT and DONOR_TIMEFRAME_CODE. In addition, whether soft credits, unpaid pledges, or planned giving amounts are included in Donor Class calculations is defined by the following Org-Unit Parameters: INCLUDE_SOFT_CREDITS_IN_DONOR_CLASS_FLAG, INCLUDE_PLEDGES_IN_DONOR_CLASS_FLAG, and INCLUDE_PLANNED_GIVING_IN_DONOR_CLASS_FLAG. This field is kept current by triggers and the FND710 batch process.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       MAJOR_DONOR – customer has made one or more donations within the most recent timeframe defined by the DONOR_TIMEFRAME_CODE org unit parameter, the total of which either equals or exceeds the amount defined by the MAJOR_DONOR_ THRESHOLD_AMOUNT org unit parameter. This donor giving class takes precedence over any other donor giving class.

·       DONOR – customer has made one or more donations within the most recent timeframe defined by the DONOR_TIMEFRAME_CODE org unit parameter, the total of which is less than the amount defined by the MAJOR_DONOR_ THRESHOLD_AMOUNT org unit parameter.  After MAJOR_DONOR, this donor giving class takes precedence.

·       PAST_MAJOR_DONOR – customer has made one or more donations not within the current period of time defined by the DONOR_TIMEFRAME_CODE org unit parameter, the total of which equals or exceeds the amount defined by the MAJOR_DONOR_ THRESHOLD_AMOUNT org unit parameter. After MAJOR_DONOR and DONOR, this donor giving class takes precedence.

·       PAST_DONOR – customer has made one or more donations not within the current period of time defined by the DONOR_TIMEFRAME_CODE org unit parameter, the total of which is less than the amount defined by the MAJOR_DONOR_ THRESHOLD_AMOUNT org unit parameter. After MAJOR_DONOR, DONOR and PAST_MAJOR_DONOR, this donor giving class takes precedence.

·       PROSPECT – this customer has never made a donation


The Giving Class field displays in the header in Donor360.



A system-defined code that identifies whether a donor has never donated (NEVER), is a first time donor (FIRST_TIME) is a renewal donor (gave last year and this year), is a LYBUNT donor (last year but unfortunately not this year), or SYBUNT donor (some year but unfortunately not this year). This field is kept current by triggers and the FND710 batch process.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       First time

·       Renewal

·       Last year but not this year

·       Some year but not this year

·       Never


The Giving Status field displays in the header in Donor360.



A system-defined code that identifies the time frame since a donor's last donation that differentiates a current donor from a past donor.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Jan through Dec

·       Fiscal year

·       Last 12 months from current date


The Donor Class Timeframe displays on the Fundraising Parameters screen in Organization Unit Maintenance.



The classification of the expense. For example, Direct Mail or Printer. The Expense Class field displays on the Fundraising Expenses screen.



Optional, user-defined code that identifies the prospect's estimated wealth. The External Wealth field displays on the Confidential Information tab on the Prospect Moves Plan Management screen.



Typically this value is set to Active ("A"). It is only used for pledges to define if the pledge was cancelled ("C" - all of the money applied to the pledge is refunded) or terminated ("T" - the money paid to date is kept and the pledge amount is updated to whatever has been paid to date and no more payments will be applied to the pledge). This code is used on the Order Entry screen.



The classification of the fund. This code can be used for classifying funds for reporting purposes. For example, Academic Fund, Endowment Fund, General Fund, PAC Fund, or Scholarship Fund. The Classification field displays on the Fund Definition and Maintenance screen.



Funding Disinterest represents causes that a donor has specifically identified that they are not interested in funding. The Funding Disinterest field displays on the Funding Interests/Disinterests screen in Donor360.



Funding Interest represents causes that a donor is specifically identified that they are interested in funding. The Funding Interest field displays on the Funding Interests/Disinterests screen in Donor360.



This code identifies how frequently a recurring gift donor's credit card will be charged. Valid values include MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, SEMI-ANNUALLY, and YEARLY. Although this code is not fixed, you should not add any additional codes. The Recurring Gift Frequency field displays on the Simple Gift Entry and Donation Entry screens.


The No. of Months field (Option 1) represents the number of months between credit card payments. This code is used on the Donation Entry screen when a recurring gift is created. For example, enter "12" for every year, "3" for quarterly, or "1" for monthly.  



A system-defined code that identifies whether the hard credit should go to the bill-to customer or ship-to customer for donations. This is set to Bill-To by default in base Personify360. Note that fundraising donations given via a membership donation product can be defined to give the hard credit to a different customer than defined here by the MBR_DONATION_HARD_CREDIT system type.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Bill

·       Ship

·       None


The Grant Hard Credit field displays on the Fundraising Parameters screen in Organization Unit Maintenance.



A system-defined code that identifies whether the soft credit should go to the bill-to customer or ship-to customer for donations. This is set to Ship-To by default in base Personify360. Note that fundraising donations given via a membership donation product can be defined to give the soft credit to a different customer than defined here by the MBR_DONATION_SOFT_CREDIT system type.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Bill

·       Ship

·       None


The Grant Soft Credit field displays on the Fundraising Parameters screen in Organization Unit Maintenance.



Inclination is a value that represents a donor's perceived inclination to give. This value, along with an estimate of a donor's capability to give, represents an organization's best judgement on how likely a prospect/donor is to make a donation. Examples include ‘Hot’ or ‘Cold’. The Inclination field displays on the Capability Score History screen in Donor360.



The range of income the donor earns in a fiscal year. For example, Under $100,000, Under $200,000, Under $400,000, under $50,000, or under $75,000. The Income Range field displays on the Miscellaneous Demographics screen in Donor360.



The source of the income range or level. For example, Census or Survey. The Income Source field displays on the Miscellaneous Demographics screen in Donor360.



This is used in the setup of standard letters to specifically define these codes as hard or soft to filter the fundraising view for the merge letter. The Letter Type field displays on the Standard Letters Maintenance screen.


The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       DONATION



·       TRIBUTE_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (new as of 7.6.0)


The Option 1 field filters letters being assigned to donors. Enter either "hard" for hard credit donors or "soft" for soft credit donors. For more information on hard and soft credits, please see Adding Gift Credits to a Donation.


The Option 2 field is currently NOT being used in Personify360.



Identifies the status of a donation order line. Valid values include Proforma (P), Active (A), and Cancelled (C). This code is used on the Order Entry screen.


The Option 1 field determines whether or not FAR670 will recognize the order line. Enter "RevenueRecognition" in this field if you want FAR670 to process the transaction. In the base application, only line status codes of "A" have "REVRECOGNITION" in the Option 1 column. This was executed for organizations that customize order entry to use different line status codes.


Option 3 identifies whether order lines with the line status defined by the code should be included in invoices.



If the organization wants to have matching gifts created automatically for employers when an employee creates a donations, this code identifies when a matching gift is created on order (ON_ORDER) or on payment (ON_PAYMENT).


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       On Order

·       On Payment


The Matching Gift Creation field displays on the Fundraising Parameters screen in Organization Unit Maintenance.



A system-defined code that identifies the donors whose donations will be matched. Currently, only EMPLOYEE matching gift plans are implemented. The Matching Gift Plan Type field displays on the Matching Gift Providers screen.



A system-defined code that identifies whether the hard credit should go to the bill-to customer or ship-to customer for donations made via a membership donation product. This is set to Ship-To by default in base Personify360. Note that regular fundraising donations can be defined to give the hard credit to a different customer than defined here by the GRANT_HARD_CREDIT system type.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Bill

·       Ship

·       None


The Member Donation Hard Credit field displays on the Fundraising Parameters screen in Organization Unit Maintenance.



A system-defined code that identifies whether the soft credit should go to the bill-to customer or ship-to customer for donations made via a membership donation product. This is set to Bill-To by default in base Personify360. Note that regular fundraising donations can be defined to give the soft credit to a different customer than defined here by the GRANT_SOFT_CREDIT system type.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Bill

·       Ship

·       None


The Member Donation Soft Credit field displays on the Fundraising Parameters screen in Organization Unit Maintenance.



This is used to populate Moves Activity Type fields throughout the Moves Management screens. Activity types can range from phone calls to e-mails to personal contact.



Identifies whether or not the plan has been completed. The Moves Plan Status field displays on the Prospect Moves Plan Management screen.
The Option 1 field  identifies whether or not the plan has been completed. Enter either Y or N in this field. If the status is pending= uncompleted. If the status is successful or unsuccessful = completed.



Moves Stages are steps or labels used to categorize prospects and donors. Prospects progress through the Moves Management system in stages. This system code allows you to define all of the stages a prospect could be labeled with in your Moves Management system. The Moves Plan Stage field displays on the Prospect Moves Plan Management screen.



A system-defined code that identifies whether the hard credit for a non-pledge donation should be granted when the order is created (activated) or when a payment is made. By default, this is set to ORDCREATION.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Order Creation

·       Payment

·       None


The Non-Pledge Credit field displays on the Fundraising Parameters screen in Organization Unit Maintenance.



The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Individual

·       Team



The frequency of the payout. For example, Monthly, Quarterly, Semiannually, or Yearly. The Payout Frequency field displays on the Planned Giving screen.



Determines where the related link will display on the Fundraising Detail page on the web.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Additional Information


The Placement field displays on the Related Links screen.



The status of the plan. For example, Active, Pending, or Rejected. The Plan Status field displays on the Planned Giving screen.



The type of plan. For example, Charitable Gift Annuity, Charitable Lead Annuity Trust, Charitable Lead Unitrust, Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust, Charitable Remainder Unitrust, Life Estate Agreement, or Pooled Income Fund. The Plan Type field displays on the Planned Giving screen.



A system-defined code that identifies whether the hard credit for a pledge donation should be granted when the order is created (activated) or when a payment is made. By default, this is set to PAYMENT.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Order Creation

·       Payment

·       None


The Pledge Credit field displays on the Fundraising Parameters screen in Organization Unit Maintenance.



Priority Rating is a score used by the fund development manager or solicitor to label a prospect by importance in the Moves Management system. Examples include ‘High’ or ‘Low’ or ‘Extremely Important’.



When donation receipts are entered through the Rapid Donation Receipt Entry screen, the system sets the status to identify how the receipt was applied, as well as whether the receipt has been finalized.


The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       PENDING


·       FAILED









The Processing Status field displays on the Rapid Donation Receipt Edit screen.



Used to classify any gift (master or sub-product). The only gift class available for fundraising is “Donation.”  The Gift Class field displays on the Gift Code Maintenance screen.


As of 7.5.0, unique icons can be defined for each PRODUCT_CLASS code to display in your online store, as shown below. These icons will display on the Product Listing, Product Detail, and Event Calendar pages in e-Business.


For more information, please see Configuring Categorical Iconography.


The Option 1 field is not used by this type.


Option 2 identifies the facet search topic to be used to group products with the specified product class code.



A system-defined code that identifies the type of fundraising donation.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       CASH

·       PLEDGE

·       ASSET

·       INKIND



·       STOCK

·       MEMO


The Gift Type field displays on the Gift Code Maintenance screen.

Any web-enabled codes for this system type will display in the Gift Type filter, as well as for each donation, on the Donation History control, as shown below. Therefore, you MUST check the Available to Web checkbox for ALL codes that you want to display on the web.



The status of the proposal. For example, Accepted, Pending, or Rejected. The Proposal Status field displays on the Proposal Maintenance screen.



Rate codes are the second level of pricing categorization after rate structures. The Rate field displays on the Default Gift Amounts screen in Gift Code Maintenance.

Because gift amounts are typically suggested amounts and might be manually changed, it is recommended that you created rate codes such as Choice 1, Choice 2, Choice 3, etc.



A system-defined code that identifies why a fund credit record was created. Valid values include, Fundraising Order (O), Payment (P), Adjustment (A), Writeoff (W), Donation made through a Membership product (DONATION), and Manual credit (MANUAL). This code is used on the Simple Gift Entry, Flexible Gift Entry, Order Entry, and Donor360 screens.



A system-defined code that identifies the status of a recurring gift order line. Valid values include Active, Cancelled, Renewed, Rejected, and In Process. If an order line has a recurring gift status of renewed, it means it has already been paid and the next recurring gift order line has been created. If the status is rejected, it means the credit card payment could not be successfully processed. If the status is in process, it means the credit card is in the process of being settled by CCP610. The Recurring Gift Status field displays on the Donation Entry screen.



A system-defined code that identifies when revenue is recognized on fundraising gifts. The only code supported is INVOICE. The Recognition Method field displays on the General Ledger Accounts screen in Gift Code Maintenance.



The classification of the solicitor that is used for reporting and grouping teams. For example, Manager or Solicitor. The Solicitor Role field displays on the Solicitation Maintenance screen and Solicitation Team Maintenance screen.



The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       High

·       Low

·       Medium



A system-defined code that identifies the status of a moves management task. The Option 1 column identifies whether the task status means that the task is completed. Option 1 is set to Y for SUCCESSFUL and UNSUCCESSFUL task status codes. When a task status marks a status as completed, the system will then calculate the due date for the next task based on task priority. The Task Status field displays on the Prospect Moves Management Plan and Open Tasks by Solicitor screen.



A user-defined code that allows organizations to categorize tasks assigned to prospect moves plans. The Task Type field displays on the Prospect Moves Management Plan and Open Tasks by Solicitor screen.



The classification of the team that is used for reporting and grouping teams. For example, Main Team or Secondary Team. The Team Class field displays on the Solicitation Team Maintenance screen.



A user-defined code (as of 7.4.1SP1) that allows organizations and donors to categorize the type of tribute for which a donation is being made. A tribute type can be assigned to a donation on the Donation Entry screens, and a tribute type can also be assigned to a Fund, Campaign or Appeal and to a Matching Gift Plan. Example tribute types include IN_MEMORY_OF, IN_HONOR_OF and IN_SUPPORT_OF. The Tribute Type field displays on the Tribute Info tab in Donation Entry, the Tribute To tab on the Fund Definition Maintenance screen, Campaign Definition and Maintenance screen, Appeal Definition and Maintenance, and the Matching Gift Plan Detail screen. Additionally, codes defined for this system type display in the My donation is field on the online donation control (new as of 7.6.0).

It is NOT recommended that you add a code in the Primary Code field because doing so will default the code into the "My donation is" field on the online donation control. Because a value will be selected from this drop-down by default, the "Dedicate to/for" field becomes required and the donor cannot submit the donation without entering a value in this field. Although the online donor can then change the "My donation is" field to blank and proceed, it will still interrupt their donation process.



User-defined system type used to categorize related links on the Fundraising Detail page on the web. The URL Type field displays on the Related Links screen.