Using the Tribute Information tab on the Simple Gift Entry or Donation Entry screen, you can define a tribute on-the-fly and send a notice or letter to someone related to the tribute without expecting the donor to know the details.
can also add tribute information to FND order lines in Order Entry. Simply
right-click the FND order line and select Show
Full Line Item Details. The Tribute Info tab on the
Line Item Details screen displays the same fields as described below.
Soft credits will be created if the "Create Soft Credit" checkbox is checked on a new or existing donation. If the soft credits have already been created and the "In Tribute To Constituent" is removed, then the soft credits created for this customer on the donation will be deleted. If another "In Tribute To Constituent" is selected and the "Create Soft Credit" checkbox is checked, then soft credits will be added to the new constituent. The same is true of soft credits associated with a solicitor for the donation and on ship-to customer change.
tab is available for any donation type.
To add tribute information:
1. From the Simple Gift Entry or Donation Entry screen, open the appropriate donation or create a new one.
2. Access
the Tribute Info tab, as shown
3. From the Line No drop-down, select the appropriate line number to which to add tribute information.
4. Select
the Tribute Type from the drop-down.
The In Tribute To Constituent link is enabled. Values in the drop-down
are populated based on the codes defined for the non-fixed FND "TRIBUTE_TYPE"
system type.
5. If necessary, click the Dedicated to link and search for an existing constituent to which the gift is dedicated or manually enter the name of the person to which the gift is dedicated.
6. If necessary, in the Dedicated to/for field, enter a message or description of the donation.
7. If necessary,
check the Create Soft Credit checkbox.
Soft credits can be created for the donor for Cash and Pledge fundraising
products. All other fundraising products (including credits entered manually)
are considered soft credits. If this checkbox is checked, the soft credit
will display on the Transactions
screen for the selected "In Tribute To Constituent" in Donor360®.
8. From the Acknowledgement of Tribute Donation section, perform the following:
a. If you want the acknowledgement letter to be sent to the contact person's primary address:
i. Click the Acknowledge to link to select the contact person to be notified of the tribute donation.
b. If you want the acknowledgement letter to be sent to a different address (i.e., non-primary address):
i. Manually enter the contact person's First/Last Name, Email Address, Company, and Address information.
c. To generate the acknowledgement letter:
i. Select
the Letter Code from the drop-down.
Options in the drop-down are populated based on the standard letters defined
on the Standard Letter Maintenance. Please note that only standard letters
ii. If necessary, click the Personal Message link to include a personal message on the acknowledgement letter.
In order
for this message to be included in the acknowledgement letter, the <<tribute_message>>
field must be added to the mail merge document. For more information,
please see Creating
a Mail Merge Standard Letter.
iii. Click Save.
iv. Click
Generate Acknowledgement.
The standard letter opens in Microsoft Word and the system automatically
populates the Ack Date field with
today's date.