Understanding the Donor360® Header Information

The header at the top of the Donor360 screen displays the most meaningful at-a-glance data about a donor. Please note that this header information was developed using HTML and cannot be edited using the Application Designer. If necessary, the HTML code can be modified to include/exclude details and demographics according to your organization's preferences.


The various information displayed in the header is numbered in the image below. See the numbered list below for more information.


1.    Donor Image: organizations can decided whether or not to display donor images in the header on the Donor360 screen. If donor images are used but no image exists for the donor, a generic silhouette will display. For more information, please follow the same steps as Adding/Changing a Constituent's Image in CRM360®.

2.    Label Name: the label name is comprised of the First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name fields as defined on the Individual Name Edit or Company Name Edit screens, respectively. Additionally, it may also include Credentials and/or Prefix if the CUS USE_CREDENTIALS_IN_LABELNAME and/or INCLUDE_PREFIX_IN_LABELNAME application parameters are set to "Y". Finally, if defined, an individual constituent's Nickname will display in parentheses, as shown in the image above. For more information, please see Defining a Constituent's Name, Salutations, and Aliases in CRM360.

3.    Constituent ID: the constituent ID is an automatically generated alphanumeric number. Although this number is automatically generated by the system, it can be changed during constituent creation. After the new constituent has been saved, this number cannot be changed. For more information, please see Creating a New Constituent.

4.    Giving Status and Giving Class: these are assigned and updated for each donor when the donation status changes to "Active" or FND710 – Donor Class and Status Update Process batch process is run. Giving Status values are fixed codes defined for the DONOR_GIVING_STATUS system type, and Giving Class values are fixed codes for the DONOR_GIVING_CLASS fixed system type. Additionally, there are a number of org unit parameters that control what gets included in the DONOR_GIVING_CLASS_CODE calculation.

5.    Job Title and Primary Employer: if a current, primary employment relationship has been defined for the donor, a link to the company's record will display. For more information, please see Adding a New Relationship to a Constituent's Record in CRM360. Additionally, if a job title has been defined for the donor on the demographics screen, it will display to the left of the primary employer link. For more information, please see Adding Demographic Information to a Constituent's Record in CRM360.

If the donor's primary employer was manually entered in the Name (Last, First) field on the Relationships screen, the primary employer will NOT display in the header in CRM360 because it does not have an associated customer ID.

6.    IMS Badges and Social Media Buttons: if the constituent is a fundraising donor (heart icons) or qualifies for member benefits (star icon), the appropriate badges will display. For more information on donor types, please see Understanding Donor Types. Additionally, if the constituent qualifies for a particular defined IMS role, the appropriate role image will display. For more information, please see IMS Roles in Donor360. Finally, if the constituent has a Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter web/social media communication record defined, the appropriate icons will display. Clicking these icons will open the associated web page in a browser window. For more information, please see Adding New Web/Social Media Information to a Constituent's Record in CRM360. Please note that the social networking icons require a code change to update.

The star badge shows based on the API property “CustomerQualifiesForMemberBenefit”, which calls the following SQL statement to determine if the customer is entitled to member pricing or members-only products:


'BILL, SHIP' is the for the customer as Bill_To or SHIP_To in the order,
GETDATE() is the effective date.

Click the star badge to open the Membership Participation screen in CRM360.

7.    Relationships: this link displays the number of current relationships defined for the donor. Click this link to open the Relationships screen. For more information, please see Viewing a Constituent's Relationships in CRM360.

8.    Address: the donor's address displays, along with the Address Type on top. For company, subgroup, and committee donors, the donor's primary formatted address displays. For individual donors, the system uses the following logic to display the address:

·            If the donor has only a good home address, that address displays.

·            If the donor has only a bad home address, that address displays.

·            If the donor has only a bad or good work address, no address displays.

·            If the donor has one good work address and another good home address, then the home address displays.

·            If the donor has one good work address and another bad home address, then the bad home address displays.

·            If the donor has one good home address and another bad home address, then the good home address displays.

Because the constituent's name is redundant and other fields may not be desired, organizations have control over what is displayed. From the Address and Phone Structure screen, admin users can uncheck the "Available On Screen" checkbox for any piece of the address.

If the donor's address is bad, a red X (not picture above) will display; hover over the X to display a tool tip that says, "Address is Marked ‘Bad’". Please note that a green check mark will NOT display if the address is good; the assumption is that the address is good. If the donor's preferred communication method is Mail, "*Preferred " (not pictured above) will display to the right of the address.  

9.    Constituent Class: the donor class is defined on the Demographics screen. For more information, please see Adding Demographic Information to a Constituent's Record in CRM360.

10.  Primary Mobile & Home Phone Numbers: if a phone communication record has been defined with a type of "Mobile", the mobile phone that has been designated as primary will display. Additionally, the primary Home phone will display, if defined. For more information, please see Adding a New Phone Number to a Constituent's Record in CRM360.

11.  Preferred Communication Method: the "*Preferred" label will display next to the donor's preferred method of communication. Please note that this label may display next to the donor's primary address, primary "mobile" phone number, primary "phone" number, or primary email address. For more information, please see Selecting a Constituent's Preferred Communication Method in CRM360.

12.  Email Address and Web/Social Media: if defined, the donor's primary email address and primary web/social media record will display as links. Click the donor's primary email address to open a blank email in your default email window. Click the donor's primary website address to open the website in a new window. For more information, please see Adding a New Email Address to a Constituent's Record in CRM360 and Adding New Web/Social Media Information to a Constituent's Record in CRM360.

13.  Edit Contact Info: click this link to open the Contact Information screen in CRM360. For more information, please see Viewing a Constituent's Contact Information in CRM360.

14.  Household Name: as of 7.4.2, if the USE_HOUSEHOLDING application parameter is set to "Y", household information will display in the donor's header. If the donor belongs to a household, the household name will display as a hyperlink. Click this link to open the household in Household360. If the donor does NOT belong to a household, "No Household" will display instead. Click this link to open the Household Speed Form to create a new household. For more information on households, please see Personify360 Householding Overview.

15.  Other: (not pictured)

·            Primary Contact: on company records in Donor360, if a current, primary contact relationship has been defined, a link to the primary contact's record will display. Click this link to open the primary contact record in CRM360.

If the company's primary contact was manually entered in the Name (Last, First) field on the Relationships screen, the primary contact will NOT display in the header in Donor360 because it does not have an associated customer ID.