Application System Types and Codes

The system types and codes associated with each subsystem are described in detail in each of the subsystem-specific sections. The Application (APP) subsystem types and codes are described in the following table.

Type Code



Application Setup (APP)



Indicates the function of the FL account. Used to identify the kind of account referenced when setting up products and other account search functions.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Payable Clearing

·       Accounts Receivable

·       Cash

·       Credit Card Receivable

·       Cost of Goods

·       Credit Balance without Account

·       Currency Correction Account

·       Deferred Discount Account

·       Deferred Revenue Account

·       Discount Account

·       Intercompany Account

·       Inventory

·       Operating Expenses

·       Other Assets

·       Other Expenses

·       Other Income

·       Prepaid Liability

·       Real Revenue

·       Tax Payable

·       Unapplied Receipt Account

·       Write-off Account

·       Transfer Account

See Account Function Code Descriptions for more information about the available options.

The Account Function field displays on the GL Accounts Maintenance screen.



The method of accounting used for the company. Personify is an accrual-based accounting system, which means revenue is recognized only when services are rendered. Therefore, the only code available is "Accrual" and it cannot be changed.


The Accounting Method field displays on the Organization Maintenance screen.



The Web bill-me override option. The Override field displays on the Demographics screen in CRM360®.


The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       Always

·       Deny

·       None

As of 7.5.2, if the Primary Code is set to "ALWAYS" and the Auto Populate checkbox is checked for the Primary Code, a new record will be automatically created in WEB_USER_BILLME table when a new individual is created. This enable the customer to use the bill-me later functionality.



The case the field should be converted to.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Lower

·       None

·       Upper


The Convert Case field displays on the Reports Maintenance screen.



The type of data that can be entered into the report parameter. The Data Type field displays on the Reports Maintenance screen.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Date

·       Number

·       String


Option 1 is currently not being used in Personify360.


Option 2 identifies whether the SQL data type is a date, numeric, or string (varchar) data type.



The format in which the date will display. D is the day, M is the month, and Y is the year.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       DD/MM/YYYY

·       DD-MMM-YYYY

·       DDMMYYYY

·       DD-MM-YYYY

·       MM/DD/YY (new as of 7.5.0)

·       MM/DD/YYYY

·       MM/YY

·       MM/YYYY

·       MMDDYYYY

·       MM-DD-YYYY

·       MMYY

·       MMYYYY

·       YYYYMMDD


The Date Format field displays on the GL Interface Mapping screen, the Lockbox Parameter Maintenance screen, and the External Prospect List Mapping screen.


The Option 1 field determines the code used to format the date.



The default status of the order when a customer purchases a product over the Web.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Active

·       Proforma

·       Active with Purchase Order


The Order Line Status for Bill-Me Orders field displays on the Line Status Defaults for New Orders screen.



The default status for orders. Options include: Active and Proforma.



Codes that are used when you are defining the structure of the text file that will be uploaded into the system and it determines the criteria necessary to separate the two fields. If you want a fixed length, do not use this code.


The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       COMMA(,)

·       PIPE(|)

·       TAB(TAB)

·       TILDA(~)


The Option 1 (ASCII Value) field takes the text file and determines, based on the mapping (ASCII value entered here), what the text file should look like.


The Delimiter field displays on the GL Interface Mapping screen.



Codes that are used when you are defining the structure of the text file that will be uploaded into the system and it determines the criteria necessary to separate the two fields. If you want a fixed length, do not use this code.


The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       COMMA(,)

·       DOUBLE_QUOTES(")


The Option 1 (ASCII Value) field takes the text file and determines, based on the mapping (ASCII value entered here), what the text file should look like.


The Enclosed by field displays on the GL Interface Mapping screen.



Lists the subsystems it could support.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Certification subsystem products

·       Facility subsystem products

·       Fundraising subsystem products

·       Inventory subsystem products

·       Listing of Order Lines

·       Membership subsystem products

·       Miscellaneous subsystem products

·       Meeting subsystem products

·       Repetition of order lines

·       Subscription subsystem products

·       Transcript subsystem products

·       Exhibition subsystem products



This type was implemented for the integration but will not be used until a future release.



The format of the file.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Delimited

·       Fixed


The File Format Code displays on the Warehouse Definition screen.



A fund credit is created for this event when the option selected occurs.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       None

·       Order Creation

·       Payment



A fund credit is created for this event for the option selected.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Bill Customer

·       None

·       Ship Customer



Indicates the type of home page.


The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       Command or URL

·       Dashboard

·       Personify Home Page

The Home Page is a field displays on the Persona Maintenance screen.



Used to identify the optimum image size.


The Option 1 (Image Size (Width,Height)) field identifies the numeric value in pixels of the height and width of the image. The height and width values are comma separated (e.g., 16,16).


The Image Resize field displays on the Meeting Rotating Images screen.



Lists the third-party interfaces.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Universal Address Validation Interface

·       Communication Interface

·       Marketing List Interface

·       Universal Payment Handler Interface

·       Report/BI Interface

·       Exhibition Interface



As of 7.6.1, for the integration, the codes defined for this system type indicate what the data model mapping is for (e.g., company customer, individual customer, or opportunity).


The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       Company Customer

·       Individual Customer

·       Opportunity


The codes defined for this system type display in the Mapping For drop-down on the Personify360 Salesforce Model Mapping screen.



This type was implemented for the integration but will not be used until a future release.



As of 7.6.1, for the integration, the codes defined for this system type indicate the object field type used when defining default values for fields in a data model mapping.


The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       Default Value

·       Link Key

·       Primary Key

Currently, only the DEFAULT_VALUE code has been implemented. LINK_KEY and PRIMARY_KEY were added for use in a future release .

The codes defined for this system type display in the Field Type drop-down on the Personify360 Salesforce Model Mapping screen.



As of 7.6.1, for the integration, the codes defined for this system type indicate the source of truth for the data model mapping, either Personify360 or SFDC.


The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       Personify360

·       Salesforce


The codes defined for this system type display in the Source of Truth and Default For drop-downs on the Personify360 Salesforce Model Mapping screen.



As of 7.6.1, for the integration, the codes defined for this system type indicate the type of sync that the data model mapping represents.


The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       Bi-Directional Sync

·       Do Not Sync

·       Sync from Personify360 to

·       Sync from to Personify360


The codes defined for this system type display in the Synchronization Type drop-down on the Personify360 Salesforce Model Mapping screen.



The operator.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Ends With

·       Equals

·       Greater Than

·       Greater Than or Equal To or Null

·       Greater Than or Null

·       Greater Than or Equal

·       Contains

·       In

·       Less Than

·       Less Than or Equal To or Null

·       Less Than or Null

·       Less Than or Equal

·       Not In

·       Not Equal To

·       Not Null

·       Is Null

·       Starts With


The Option 1 field identifies whether the query should select a value greater than or less than the specified value. Please note that this is currently not used in Personify360.



As of 7.5.0, this system type and codes indicate when the meeting product questionnaire will be presented to the user.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       After attendance

·       During registration

·       On survey


The When to Present field displays on the Application Question Definition screen.



When images are uploaded on the Product Images screen in Product Maintenance, the system automatically resizes the images into two images: LARGE and SMALL. These system codes are fixed. However, you can edit the Width and Height of these codes.


As of 7.5.0, in order to support a consistent size for images to display in e-Business, a new code of "16x16" has been added to the PROD_IMAGE_SIZE system type.


Option 1 (Width) defines the width of the image in pixels. The values delivered with base are small and large. The recommended values for Option 1 and Option 2 for "SMALL" is 150. By default, the LARGE code is set to 250 x 250.


Option 2 (Height) defines the height of the image in pixels. The values delivered with base are small and large. The recommended values for Option 1 and Option 2 for "SMALL" is 150. By default, the LARGE code is set to 250 x 250.

The Option 1 and 2 fields are used to resize images when they are uploaded to the application server. Therefore, if you want to resize the image on the web, a change must be made to the web control CSS. Please note that this is informational only and it is to let users know the optimum image size.



When images are uploaded on the Product Images screen in Product Maintenance, the system automatically resizes the images into two images: LARGE and SMALL. These system codes are fixed. However, you can edit the Width and Height of these codes.


The Option 1 (Width) field defines the width of the image in pixels. The values delivered with base are small and large.


The Option 2 (Height) field defines the height of the image in pixels. The values delivered with base are small and large.


The Option 1 and 2 fields are used to resize images when they are uploaded to the application server. Therefore, if you want to resize the image on the web, a change must be made to the web control CSS. Please note that this is informational only and it is to let users know the optimum image size.



As of 7.5.0, the codes defined for this system type display as answers to a meeting product questionnaire.


The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       1-5 Answer

·       Yes/No Answer


The subcodes defined for the codes above display as the individual options for the answers.


For the 1-5 Answer code, the following subcodes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       1

·       2

·       3

·       4

·       5


For the Yes/No Answer code, the following subcodes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       No

·       Yes


The Answer Validation Code field displays on the Application Question Definition screen.



As of 7.5.0, the codes defined for this system type define the type of answers to a meeting product questionnaire question.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Date

·       Checkbox

·       Drop Down Combo Bok

·       Radio Button

·       Text Box


The Answer Type field displays on the Application Question Definition screen.



The type of email recipient.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       BCC Email To

·       CC Email To

·       Email To



As of 7.5.2, indicates the type of file.


The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       Word Document

·       Microsoft Excel Worksheet

·       Image File

·       Other Document

·       PDF File


The File Type field displays on the Related Files tab on the Manage Awards Programs screen. For more information, please see Adding Award Related Files.



The tax level bill-to or ship-to.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Bill-to

·       Ship-to


The Tax Level field displays on the System Parameters screen.



The type of tax.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Charge both sales and VAT tax

·       Charge sales tax exclusively

·       Charge VAT exclusively


The Tax/VAT Control field displays on the System Parameters screen.



The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Yes

·       No

Address Validation (ADR)



The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       No address validation interface available.

·       Spectrum Universal Address



The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Bill To

·       Other

·       Primary

·       Ship To



A geographic area consisting of several states defined by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census.


The Census Division field displays on the Country and State Code Maintenance screen.



A geographic area consisting of several states defined by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census.


The Census Region field displays on the Country and State Code Maintenance screen.

Business Intelligence Subsystem (BIS)



This is a user defined code used for data mart reports that allows users to define age brackets of their members for use in analysis and trend predictions.

Option 1 identifies the subsystem that the BIS code is used for.


Option 2 identifies the minimum age for a code that represents an age bracket.


Option 3 identifies the maximum age for a code that represents an age bracket.



Enter values that go in combination with line and fulfill status.


Option 1 identifies values that go in combination with line and fulfill status.


Option 2 identifies the line status values that map to the code for the combined line and fulfill status represented by the code.


Option 3 identifies the fulfill status values that map to the code for the combined line and fulfill status represented by the code.



This is a user defined code used for data mart reports that allows users to define years as a member for use in analysis and trend predictions; this is a significant piece of analytic for an organization.


Option 1 is a user-defined code used for data mart reports.  


Option 2 identifies the minimum number of years for a code that represents a range of years.


Option 3 identifies the maximum number of years for a code that represents a range of years.






The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       New Member

·       Reinstated Member

·       Renewed Member

·       Transferred-In Member

























The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       And

·       Or



This was used with TIMMS and is no longer used in Personify360.