Adding Meeting Product Rotating Images

You can define images that will rotate and display via the meetings detail control on your e-Business site, as shown below. Although the system will not restrict the number of images you can add to the product, it is recommended that you add up to three images.

To define meeting product rotating images:

1.    From the Personify360 main toolbar, select Products > Product Central.
The Product Maintenance search screen displays.

2.    Click Search to find a product or click Create New Product.

3.    From the eBusiness Links task category, click Meeting Rotating Images.
The Meeting Rotating Images screen displays, as shown below.

4.    Click Add.
A new row appears in the Product Images grid and the Open window displays.

5.    Search for an image for your meeting product.

6.    Select the image and click Open.
The Image Detail screen enables and the image appears in the Image Preview window.

7.    The File Page field automatically populates with the location of the image. If necessary, click Browse to select a different image.

8.    The File Name field automatically populates with the name of the image. It is not recommended that you change this.

9.    The User Friendly Name field automatically populated with the name of the image. Change this, if necessary.

10.  Enter a Description of the image, if necessary.

11.  Enter the Tool Tip Text you want to display on the web, if necessary.
The text defined here displays when the user hovers over the image, as shown below.

12.  Select the dimensions to which you want the image resized from the Image Resize drop-down, if necessary. Tab out of the field to display the changes in the Image Preview window.
Values in the drop-down are populated based on the codes defined for the non-fixed APP "IMAGE_RESIZE" system type.

As a best practice, add images that are 420 x 120, so they do not appear distorted when displaying on the Meeting Details page. Do not use the Image Resize option.

13.  Enter the order you want the image to display in the Display Order field.

14.  Repeat the steps above to add additional images.

15.  Click Save.

16.  Click Close.