Adding Award Related Files

If necessary, your organization can display additional information about awards as either attached files or as links to other web pages on the awards detail page on the web.

To add a related file:

1.    From the Manage Awards Programs search screen, search for the appropriate award.
Alternatively, from the Manage Awards Program screen, click View Award Detail.
The Manage Awards Program detail screen displays.

2.    Click the Related Files tab, as shown below.

3.    Click Add.

4.    Search for and select the appropriate file.

5.    Enter a Description of the file.

6.    Select the File Type from the drop-down.

7.    By default, the Display Name is set to the name of the file. Change this if necessary.

8.    By default, the Web Enabled checkbox is checked. Uncheck this checkbox if you do NOT want this file to display on the web.

9.    Click Save.

Screen Element



Button. When clicked, the Open window displays from which you can search for and select the appropriate file.


Button. When clicked, the select file is deleted.

Up Arrow

Button. When clicked, the file selected moves up one row and determines the sort order.

Down Arrow

Button. When clicked, the file selected moves down one row and determines the sort order.

File Detail


Text box. The description of the selected related file. Please note that this description does NOT display on the web.

File Type

Drop-down. The type of file selected. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed codes defined for the APP "RESOURCE_TYPE" system type.


Link. The name of the selected file. If necessary, click this link to select a different file.

Display Name

Text box. Defaults to the name of the selected file, but can be changed. This name will display on the web if the file is web-enabled.

Web Enabled

Checkbox. Identifies whether the file should be displayed on the web.