Accounting System Types and Codes

The following table describes the system types and codes for the Accounting (FAR) subsystem. Please note that non-fixed system types and codes should be setup prior to using the FAR subsystem.






This fixed type code identifies the status of the batch. For a user to be able to open a batch for use, it must have a status of AVAILABLE. The batch status can be seen on the Batch Control (FAR001) screen. The code is used in the Far_Batch.BATCH_STATUS_CODE field.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:


·       EDITING


·       POSTED

·       LOCKBOX

·       CLOSED


The Batch Status field displays on the Batch Control screen.



This fixed type code identifies the type of batch. DEFERRED_POSTING and DIRECT_POSTING batches are used when entering payments from the Order Entry and Receipt Entry screens. RAPID_DIRECT and RAPID_DEFERRED are used when entering receipts from the Rapid Receipt Entry screen. ADJUSTMENT and REFUND batches are used when creating adjustments or refunds, respectively. LOCKBOX batches are used when posting lockbox receipts. EFT batches are used when uploading direct debit payments with EFT process. CCP610_PAYMENTS is used when running CCP610 to settle credit card receipts. ECOMMERCE batches are created automatically for web orders. The batch type can be seen on the Batch Control (FAR001) screen. The code is used in the Far_Batch.BATCH_TYPE_CODE field.


The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:





·       EFT

·       LOCKBOX



·       REFUND

·       CCP610_PAYMENTS


The Batch Type field displays on the Batch Control screen.



User-defined code that identifies the type of check. This is used when defining a customer's bank account to be used for echeck payments.


The eCheck Processor (OPTION_1 column in APP_CODE table) indicates the processer, either Telecheck (for PayPal) or Vantiv.


The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       Company

·       Checking (new as of 7.6.0)

·       Corporate (new as of 7.6.0)

·       Corporate Savings (new as of 7.6.0)

·       Personal

·       Savings (new as of 7.6.0)



When set to "NET", if an order has equal receipts to sales, FAR700 sums both the sales and AR amounts and creates a $0 CR, $0 DR entry. When set to "CRDR", entries are created for each sales and AR amount. This code is used in the Far_Interface_Map_Master.CR_DR_DISPLAY_CODE field.   


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       CRDR - Show Credits and Debits

·       NET - Show Net Amount


The Cr/Dr in Export File field on the GL Interface Mapping (FAR100) screen, which is used by the FAR700 GL Transfer Process.



This is not currently being used in Personify.



The receipt reversal date method used for the FAR681 - Process Vantiv Batch Response batch process.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Adjustment Batch Date

·       Current Date

·       Other Date

·       Receipt Date



This fixed code identifies the format of the file to be created or imported when the interface is being defined for the GL interface or any of the AP interfaces. Valid values are DELIMITED (comma separated values), FIXED (file is fixed length) or XML (file is an xml file). This code is used in the Far_Interface_Map_Master.FILE_FORMAT_CODE field.   


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:


·       FIXED

·       XML


The File Format field displays on the GL Interface Mapping screen.



This fixed code is used to identify the type of value that will be used for a field in the accounting interface file when the interface is being defined for the GL interface or any of the AP interfaces. This code is used in the Far_Interface_Map_Detail.FIELD_TYPE_CODE field.   


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       DBFIELD

·       FIXED

·       PARAM


The Field Type field displays on the GL Interface Mapping screen.



This fixed code identifies the type of accounting interface being defined or used when the interface is being defined for the GL interface or any of the AP interfaces. This code is used in the Far_Interface_Map_Master.INTERFACE_TYPE_CODE field.     


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       APCHECK

·       APVEN



·       GL


The Interface Type field displays on the GL Interface Mapping screen.



This fixed code identifies the type of file(s) to be used for the interface when the interface is being defined for the GL interface or any of the AP interfaces. This code is used in the Far_Interface_Map_Master.MASTER_DETAIL_FILE_CODE field.   


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       NONE

·       SINGLE

·       MULTIPLE


The Master Detail File field displays on the GL Interface Mapping screen.



This is not currently being used in Personify.



This user-defined code serves as a numeric mask for numbers in a numeric field. When the content of the source database field references a number (receipt number, voucher number, or invoice number), Personify defines the format of this field in terms of a decimal or account number. This code is used in the Far_Interface_Map_Detail.NUMERIC_FORMAT_CODE field.


The Numeric Format field displays on the GL Interface Mapping screen.



This fixed code allows an accounting interface definition to be defined with up to 5 parameters when the interface is being defined for the GL interface or any of the AP interfaces. This code is used in the Far_Interface_Map_Detail.PARAMETER_CODE field.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       PARAM1

·       PARAM2

·       PARAM3

·       PARAM4

·       PARAM5


The Parameter Value field displays on the GL Interface Mapping screen.



This fixed code identifies whether a receipt type can be used on the web, in the Personify back office, or for both. This specifies the users for whom this receipt type is available. The code is used in the Far_Receipt_Type.AVAILABILITY_CODE field.   


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       BOTH


·       WEB


The Availability field displays on the Receipt Types and Cash Accounts screen in Organizational Unit Maintenance (APP003).



This fixed code identifies whether the receipt is active or cancelled. Credit card receipts used to get a status of P (pending), before they were authorized but that is no longer used because credit cards are authorized real time. A cancelled receipt is a receipt that has been reversed or refunded. The system sets this code, not the user.


The following codes are delivered with base Personify and cannot be changed:

·       A - Active

·       C - Cancelled

·       P - Pending


The Receipt Status field displays on the Receipt Review Screen and on transaction analysis screens.



The receipt type. For example, Cash, MasterCard, Visa, or Check.


The Option 1 field is currently not being used in Personify360.



This fixed code identifies each type of record in a set of records being imported or exported when the interface is being defined for the GL interface or any of the AP interfaces. This code is used in the Far_Interface_Map_Detail.RECORD_TYPE_CODE.   


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       MASTER

·       DETAIL

·       FOOTER


The Record Type Code field displays on the GL Interface Mapping screen.



This is not currently being used in Personify.



This fixed identifies how the receipt is to be transferred. CREDIT means only transfer the amount of all receipts that are unapplied on all order lines in the order; i.e., amounts that are credits on the order. LINE means only transfer the amount of the selected receipt allocated to the selected order line. ORDER means transfer the entire amount of the selected receipt.   


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       CREDIT

·       LINE

·       ORDER


The Transfer Mode field displays on the Receipt Transfer screen.



The fixed codes defined for this system type are used on financial transaction detail records that identify the purpose or type of GL account assigned to the transaction detail. Every GL account defined to be used in Personify360 must be assigned a transaction function code.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       AGDISC - Agency Discount Account

·       AR - Account Receivable

·       ASSET - Asset Account

·       CANCEL - Cancellation Account

·       CASH - Cash Account

·       COGS - Cost of Goods Account

·       CPNDISC - Coupon Discount Account (new as of 7.6.1)

·       CURRCORR - Currency Correction Account

·       DEFAGDIS - Deferred Agency Discount Account

·       DEFCPNDS - Deferred Coupon Discount Account (new as of 7.6.1)

·       DEFDISC - Deferred Discount Account

·       DEFREV - Deferred Revenue Account

·       DEFSHIP - Deferred Shipping Account

·       DISC - Discount Account

·       DUEFROM - Due From Intercompany Account

·       DUETO - Due To Intercompany Account

·       EXPENSE - Expense Account

·       INV - Inventory Account

·       PPL - Prepaid Liability Account

·       REFUND - Accounts Payable

·       REVENUE - Revenue Account

·       SHIP - Sipping Account

·       TAX - Tax Account

·       VAT - VAT Account

·       WRITEOFF - Write-off Account

·       XFR - Transfer Account



This fixed code identifies the type of financial transaction. Personify supports 9 transaction types:

·       1 - Receipt transaction (or receipt reversal)

·       2 - Refund transaction (or refund reversal)

·       3 - Receipt transfer transaction (both transfer to and transfer from)

·       4 - Sales transaction

·       5 - Write-off transaction

·       6 - Adjustment transaction

·       7 - Deferred revenue recognition

·       8 - Memo transaction

·       9 - Deferred receipt

·       J - Journal entry


For more information, please see Accounting Transactions.



This fixed system code identifies the status of a refund.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       ACTIVE – when a voucher is created, the status is set to Active.

·       POSTED – when a voucher record is exported to the AP system by the FAR800 batch process, the FAR800 batch process sets the voucher status to Posted.

·       PRINTED – when a voucher is settled by CCP610 or updated by FAR802 batch process, the voucher status is set to Printed. A user can also set the voucher status to Printed manually.

·       REVERSED – when a voucher is reversed, the voucher status is set by the APIs to Reversed. To reverse a refund, the user cannot set the voucher status to Reversed manually; rather, the user must have access rights to the Reverse Refund button. When the Reverse Refund button is clicked, the voucher status is set to Reversed.


The Voucher Status Code field displays on the Refund Review screen.

Financial General Ledger (FGL)



This is used as a filter for account selection to enforce appropriate use of accounts as per the functionality. The following codes are delievered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Asset

·       Liability

·       Revenue

·       Expense


The Account Class field displays on the GL Accounts Maintenance screen.



The category of the GL segment. The following codes are delivered with base:

·       Company

·       Department


The GL Segment Type field displays on the Organization and GL Structure screen.

Also in this section:

·            Overview: Accounting

·            Accessing the Accounting Central Launch Screen

·            System Parameters

·            Accounting Transactions

·            Round-to-Even