Accounting Subsystem Application Parameters

The following application parameters for the FAR subsystem need to be defined. For more information on application parameters, please see Setting Up Application Parameters.

This application parameter identifies the default format for batches. Acceptable values are “YY” and “YYYY”, where “YY” creates a batch in the format YYMMDDXXXX and “YYYY” creates a batch in the format YYYYMMDDXX. If no value is specified, then the “YYYY” format is used.

This application parameter determines the number of records to be processed by the FAR610 - Aged Receivables batch process. For example, if the value is 25000, then maximum number of records that can be processed by the batch process is 25000. This parameter is used to prevent longer process time.

This parameter is similar to "Query Limit Parameter", where back office search screens would require users to enter additional search parameters to restrict the results to within certain number. In this case, if the total number of records invoiced exceeds the number defined for this parameter, then process would fail with following error message: "Parameter selection is bringing records greater than 25000 (or whatever the number). Please re-submit the job by narrowing the selection criteria".

This application parameter determines the maximum number of orders one receipt can process. For example, if you set this to 100, you will not be able to process more than 100 receipts.

See also:

·            Overview: Accounting

·            Accessing the Accounting Central Launch Screen

·            System Types and Codes

·            Accounting Transactions

·            Round-to-Even