Understanding the Layout of Personify360

The graphic below provides an overview of the Personify360 interface.

1.    Menu Bar

2.    Recent Items

3.    Ribbon Toolbar

4.    Command Line

5.    Unified Search

6.    Screen Tasks

7.    Task Category

8.    Tasks

9.    Product Research

10.  Contact Tracking Alerts

11.  New Anonymous Contact Tracking Activity

12.  RSS Feed

13.  Logged in Username

14.  Org/Org Unit

15.  Database

16.  Screen Tab

17.  Close Screen

18.  Home Page

19.  Open Batch

20.  Command Builder

21.  Persona

In this section:

·            Using the Menu Bar

·            Viewing and Accessing Recent Items

·            Personify Ribbon Toolbar

·            Opening Screens from the Command Line

·            Performing a Unified Search

·            Using the Task Bar

·            Viewing Contact Tracking Alerts

·            Reading the RSS Feed

·            Changing the Logged-In User

·            Changing the Organization-Organization Unit

·            Switching Databases

·            Viewing Open Screens

·            Closing All Screens

·            Opening a Batch

·            Printing a Screen

·            Changing Your Persona

·            Using the Personify360 Home Page

·            Workarounds for Screens not Meeting Minimum Resolution Requirements

See Also:

·            Overview: Getting Started with Personify360

·            Understanding the Layout of Personify360

·            Personify360 at a Glance

·            Common Tasks Performed in Personify360

·            Adding ASCII Codes