Workarounds for Screens not Meeting Minimum Resolution Requirements

The minimum and recommended screen resolution for the Personify360 back office application is 1200 X 800. However, if you have a screen resolution with a height of 768, there are a couple adjustments you can make the accommodate the resolution.

Please note that these workarounds are NOT recommended, but can be performed if necessary.

1.    Hide the command line.
By default, the command line is only visible to super users. However, you can hide the command line to provide additional viewing space on your screen if your screen resolution is set to a height lower than 800. Please note that this has only been verified for screen resolutions with a height of 768 and higher. For more information on hiding the command line, please see Command Line Security.

2.    Minimize or move the Windows task bar.
An additional work-around you can perform is minimizing or moving the Windows task bar. To do so, right-click the Windows task bar at the bottom of your Windows screen and select Properties. Check the Auto-hide the taskbar checkbox and/or select "Right" or "Left" from the Taskbar location on the screen drop-down. Please note that this has only been verified for screen resolutions with a height of 768 and higher.

Please note that is you only hide the command line and do not make any changes to the Windows task bar, some screens will not display the entire frame, but all screen elements should display.

See also:

·            For the minimum and recommended screen resolution requirements, please see Smart-Client Access Requirements.