Using the Ribbon Toolbar

The toolbar serves as your aid in navigating through the application. It organizes the screens by subsystem and general workflow. The options change depending on which persona you choose and the level of security implemented on the persona. For example, if your persona utilizes the Advertising subsystem, you may have Advertising tools in your toolbar like the ones displayed below. This toolbar utilizes the Microsoft Office Ribbon feature introduced in Office 2007. Clicking on a different menu heading displays the associated screen icons and headings.


By default, the Ribbon Toolbar is minimized; however, you can click the down arrow in the upper-right corner of the application to expand the ribbon and dock it under the menu bar, as highlighted below. You can also perform this action from the down arrow on the right side of the menu bar.


Screen icons are configured for each persona through the Persona Maintenance (PSM004) screen. For more information, please see Defining Personas.

See Also:

·            Overview: Understanding the Layout of Personify360

·            Using the Menu Bar

·            Viewing and Accessing Recent Items

·            Opening Screens from the Command Line

·            Performing a Unified Search

·            Using the Task Bar

·            Viewing Contact Tracking Alerts

·            Reading the RSS Feed

·            Changing the Logged-In User

·            Changing the Organization-Organization Unit

·            Switching Databases

·            Viewing Open Screens

·            Closing All Screens

·            Opening a Batch

·            Printing a Screen

·            Changing Your Persona

·            Using the Personify360 Home Page

·            Workarounds for Screens not Meeting Minimum Resolution Requirements