Working with Committees in Committee Central

Once you create a committee, you can use the various tasks and tabs to perform different committee record management functions.

You can make a committee membership visible across multiple org units by setting the CUS application parameter SHOW_COMMITTEE_CURRENT_ORGUNIT to "N". When set to "Y", only committee members that belong to the current org unit display. The system defaults this parameter to "Y". See Setting Up Application Parameters for more information.

See Also:

·            For the list of reports you can run for a committee, see Committee Reports.

·            For more information on how to create a new committee, refer to Creating a New Committee.

·            For the system types and codes you must set up for committees, refer to Committees System Types and Codes.

To view a committee in Committee Central:

1.    From the Personify360 main toolbar, select Customers and Committees > Committee Central.
The Committee Central search screen displays.

2.    Create a new committee or search for and select an existing committee.
The Committee Central screen displays, as shown below.


Using the various tabs and tasks on the Committee Central screen, you can perform the following tasks:

Because much of the functionality in Committee Central is identical to that in CRM360®, many of the links below will take you the corresponding topic in the Customers section.

Committee Members

·            Viewing Committee Members

·            Adding a New Committee Member

·            Registering Committee Members for a Meeting

·            Inactivating a Committee Member

·            Emailing the Committee

Committee Details

·            Changing a Customer Address

·            Changing a Committee's Contact Information


·            Defining the Committee Structure

·            Adding a Committee Nomination

·            Adding Committee Activities

·            Changing a Committee Name

·            Changing a Committee Address

o           Viewing the Communication History

§            Propagating the Primary Address to Orders

o           Adding an Additional Address

·            Adding Committee Demographics

·            Adding a Committee Profile

·            Defining Dues Basis

·            Adding Tax Exempt Info

·            Viewing DCD File Downloads

·            Editing Web Access

·            Editing Aliases

·            Adding Lists

·            Adding Special Interests

·            Defining Solicitation Preferences

·            Making Special Groups Visible in Committee Central


·            Displaying Hierarchical Tree View

·            Displaying Relationships by Type

·            Adding a New Relationship