Adding Committee Demographics

This screen maintains demographic information for committees and subcommittees. You can enter tax information, primary contact information, and ordering controls for the committee or subcommittee.

To add demographic information:

1.    From the Personify360 main toolbar, select Customers and Committees > Committee Central.
The Committee Central search screen displays.

2.    Create a new committee or search for and select an existing committee.

3.    From the Committees as Customers task category, click Demographics.
The Committee Information screen displays on the Demographics tab, as shown below.

4.    If necessary, change the Customer Class or Customer Status.

5.    Select the date the demographics were last changed from the Status Date.

6.    Enter the VIP Committee Priority.
This field is used to identify which committee to display in the Involvement section in CRM360® when an individual belongs to multiple committees. For example, if the individual is a member of the Board of Directors and several national and state committees, you can identify that the Board of Directors committee involvement is the highest priority, followed by national involvement, and then state. If you choose to use this field, all committees need to have a numeric assignment, with one having the highest priority (i.e., the lowest number).

7.    If necessary, check the Taxable checkbox.

8.    If the committee is tax exempt nationally, uncheck the Taxable checkbox and enter the constituent's Federal Tax ID.

9.    If necessary, enter the committee's VAT ID.

10.  From the Committee Primary Contact section, click the Primary Contact to search for and select the committee's primary contact person.
The constituent's primary address information display automatically based on the selected constituent. If necessary, click the Primary Address link to select a different address.

11.  From the Ordering Control section, check the Allow to Place Order checkbox if the committee can place an order.

12.  Click Save.

See Also:

·            For the different actions you can perform after setting up a committee, refer to Working with Committees in Committee Central.

·            For the list of reports you can run for a committee, see Committee Reports.

·            For more information on how to create a new committee, refer to Creating a New Committee.

·            For the system types and codes you must set up for committees, refer to Committees System Types and Codes.