Personify Online Store Overview

Personify provides a powerful set of controls that allow organizations to create a world class shopping experience for their constituents with features that customers have grown to expect from more sophisticated online stores. 


These include features such as:

·            Product Listing
This control shows the product listing, including search and paging. You can view all products on one page, or move forward through each page to continue to view items. When you select filters from the navigation bar, the matching product choices will display within the product listing. Each product will have a product title, price, and star rating (if it has been reviewed). Specific product lists can be configured, allowing the organization to present different types of product lists, such as organized by product type (e.g., books versus audio recordings) or by topical areas.

·            Product Preview
As part of the product listing, web users can click the magnifying glass icon to display a quick product preview, which provides additional information about the product without having to click on the product to open the product detail page.

·            Advanced Navigation
The system supports the ability to display products based on a number of categorical organizations, such as topic or product type. This is then presented to users in a faceted search interface, allowing them to see how many products specifically meet those criteria, as well as the ability to browse directly to that selection.

·            Optimized Product Detail Pages
Every product type within Personify has a corresponding product detail page that has been optimized to that type of product, providing a more user-friendly experience.  Each organization can determine what information appear on these product detail pages, to include other promotional controls. Customers can see a number of different product images.

·            Google Preview
For DCD and INV products in which an ISBN number has been defined in the back office, the Google Preview button will display on the product detail page. When the web user clicks this button, the system will pass this ISBN number to Google's book preview utility to display additional details about the electronic book.

·            Quantity-Based Discounts
If an inventoried product discount has been defined based on quantity, the quantity discount breakdown will display on the product detail page.

·            Umbrella Products
Personify supports the ability to roll up a number of similar products into one “umbrella” product. For example, some organizations maintain separate inventory for shirts of different sizes or colors, but the shopper prefers to see one entry for shirt, and then select the appropriate size and color. Personify allows the user to preview their selections and also will prevent them from selecting a combination that is not available. 

·            Product Reviews
Personify support user-created content in the form of product star ratings and reviews. Authenticated users can easily rate or review products, and the system supports the ability to flag this content for abuse, and the facility for staff to review and modify these entries.

·            Advanced Promotional Controls
Personify e-Business supports a wide range of promotional controls that can appear in your store, or elsewhere on your site, as appropriate.  These include:

o           Customers who Bought This Bought That

o           Products by a Particular Category

o           Cross-Sell Products

o           Up-Sell Products

o           Products based on your Historical Purchases

o           Products based on the Users Relationship Type

o           Products based on Taxonomy of the Page

o           Featured Products

·            Categorical Iconography
Personify supports the ability to define unique icons for certain categories of products to display in your online store for web users to quickly identify different types of products.

·            Product Availability Alerts
Based on the product setup, various product alerts will display to the web user for products that qualify, such as "Members Only" or "Meeting Full".

·            CE Credit Ribbon
If CE credits have been defined for a product, the CE credit ribbon will display on top of the product image in your online store.

·            Online Access Products
Personify supports the ability to sell online access membership products to your members. For example, if your organization provides access to a publisher's website, you can provide access to this information to your customers who purchase the online access membership.

·            Free Shipping
As of 7.5.2, Personify supports the ability to offer free shipping on back office and web/mobile orders for domestic and international customers.