Creating an Online Access Product

As of 7.5.0, Personify360 supports the ability to sell online access membership products to your members. For example, if your organization provides access to a publisher's website, you can provide access to this information to your customers who purchase the online access membership.


When the web user purchases the online access membership product, the URL defined for the product will be included in the thank you confirmation page. Additionally, the "New Web Order" notification has been updated to include a link to the URL embedded in the email.

To create an online access membership:

1.    Define the general membership setup information. The following setup steps are required for this type of membership product:

a.    From the General Setup screen in Product Maintenance, in the Parent Product field, it is recommended that you do NOT select a primary member group.

b.    From the Product Class drop-down, select "Online Access".

c.    From the Other Membership Detail section, enter the Online Access URL.

2.    Define rates and pricing.

3.    Define GL accounts.

4.    Define Revenue accounts.

5.    Define cancellation fees (optional).

6.    Setup the product to display on the web by enabling eBusiness control and, if necessary, adding a brief description, long description, and online store listing images.

7.    Validate the setup.

8.    Use IMS roles to control additional access to paid online content. The IMS role should be defined on the product, using the Product_Related_Role table.

9.    Update the New MembershipNew Membership (WEB)After New Membership, and After Membership Renewal notification events if you do not want those notifications generated for online access membership products.

To see a video demonstration, please see Video Demo: Creating an Online Access Membership Product.