Understanding Donor Types


Icon Description

Automatic System Calculation


Current giving amount is less than the Major Donor Threshold Amount.

Anonymous Donor

Current giving amount is less than the Major Donor Threshold Amount, but the Anonymous checkbox is checked on the Donor360® screen.

Major Donor

Current giving amount is greater than or equal to the Major Donor Threshold Amount.

Anonymous Major Donor

Current giving amount is greater than or equal to the Major Donor Threshold Amount, but the Anonymous checkbox is checked on the Donor360 screen.

Past Donor

Current giving amount is $0, total calculated lifetime giving amount is greater than $0, and total calculated amount is less than the Major Donor Threshold Amount.

Anonymous Past Donor

Current giving amount is $0, total calculated lifetime giving amount is greater than $0, and total calculated amount is less than the Major Donor Threshold Amount, but the Anonymous checkbox is checked on the Donor360 screen.

Past Major Donor

Current giving amount is $0, total calculated lifetime giving amount is greater than $0, and total calculated amount is greater than or equal to the Major Donor Threshold Amount.

Anonymous Past Major Donor

Current giving amount is $0, total calculated lifetime giving amount is greater than $0, and total calculated amount is greater than or equal to the Major Donor Threshold Amount, but the Anonymous checkbox is checked on the Donor360 screen.


Constituent has a record in the FND_Customer table, but has no donations in the system.

Anonymous Prospect

Constituent has a record in the FND_Customer table, but has no donations in the system, but the Anonymous checkbox is checked on the Donor360 screen.

Gives to Other Organizations

Any record exists in Order_Detail for a Fundraising order with a Line Status of “Active” for a different organization (ORD_ID) than the logged-in user.

These icons display on the CRM360® and Donor360 screens. The available values are defined in the DONOR_GIVING_CLASS fixed system type. This type is updated when the record is saved, the donor makes a contribution, or when the user runs the FND710 batch process. The system automatically determines the type of donor based on the values selected for the following fields on the Organizational Unit Maintenance > Fundraising Parameters screen:

·            Donor Class Timeframe

·            Major Donor Threshold Amount

·            Include Pledges in Donor Class Calculation

·            Include Soft Credits in Donor Class Calculation

·            Include Planned Giving in Donor Class Calculation


The Essential Information section of the Constituent Central screen also displays the Giving Status. The available values are defined in the DONOR_GIVING_STATUS fixed system type. The available values include:

·            First Time – Only one donation for this constituent within the past year

·            Renewal – At least one donation for this constituent within the past year, plus at least one donation in some previous year

·            Lybunt (Last Year But Not This Year) – No donations within the last year, but at least one donation in the previous year

·            Sybunt (Some Year But Not This Year) – No donations for the current year and no donations for the previous year, but at least one donation in any year prior to that

·            Never (Default) – No donations for the current constituent


Giving amounts are calculated by analyzing the BASE_TOTAL_AMOUNT in Order_Detail less any shipping fees or taxes for active order lines where the “Donation” checkbox is checked. This includes fundraising products and membership products where the Record Type is “Donation.”