Configuring the Back Office Settings for the Online Donation Wizard Control

The sections below detail the back office setup required in order for gifts to display properly in the online donation wizard control:

·            Gift Name

·            Gift Description

·            Gift Image

·            Donation Options

·            Tribute Information

·            Acknowledgement

·            Matching Gifts

·            Donate Now / Add to Cart

In order for the fundraising cash and/or pledge gift to display properly on the online donation control, the gift MUST be web-enabled. For more information, please see Defining a Fundraising Gift to Display on the Web.

Gift Name

The Short Gift Description defined on the General Setup screen in Gift Code Maintenance for the gift displays in the header of the donation wizard, as highlighted below. For more information, please see Defining General Fundraising Gift Information.

If BOTH a cash and pledge gift have been defined to display in the control, the CASH gift name will display in the header.

In order for the fundraising cash and/or pledge gift to display on the online donation control, the gift MUST be web-enabled. For more information, please see Defining a Fundraising Gift to Display on the Web.

Gift Description

The brief web description defined on the Brief Description screen in Gift Code Maintenance for the gift displays on the Gift Information step of the donation wizard, as highlighted below. From our research, it is a best practice to include a mailing address and instructions in this description, for donors that are not comfortable providing payment information online. For more information, please see Adding a Fundraising Gift Brief Web Description.

If BOTH a cash and pledge gift have been defined to display in the control, the CASH gift description will display.

Gift Image

The default image defined on the Gift Images screen in Gift Code Maintenance for the gift displays on the Gift Information step of the donation wizard, as highlighted below. For more information, please see Adding Fundraising Gift Images. Although gift images are not required, images tend to resonate with donors and are recommended.

If BOTH a cash and pledge gift have been defined to display in the control, the CASH gift image will display.

Donation Options

Only rate codes defined for the LIST rate structure with the Web Enabled Rate checkbox checked will display on this control. It is not expected that different suggested rates would be displayed for different users for the same gift; different price points can be set up to appeal to students, professionals, retirees, etc. within the LIST rate structure. For more information, please see Defining Fundraising Gift Amounts.

Cash Gift Only

If the control has been defined to display a CASH gift ONLY, a donation option for each rate code defined for the LIST rate structure will display, as shown below. Only rate codes defined for the LIST rate structure with the Web Enabled Rate checkbox checked will display on this control. Additionally, this control respect the Priority defined for the rate codes (for instance, to suggest amounts in ascending rather than descending order). For more information, please see Defining Fundraising Gift Amounts.


In order for the control to display ONLY a cash gift product, you must only define the Cash Gift Id parameter and leave the Pledge Gift Id parameter blank in the web settings. Alternatively, you can pass ONLY the cash gift ID in the URL. For more information, please see Configuring the Online Donation Control for Multiple Giving Opportunities.


If the Allow Price Update checkbox is checked on the General Setup screen in Gift Code Maintenance for the CASH, the "Other, please specify" option displays. It is generally a good idea to provide this option to donors. The amount that displays in this field is defined in the Minimum Donation amount parameter in the web settings.


For CASH gifts, if the Allow Recurring Gift checkbox is checked on the General Setup screen in Gift Code Maintenance for the gift, the "Make this a monthly recurring donation" option displays. Please note only monthly recurring gifts are currently supported.

If the Make this a monthly recurring donation checkbox is checked, the messages highlighted below will display on the Payment Information step, as a reminder to the donor.

Pledge Gift Only

If the control has been defined to display a PLEDGE gift ONLY, a donation option for each rate code defined for the LIST rate structure will display, as shown below. Only rate codes defined for the LIST rate structure with the Web Enabled Rate checkbox checked will display on this control. Additionally, this control respect the Priority defined for the rate codes. For more information, please see Defining Fundraising Gift Amounts.


In order for the control to display ONLY a pledge gift product, you must only define the Pledge Gift Id parameter and leave the Cash Gift Id parameter blank in the web settings. Alternatively, you can pass ONLY the pledge gift ID in the URL. For more information, please see Configuring the Online Donation Control for Multiple Giving Opportunities.


If the Allow Price Update checkbox is checked on the General Setup screen in Gift Code Maintenance for the CASH or PLEDGE gift, the "Other, please specify" option displays. The amount that displays in this field is defined in the Minimum Donation amount parameter in the web settings.


The options that display in the Frequency drop-down are populated based on the web-enabled codes defined for the FND "PAY_FREQUENCY" system type. The value that is defaulted in this drop-down is based on the Pay Frequency selected on the Rate Code Extensions screen. For more information, please see Defining Fundraising Gift Rate Code Extensions.

The Available to Web checkbox MUST be checked in order for the code to display in this drop-down on the web.

The default Number of Installments selected is based on the "Frequency" selected.

·            MONTHLY = 12

·            QUARTERLY = 4

·            SEMI_ANNUAL = 2

·            WEEKLY = 2

·            YEARLY = 1


The message that displays below the "Number of Installments" field indicates how much will be paid today, for the first installment of this pledge. For example, "Your first payment of [calculated amount] will be charged today." Where [calculated amount] = total pledge amount divided by the number of payments. This message refreshes when a different frequency or number of payments is selected.

Both Cash and Pledge Gifts

If the control has been defined to display BOTH a CASH and a PLEDGE gift, the donation options will display, as shown below. In order for the control to display BOTH a cash gift and a pledge gift, you must define the Cash Gift Id and Pledge Gift Id parameters in the web settings. Alternatively, you can pass BOTH the cash gift ID and pledge gift ID in the URL. For more information, please see Configuring the Online Donation Control for Multiple Giving Opportunities.

If BOTH a cash gift and pledge gift display on the control, this section will be titled "What type of donation would you like to make?". If ONLY a cash OR pledge gift displays on the control, this section will be titled "What would you like to donate?". Please note that the titles of this section are NOT configurable and would require a customization to change.

Tribute Information

If the web settings of the control have been defined to Collect Tributes, the "Would you like to dedicate this gift" section will display, as shown below.


The options that display in the My donation is drop-down are populated based on the web-enabled codes defined for the FND "TRIBUTE_TYPE" system type.

It is NOT recommended that you add a code in the Primary Code field because doing so will default the code into the "My donation is" field. Because a value will be selected from this drop-down by default, the "Dedicate to/for" field becomes required and the donor cannot submit the donation without entering a value in this field. Although the online donor can then change the "My donation is" field to blank and proceed, it will still interrupt their donation process.

The Available to Web checkbox MUST be checked in order for the code to display in this drop-down on the web.

The value entered in the Dedicate to/for field is saved to the IN_TRIBUTE_TO_DESCR field in the Order_Fnd_Detail table. No customer record will be created.

If a value is entered in the Dedicate to/for field, the Donation Thank You page will display an option to send a card via the Tribute Card Information control.


If the web settings of the control have been defined to Collect Acknowledge As, the "How can we acknowledge this gift?" section will display, as shown below. Please note that there is NO additional back office setup in order for this section to display properly.

If the web user checks the I would like to make this gift anonymously checkbox, the donor's name will not be included in donor listings and reports only. The donor's name and contact information entered on the Payment Information step will still be associated with the order in the database.

Matching Gifts

If the web settings of the control have been defined to Collect Employer for Matching Gift, the "Does your employer match gifts?" section will display, as shown below. Please note that there is NO additional back office setup in order for this section to display properly.

Information entered in this section will NOT automatically trigger the system to create the matching gift. It is the responsible of the back office staff to find donations in which a matching gift employer name was provided and to create the matching gift donation. Please note that information entered in this section will display in the Matching Gift Employer and Matching Gift Employee fields on the Matching Gift Info tab in Donation Entry, as highlighted below.

This information is stored in the MATCHING_GIFT_COMPANY_NAME and MATCHING_GIFT_EMPLOYEE_NAME columns in the ORDER_FND_DETAIL table.

Donate Now / Add to Cart

If the web settings of the control have been defined to Display Add to Cart Button and/or Display Donate Now Button, the corresponding buttons will display. Please note that the name of these buttons is also defined in the web settings (Add to Cart Button Caption and Donate Now Button Caption). Please note that there is NO additional back office setup in order for these buttons to display properly.


It is expected that the Donate Now option will be provided, so donors that have no other business on your site can quickly complete their gift. Add to Cart is also provided if it is likely that donors will also wish to donate to another cause, or perform another transaction such as a purchase, registration, or member join while on the site.

Payment Information

If the Display Shipping Options at Checkout checkbox is checked on the eBusiness Control screen in Gift Code Maintenance, if the web user is logged in, the web user's shipping address information will display on the Payment Information step of the wizard, as shown below.

If the donor does NOT log in and chooses to enter his/her contact information on the Payment Information step, the system will check for a 100% match based on the duplicate check rules defined on the Duplicate Customer Maintenance (CUS101) screen. If a 100% match is found, the system will create the donation for the donor found without alerting the web user. If no duplicate match is found, the system will create a customer record in the system using the address and email used on the donation with a customer class of "TRIBUTE_DONOR". Please note that since this control does not give the donor the option of selecting an email location type (e.g., HOME, WORK, etc.), the system will assign the email location code (COMM_LOCATION) that matches the selected Address Type. If no match exists, the system will assign the Primary Code defined for the COMM_LOCATION system type. If a primary code has not been defined, the system will assign "HOME".