Configuring the Online Donation Control to work with Multiple Giving Opportunities

Organizations that have more than one cash gift and pledge opportunity may want a single page that can display any donation. For example, you could set up a page in your CMS with information about a fund or campaign and include a button or link next to the description that encourages web users to ‘Donate!’. Or, an article about a particular issue might include a link where people can contribute to the cause. Or, the organization may send emails about a particular issue that include a link to this donation page. Or, an obituary may be published with a URL for donations in lieu of flowers.


However or wherever the URL is constructed, it can identify which donation product(s) to which the person intends to give. Because there is often an opportunity to pay cash up front versus schedule a pledge for the same cause, up to one cash gift and one pledge can be combined on a single page – and up to one cash gift ID and pledge gift ID can be passed in the URL to inform the donation page that opens.

Appeal codes can also be passed in the URL. If a recipient follows the URL provided on an email, in a tweet, etc. and it includes an appeal code, then that code will be captured on the resulting order record. Please note that no information about the appeal will display on the online donation control to the web users. You can view the appeal code associated with an order from the Line Item Details screen in Order Entry.

To configure the online donation control for multiple giving opportunities:

1.    Add a new page to your website.

2.    Add the DNN web control container module to the page.

3.    Add the "DonationWizMain" .NET control to the page.

4.    Configure the web settings for the donation control.

Although you are going to pass the cash and/or pledge ID in the URL, you must define the control settings with at least one cash or pledge ID via the Cash Gift Id or Pledge Gift Id parameters. The cash and/or pledge ID that you pass in the URL will overwrite the cash and/or pledge ID defined in the control settings.

5.    To create the URL to pass a different gift ID than that which is defined in the control settings:

a.    Make a note of the value defined for the Cash ProductId URL Parameter and Pledge ProductId URL Parameter parameters in the control settings.

b.    Make a note of the Gift ID of the cash and/or pledge gift that you want to pass in the URL.
Please note that as of 7.6.0, the Gift ID displays in the header on the Gift Code Maintenance screen.

c.    Create the URL.
In order for the page to open properly, the URL must use the following syntax: [Page URL]?[Cash ProductId URL Parameter]=[Cash Gift Id].

If you want to pass BOTH a cash gift ID AND a pledge gift ID, the URL string would be: [Page URL]?[Cash ProductId URL Parameter]=[Cash Gift Id]and?[Pledge Gift Id].

d.    Optionally, you can also pass an appeal code in the URL.
In order for the page to open properly, the URL must use the syntax &AppealCode=[Appeal Code] and it must immediately follow the associate cash or pledge gift ID.



·            Cash ProductId URL Parameter (defined in control settings) = CashID

·            Pledge ProductId URL Parameter (defined in control settings) = PledgeID

·            Fund Appeal Code URL Parameter (defined in control settings) = AppealCode

·            Cash Gift Id (defined in control settings) = 123

·            Pledge Gift Id (defined in control settings) = 345

·            Cash Gift ID to pass in URL (setup in Gift Code Maintenance) = 098

·            Pledge Gift ID to pass in URL (setup in Gift Code Maintenance) = 876

·            Appeal Code to pass in URL (setup on the Appeal Definition and Maintenance screen and associated with the gift in Gift Code Maintenance) = APA_APPEAL