Configuring the Web Settings for the Online Donation Control

It is up to each client to determine the appropriate location of this control, and to create the menu item that will lead web users to the page that contains this control. The section below details how to set up this control on an existing page. The instructions are intended for a web user with web admin/host privileges. In addition, this is a standalone control, which means that it has its own individual value, does not require another control in order for it to function, as well as it is not part of a specific workflow on the web. For more information, refer to the Standalone Controls section.

This control can be configured to be responsive to mobile users. After adding the responsive CSS to this page, your mobile phone user will see the control on the responsive page similar to the one shown below. For more information about using this control on a responsive page, please see Making a Page Responsive.

See Also:

·            For an overview of the online donation control, please see Donations on the Web.

·            For information on the back office set ups necessary for the online donation control, please see Configuring the Back Office Settings for the Online Donation Control.

To configure the web settings for the online donation control:

1.    Add the "DonationWizMain" control to the desired page. For more information, please see Adding a .NET Web Control to a Page.
The Control Settings for this control display, as shown below.

Text fields have a 250 character limit.

2.    Configure the necessary parameters.

3.    Click Save.



Add to Cart Button Caption

The text that displays on the Add to Cart button. This button displays at the bottom of the online donation control, if set to display.

Additional CSS Class For Control

This option allows you to add an additional layout to the skin by developing a new DOTNETNUKE style, which requires an advanced understanding of HTML and CSS.

Allow Saved Credit Cards?

Uncheck this checkbox if you do NOT want to display saved credit cards as payment options on this control.

Bill Me Later Enabled

When checked, web users can pay for a purchase at a later date. Please see the Bill-Me Later Overview for more information about the setup that must be completed in order for web users to defer payment until a later date.

Cash Gift Id

To automatically populate a specific cash gift on the online donation page, enter the cash gift ID.

You can find the cash gift ID (NOT the code) in the header of the Gift Code Maintenance screen.

If this is left blank, then the page will either not include a cash option, or will display the cash gift specified in the URL used to open the page.

The cash gift ID should have Gift Type of "CASH". Validation of this will not be performed during setup, only on page load. Therefore, it is recommended that you test your setups to ensure that the desired gift renders.

This configuration can be used in addition to or instead of the Pledge Gift Id. If only one gift type is defined, then the online donation control will only show that option. If no gift type is defined, then this information is expected to be passed to the control via a URL (using appropriate oData query syntax defined for cash gifts in the "Cash ProductId URL Parameter" configuration for this control).

Cash ProductId URL Parameter

This parameter defines how you can pass a cash gift ID in a URL. This allows you to create a URL that will open the cash gift ID included in the URL. For more information, please see Configuring the Online Donation Control for Multiple Giving Opportunities.


For example, if this parameter is set to "CashID" and I have a cash gift with an ID of "123", I can create the following URL that will overwrite the Cash Gift Id defined in the control settings and open the donation control for cash gift ID "123":

In order for the page to open properly, the URL must use the following string: [Page URL]?[Cash ProductId URL Parameter]=[Cash Gift Id].

Collect Acknowledge As

If this checkbox is checked, a section will display on the online donation control page to collect acknowledgement information from the donor, as shown below. This is an optional feature.

There is no configuration to remove the I would like to make this gift anonymously checkbox from the online donation control, but display the Donation made by field.

This section header is hard coded and requires a customization to be changed.

Collect Employer for Matching Gift

If this checkbox is checked, a section will display on the online donation control page to collect matching gifts information from the donor, as shown below. This is an optional feature.

This section header is hard coded and requires a customization to be changed.

Collect Tributes

If this checkbox is checked, a section will display on the online donation control page to collect tribute information from the donor, as shown below. This is an optional feature.

In order for this section to display and function properly, additional back office setup is required. For more information, please see Configuring the Back Office Settings for the Online Donation Control.

This section header is hard coded and requires a customization to be changed.

Display Add to Cart Button

If you want to include an ‘Add to Cart’ button on the online donation page, so the donation can be part of a larger gift or purchase, then check this checkbox. If this checkbox is NOT checked, the donor can quickly complete their donation, but must pay for this gift separate from other transactions.


The name of the 'Add to Cart' button can be configured via the Add to Cart Button Caption parameter.

This checkbox cannot be unchecked if the Display Donate Now Button checkbox is also unchecked. If so, an error message will display on save.

The Add to Cart button on the eBusiness control screen in the back office does NOT have any effect on this control. The Add to Cart option is provided as a way to promote products that are not yet available. This is not expected for donations; if a gift is web-enabled, the expectation is that it can appear online and donations can be submitted.

Display Donate Now Button

If you want to include a ‘Donate Now’ button on the online donation page, so web users can pay without the full checkout process, then check this checkbox. If this checkbox is NOT checked, the donor must add this gift to their cart before paying.

It is best practice  to provide a streamlined donation option, so this configuration is expected to be checked – and unchecking it does not change the wizard header that shows 2 steps for donations. Customization would be required to change that header.

The name of the 'Donate Now' button can be configured via the Donate Now Button Caption parameter.

This checkbox cannot be unchecked if the Display Add to Cart Button checkbox is also unchecked. If so, an error message will display on save.

Donate Now Button Caption

If you selected to Display Donate Now Button, enter a caption that will display on the button. This field accepts up to 15 characters, including spaces.

Donation Thank You Page Url

You should set the PWF parameter to a value that will take the user to the thank you page after completing the donation. If this PWF parameter does not exist or you would like to create a new one, see Setting up PWF Parameters for more information.

Error Message

The error message will display on the control for the action that was being performed at the time of the error. If left blank, the default error message, "An error occurred while performing [Insert Action]. If the problem persists, please contact the site administrator", will display. [Insert Action] will be substituted with the action the control was performing at the time of the error. If you wish to change the default error message, customize it with a PWF parameter. See Setting up PWF Parameters for more information.

Fund Appeal Code URL Parameter

This parameter defines how you can pass an appeal code in a URL. Please note that NO information about the appeal will be displayed to the web user. The appeal code will only be captured as part of the donation in the back office, so staff can analyze the effectiveness of various solicitation efforts. For more information, please see Configuring the Online Donation Control for Multiple Giving Opportunities.


For example, if this parameter is set to "AppealCode" and I have an appeal code with an ID of "APPEAL123", I can create the following URL that will pass the appeal code in the URL:

In order for the page to open properly, the URL must use the following string: [Page URL]?[Cash/Pledge ProductId URL Parameter]=[Cash/Pledge Gift Id]&[Fund Appeal Code URL Parameter]=[Appeal Code].

Image Directory

Select the PWF parameter that contains the location where gift images are stored.


For gifts that do NOT have an image defined, the system will NOT display a placeholder image. Instead, nothing displays.

Is Cvv2 (Security Code) required for existing credit cards?

Check this checkbox if a credit card security code is required for new credit cards during checkout.

This value is not stored in Personify360.

Is Cvv2 (Security Code) required for new credit cards?

Check the Cvv2 (Security Code) required for new credit cards checkbox if a credit card security code is required for existing credit cards during checkout.

This value is not stored in Personify360, so web users will have to re-enter this code for purchases even if the credit card is saved on file.

Log In Page URL

You should set the PWF parameter to a value that will take the web user to the login page's URL when he/she clicks the "Log in" link, as shown below. The page should be uncluttered, so it does not distract the donor from completing the gift. The user will be returned to the payment page upon successful login.


If this PWF parameter does not exist or you would like to create a new one, see Setting up PWF Parameters for more information.  


This configuration only applies if the Require Login checkbox is NOT checked.

It is best practice to send web users to a responsive login page so it renders appropriately for phones and small devices. This would provide a consistent experience, as the donation pages are responsive.

Minimum Donation amount

This parameter allows you to define a minimum amount required to submit the donation. The intention of this setting is to prevent your organization from spending more to process donations than has been received in gifts. If a minimum amount is defined, you should define the Validation Msg. for Minimum donation amount (see below) to notify the donor that they have not met the minimum requirement.


This amount will default in the Other, please specify field, as shown below.

Pledge Gift Id

To include a pledge option on the online donation page, enter the pledge gift ID. You can find the pledge gift ID in the header of the Gift Code Maintenance screen. If this is left blank, then the page will not include a pledge option.

The pledge gift ID should have Gift Type of "PLEDGE". Validation of this will not be performed during setup, only on page load. Therefore, it is recommended that you test your setups to ensure that the desired gift renders.

This configuration can be used in addition to or instead of the Cash Gift Id. If only one gift type is defined, then the online donation control will only show that option. If no gift type is defined, then this information is expected to be passed to the control via an oData query.

Pledge ProductId URL Parameter

This parameter defines how you can pass a pledge gift ID in a URL. This allows you to create a URL that will open the pledge gift ID included in the URL. For more information, please see Configuring the Online Donation Control for Multiple Giving Opportunities.


For example, if this parameter is set to "PledgeID" and I have a pledge gift with an ID of "123", I can create the following URL that will overwrite the Pledge Gift Id defined in the control settings and open the donation control for pledge gift ID "123":

In order for the page to open properly, the URL must use the following string: [Page URL]?[Pledge ProductId URL Parameter]=[Pledge Gift Id].

Product Detail Url Social share control

You should set the PWF parameter to a value (e.g., PRODUCTDETAILS) that will direct the user to the product details page when the user clicks on the link passed by the social share control. If this PWF Parameter does not exist or you would like to create a new one, see Setting up PWF Parameters for more information.

ProductId URL Parameter for Social share control

The default value for this parameter is "productId", but can be changed if the environment's redirection logic uses a different Query String name set it here.

Require Login?

If this checkbox is checked, donors will be required to login prior to opening the online donation control page. It is best practice to NOT require login for fundraising gifts, as that can discourage potential donors. However, some donations may require login (e.g., PAC donations). Also, some organizations may wish to require the standard login process (which can include 'Forgot Password’ and ‘Register’) to minimize the number of duplicates that need to be reviewed.

Return From Login Page Query String Parameter

You should set the PWF parameter to a value that will take the web user back to the online donation page after the web user logs into your site. If this PWF parameter does not exist or you would like to create a new one, see Setting up PWF Parameters for more information.

If the web user logs in and is taken back to the online donation page, he/she will be taken to the Gift Information step. Because this is a wizard control, there is no way to take the user directly back to the Payment Information step.

Shopping Cart Redirect Page URL

You should set the PWF parameter to a value that will take the user to the URL that will display the product(s) in his/her cart when the web user clicks the "click here" link, as shown below. If this PWF parameter does not exist or you would like to create a new one, see Setting up PWF Parameters for more information.

Show Share Facebook Link

Check this checkbox to show the Facebook icon. Users can click on this icon and share the online donation with their Facebook friends. When the user clicks this icon, he or she will be required to log in to Facebook with his/her credentials.

Show Share LinkedIn Link

Check this checkbox to show the LinkedIn icon. Users can click this icon and share the online donation with their LinkedIn connections. When the user clicks this icon, he/she will be required to log in to LinkedIn with his/her credentials.

Show Share MailTo Link

Check this checkbox to show the envelope icon. Users can click on this icon and mail the online donation to whomever they want. This will open a blank email in the user’s default email system.

Show Share Pinterest Link

Check this checkbox to show the Pinterest icon. Users can click on this icon to pin the online donation to one of their Pinterest boards. When the user clicks this icon, he/she will be required to log in to Pinterest with his/her credentials. Please note that in order for images to display on Pinterest, you must host your product images on a public IP. If not, do not check this checkbox.

Show Share Twitter Link

Check this checkbox to show the Twitter icon. Users can click on this icon and Tweet the online donation and share it with their Twitter followers. When the user clicks this icon, he/she will be required to log in to Twitter with his/her credentials. Please note that in order for the URL to display on Twitter, your website must be hosted on a public IP with a valid internet domain. If not, do not check this checkbox.  

Validation Msg. for Minimum donation amount

If a minimum amount is defined, you should define a message to notify the donor that they have not met the minimum requirement.