The Online Member Directory Setup screen (MBR200_ONLINE_DIRECTORY_SETUP) allows membership managers and IT staff to configure online directories per org/org unit. In addition to identifying the stored procedure that provides searchable data, organizations have the option of setting up advanced search options.
that store latitude and longitude data per customer address can provide
an advanced search by distance in their directory. You must integrate
with Spectrum's
geocoding feature in order for this to work. International searching is
not currently supported.
The online directory control can be used for any type of online directory that the organization needs. However, in base 7.6.0, it has only been implemented for the Membership Manager and System Administrator personas, because most organizations will use the online directory for member directories. If your organization wishes to use the online directory control for other directories other than a member directory, you must add a menu item to the appropriate persona to open the Online Member Directory Setup screen (MBR200_ONLINE_DIRECTORY_SETUP).
modifying the base directory, you should conduct basic performance tests.
To setup a member directory:
1. Using the Membership
Manager persona, from the Personify360 main toolbar, select Membership
/ Product Set-up > System Admin > Online Directory Setup.
The Online Directory Setup search screen displays.
2. Search for an existing
directory or click Create to create
a new directory.
The Online Directory Setup screen displays. For detailed information about
each of the fields on this screen, please see the table below.
3. Enter the Directory Code.
4. Enter the Directory Title.
5. If necessary, enter the Directory Description.
6. Click the Search and Results SP link and select the appropriate stored procedure.
7. If you are implementing a detail page, click the Detail Page SP link and select the appropriate stored procedure.
8. If necessary, check the following checkboxes:
· Include Location Search
· Automatically Display Results
· Encrypt Query String
· Include Search Options
9. If necessary, click Sync Schemas to synchronize any changes made within the stored procedure since the directory’s initial setup with the directory setup tables.
10. If necessary, click Publish to Web to automatically create an entry in the Web_PWF_Parameter table where all the lookup type control settings are stored, so it can be selected when configuring the control on the website.
11. From the Directory Settings tab, perform the following:
a. If necessary, enter the 'Free Text' Ghost Text.
b. If necessary, enter a No 'Free Text' Results Message.
c. Enter the Go Button Text.
d. Enter the Max Results per Search number.
e. To enable data harvesting prevention options, check the Limit Access checkbox.
f. If necessary, enter the Access Limit Window.
g. If necessary, enter the Access Limit Count.
h. If necessary, enter the Access Denied Error Message.
12. To define which fields will appear in the advanced filter list (if any), please see Defining Online Member Directory Advanced Search Options.
13. To define which field will appear in the results list, please see Defining Online Directory Search Results.
14. To define which sections and fields will appear on the detail page (if applicable), please see Defining Online Member Directory Detail Page Information.
15. Click Save.
Screen Element |
Description |
Directory Code |
Text box. This code identifies the directory setup and must be unique within an ORG_ID, ORG_UNIT_ID
This text is stored in the DIRECTORY_CODE field in the MBR_DIR_SETUP table. |
Directory Title |
Text box. This is the short name for the directory. This title displays on the Member Directory control on the web, as shown below.
This title is stored in the DIRECTORY_TITLE field in the MBR_DIR_SETUP table. |
Directory Description |
Text box. This optional text describes the purpose and/or breadth of the directory. This description displays on the Member Directory control on the web, as shown below.
This description is stored in the DIRECTORY_DESCRIPTION column in the MBR_DIR_SETUP table. |
Search and Results SP |
Link. The stored procedure selected provides the fields for pre-filtering, user searches, and the list of directory results. A different stored procedure can be established for each directory, if the filters and results are different.
Setting the search SP and saving the record will populate the Search and Results tabs. All the input parameters from the Search SP will be populated in the Search tab. The Results tab will be populated with the Result Schema that the Search SP will return.
The base delivery includes the following stored procedure: · usp_MEMBERDIRECTORY_SEARCH_NATIONAL · usp_MEMBERDIRECTROY_SEARCH_CHAPTER · usp_MEMBERDIRECTORY_SEARCH_TRADE
The name of this stored procedure is stored in the SEARCH_SP_NAME column in the MBR_DIR_SETUP table. |
Detail Page SP |
Link. The stored procedure selected provides the tables and fields that are used to build the detail page for any directory record. This can include fields from any customer-related table and can indicate if a section should be suppressed if no data is available. Please note that this field is required if you plan to setup a detail page using the Member Directory Detail control.
Setting the detail SP and saving the record will populate the Detail Page tab. All the tables and columns defined in the schema section of the detail SP will display on the tab. From the Detail Page tab, users will be able to control what to show on the detail page of the member directory.
The name of this stored procedure is stored in the DETAIL_SP_NAME column in the MBR_DIR_SETUP table. |
Include Location Search |
Checkbox. If this checkbox is checked, an advanced filer will be provided for location search, as shown below. If checked, each search result will include the distance from the designated location. This option includes a "My Current Location" option, which leverages either GPS (if enabled/available on the mobile device) or IP address. By default, this checkbox is unchecked.
A value of "Y" (if checked) or "N" (if unchecked) is stored in the LOCATION_SEARCH_FLAG field in the MBR_DIR_SETUP table. |
Automatically Display Results |
Checkbox. If this checkbox is checked, the directory will load on open, rather than requiring the user to first provide a search term or condition. By default, this checkbox is unchecked.
A value of "Y" (if checked) or "N" (if unchecked) is stored in the AUTO_SEARCH_FLAG column in the MBR_DIR_SETUP table. |
Encrypt Query String |
Checkbox. Check this checkbox if you want the system to encrypt the query string elements of the URL when navigating to the Member Directory Detail page for a selected constituent from the Member Directory search results page.
If this checkbox is checked, when the user navigates to the detail page from the search results, the fields that are marked as "Include in Query String" from the Results tab will be encrypted.
For example, if checked:
For example, if unchecked:
A value of "Y" (if checked) or "N" (if unchecked) is stored in the ENCRYPT_QUERY_STRING__FLAG column in the MBR_DIR_SETUP table. |
Include Search Options |
Checkbox. This field will be checked and disabled until the Automatically Display Results checkbox is checked. If the Automatically Display Results checkbox is checked, you can uncheck this checkbox to hide the search options. By default, this checkbox is checked. |
Sync Schemas |
Button. Click this button to synchronize any changes made within the stored procedure since the directory’s initial setup with the directory setup tables. |
Publish to Web |
Button. Click this button to automatically create a PWF parameter to be selected when configuring the Member Directory and Member Directory Detail controls on the web. This parameter creates the link between the back office setup of the directory and the controls on the web.
When clicked, the system will create a PWF Parameter record with the following data: · Parameter Name = Mbr_Dir_Setup.DIRECTORY_CODE · Parameter Value = Mbr_Dir_Setup. MBR_DIR_SETUP_ID · Parameter Description = Mbr_Dir_Setup.DIRECTORY_TITLE
After a record for the directory is created in the Web_PWF_Parameter table, the caption of the button can change to “Unpublish From Web”. Clicking the button will delete the record from the Web_Pwf_Parameter table. |
Directory Settings |
‘Free Text’ Ghost Text |
Text box. This is the help text that will display within the free text search field to help online users understand the breadth of data available. As the user types one or more character, the ghost text will be replaced by whatever he/she types. On enter, the search is initiated (just as if the user clicked on the ‘Go’ button, which is provided for phone users and those with screen readers). After a search is conducted, and before a user conducts another or refreshes the page, their search term will remain visible in the free text field. If the user clears their search criteria, so no characters remain in that field, then the ghost text returns.
Please note that although this field is NOT required, it is recommended. This text displays on the Member Directory control on the web, as shown below.
This text is stored in the GHOST_TEXT field in the MBR_DIR_SETUP table.
The free text search is similar to that provided in Personify360 Mobile and Personify360 Outlook Plug-In. This feature is considered a usability best practice, so there is no configuration to turn it off.
No ‘Free Text’ Results Message |
Text box. This validation message will display if no results were found for a free text search, so users understand which fields were compared, as shown below. Although it is rare for a search to yield no results, users expect to get some sort of feedback. A maximum of 250 characters can be used for this message.
This text is stored in the NO_RESULTS_MESSAGE_TEXT column in the MBR_DIR_SETUP table. |
Go Button Text |
Text box. This is the label that will be displayed on the “Go” button. This button displays on the Member Directory control on the web, as shown below.
This text is stored in the GOBUTTON_TEXT field in the MBR_DIR_SETUP table. |
Max Results per Search |
Text box. The value entered here indicates how many records can be returned in any given search. By default, this value is set to 300. Please note that the number of results that display per page is defined in the control settings of the Member Directory control.
This value is stored in the MAX_RESULTS_PER_SEARCH column in the MBR_DIR_SETUP table and the maximum value for this field is 9999999999. |
Limit Access |
Checkbox. A common concern for organizations that have a directory that can be accessed by the general public is data harvesting. While it is critical that the directory search results include contact data, competitors, marketers, spammers, and others that are interested in obtaining large amounts of contact data will try to use directories for this purpose. That results in a negative experience for the members in the directory and/or the organization.
Therefore, you can check this checkbox if you want to enable data harvesting prevention options. If checked, the fields in the Data Harvesting section become enabled.
A value of "Y" (if checked) or "N" (if unchecked) is stored in the LIMIT_ACCESS_FLAG column in the MBR_DIR_SETUP table. |
Access Limit Window |
Text box. If the Limit Access checkbox is checked, this field becomes enabled and is required. This value defines the window of time in minutes that the search limit count applies. If set to ‘0’, there is no limit.
This value is stored in the ACCESS_LIMIT_WINDOW column in the MBR_DIR_SETUP table. |
Access Limit Count |
Text box. If the Limit Access checkbox is checked, this field becomes enabled and is required. This value defines the number of searches that can be conducted (per IP address) within the defined Access Limit Window. If set to ‘0’, there is no limit.
This value is stored in the ACCESS_LIMIT_COUNT column in the MBR_DIR_SETUP table. |
Access Denied Error Message |
Text box. This message will display at the bottom of the Member Directory search page when the defined Access Limit Count has been met within the Access Limit Window defined, as shown below.
This value is stored in the ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR_MESSAGE column in the MBR_DIR_SETUP table. |