Defining Online Member Directory Detail Page Information

The Member Directory Detail control displays data about a selected record from the online member directory search results.

Due to data harvesting concerns, Personify recommends that you do NOT display contact information in the search results. If you want to display contact information, force your web users to drill into the detail page to see that information. Additionally, you may want to consider implementing techniques that mask, hide, or obscure contact information on the detail page (e.g., provide a "contact" action that leverages a member's email address without displaying it outright). Please note that something like this would require a minor change in the stored procedure.

To define detail page information:

1.    Using the Membership Manager persona, from the Personify360 main toolbar, select Membership / Product Set-up > System Admin > Online Directory Setup.
The Online Directory Setup search screen displays.

2.    Search for and open the appropriate directory. If you have not already created a directory, please see Setting Up an Online Member Directory.
The Online Directory screen displays. For more information on the fields in the Online Directory Configuration section, please see Setting Up an Online Member Directory.

3.    Select the Detail Page tab.

4.    From the Data Returned by Detail Page SP list, select a table name, as shown below, and perform the following:

By default, the FIRST table in the stored procedure will ALWAYS contain the ONLY fields that can display in the header on the detail page. If you are NOT using the stored procedure provided by base, please ensure that the first table in your stored procedure contains the fields that you want to display in the header. Whether or not the field displays in the header is based on the Display in Results checkbox.

a.    Enter the Section Caption.

b.    Select the Display Type from the drop-down.

5.    From the Data Returned by Detail Page SP list, select a field name, as shown below, and perform the following:

a.    Enter the Field Caption.

b.    If necessary, check the Display in Results checkbox.

6.    Click Save.

Screen Element


Data Returned by Detail Page SP

Grid. Displays the tables and fields in the stored procedure selected from the Detail Page SP.

Details (for tables)

Appears In Page Header

Read-only. This checkbox indicates that this information displays in the header of the detail page and is only applicable for fields (not tables).

Table Name

Read-only. The name of the table returned by the stored procedure.

Section Caption

Text box. This caption allows you to define a label for the fields that display in the section of the selected table. For example, if you select the ADDRESS table, any fields that are defined to "Display in Results" will be grouped together under the section caption defined here, as shown below.

This field will be disabled for the first table and associated fields in the Data Returned by Detail Page SP list, as this table is reserved for the header, which does not need a caption.

Display Type

Drop-down. Indicates if the data in this table is 1:1 or 1:many. "Business Card" will be selected for 1:1 data. "Grid (allow multiples)" will be selected for 1:many data.

Select "Grid" if the underlying table is returning multiple rows; select "Business Card" if the table is returning one row per customer.

If "Grid" is selected, fields will display in columns, as shown below.


If "Business Card" is selected, fields will display in a list, as shown below.

If you are only displaying one column of data (e.g., contact information) and "Grid" is selected as the display type, horizontal lines will display below each piece of data when viewing the page on a mobile device, as shown below. Therefore, if you do NOT want these lines to display, it is recommended that you set the display type to "Business Card".

Details (for fields)

Appears In Page Header

Read-only. This checkbox indicates that this information displays in the header of the detail page. This checkbox will only be checked for fields in the FIRST table returned by the Data Returned by Detail Page SP, as this table is reserved for the header. If you do NOT want a particular field to display in the header, uncheck the Display in Results checkbox.

Table Name

Read-only. The name of the table in which the selected field is located.

Section Caption

Read-only. The caption defined for the table in which the selected field is located.

Display Type

Read-only. The display type for the table in which the selected field is located.

Field Name

Read-only. The name of the selected field returned by the stored procedure.

Field Caption

Text box. This caption allows you to define a label to display for the selected field, as shown below.


This is optional and can be used for fields that are not self-explanatory. For example, you may not want to add a Field Caption of "Address" for an address field, because address data is self-explanatory. However, you may want to add a Field Caption of "Birthday" for a birthdate field, since a date field with no label might be confusing.

This field is not applicable for the fields in the first table in the Data Returned by Detail Page SP list, as this table is reserved for the header, which does not need a caption.

Display in Results

Checkbox. Check this checkbox if the selected field should display on the detail page.

If you select to include address information (e.g., the FORMATTED_ADDRESS field in the ADDRESS table as referenced in the base Detail page stored procedure), the city, state, and country for the CUS_ADDRESS_DETAIL record with a PRIORITY_SEQ value of 0 (i.e., the primary address) will display in the header and the city and state will display in the details.