Marketing System Types and Codes

From the Marketing Launch screen, if you click Define Marketing System Types and Codes, the Types and Codes Maintenance (APP005) screen opens with the Subsystem search parameter defaulted to “MKT” and the Marketing System Types and Codes listed.


The following table lists the marketing-related types and codes. The non-fixed types must be defined before using the Marketing subsystem in Personify360.






The name of the fundraising campaign associated with the marketing promotion. For example, Fund Campaign, General Campaign, or Member Campaign.


The Campaign field displays on the Market Code Maintenance screen.



This is currently not being used in the system.



This is currently not being used in the system.



This is currently not being used in the system.



This is currently not being used in the system.



This is currently not being used in the system.



This is currently not being used in the system.



This identifies how the marketing list will be created. The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Customer ID Upload

·       Data Analyzer Query

·       List Customer Definition

·       Prospect List Import

·       List Server

·       Merged Lists

·       Opt In Interest Areas


The Creation Method field displays on the List Maintenance (MKT002) screen.



This is used on the List Mapping (MKT001) screen. Codes are mapped to fields in the Customer table that can be used as an additional check to identify potential duplicates when a list is imported. EMAIL_ADDRESS is a field that is often selected as a field to use as an additional duplicate check.



As of 7.4.2, this is used in Mkt_List_Detail table to identify the type of customer on a list.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       C - Company

·       I - Individual

·       H - Household

·       S - Subgroup

·       T - Committee



Optional, user-defined code that allows a user to define a department for a list or a list communication. For organizations that have hundreds of marketing lists, it is helpful to associate department codes to help with filtering search results.


The Department field displays on the List Maintenance and Market Code Maintenance screens.



This is currently not being used in the system.



This type code is used on Marketing Email Message Maintenance (MKT007) screen that identifies how email messages are to be rendered in emails sent to customers or prospects on marketing lists. Valid values are HTML or TXT. RTF is not being used in the system.



This is currently not being used in the system.



As of 7.4.2, this is a fixed type code used on the MKT006 List Communication screen to identify customers who should be excluded from the list. Once the user selects whether to exclude customers based on a previous donation or order, the user identifies whether the donation or order should be identified based on a PRODUCT, CAMPAIGN, FUND or APPEAL, which are the valid codes.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       APPEAL

·       CAMPAIGN

·       FUND

·       PRODUCT


These codes display in the For drop-down on the Constituents Excluded from List screen.



As of 7.4.2, this is a fixed type code used on the MKT006 List Communication screen to identify customers who should be excluded from the list. With this code, the user identifies whether customers will be excluded from the list based on a previous donation or a previous order. If the user selects DONATION, the bill-to customer on donation orders is excluded from the list. If the user selects ORDER, the order line ship-to customer is excluded from the list.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       DONATION

·       ORDER


These codes display in the Has drop-down on the Constituents Excluded from List screen.



As of 7.4.2, this fixed code used for marketing lists identifies the timeframe over which customers are to be excluded from inclusion on the marketing list based on the other exclusion conditions. For example, if I want to exclude customers who have made fundraising donation, if I selected “Calendar Year” as the exclusion timeframe, it would mean exclude customers who have made fundraising donations in this calendar year.  


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       CURRENT_CY - Current Calendar Year

·       CURRENT_FY - Current Fiscal Year

·       LAST_6_MONTHS - Last 6 months

·       LAST_12_MONTHS - Last 12 months


These codes display in the Within drop-down on the Constituents Excluded from List screen.



This is currently not being used in the system.



As of 7.4.2, this is not being used in the system.



As of 7.4.2, this is not being used in the system.



As of 7.4.2, if an organization is using householding (i.e., "Use Householding" application parameter = Y), this fixed type code identifies whether the marketing list should include households only or whether the list should include only households and individuals.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       HO - Household Only

·       HI - Household and Individuals


The Select If/How Households Should Appear in the List field displays on the List Maintenance screen.



As of 7.4.2, the following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       HO - Household Only

·       HI - Household and Individuals

·       IO - Individuals Only



This is currently not being used in the system.



This is currently not being used in the system.



This identifies if the list is going to be used by a vendor. In 7.4.2, four additional codes were implemented to support Personify360's marketing partners:   

·       HL (Higher Logic)

·       HR (High Road)

·       INF (Informz)

·       RM (Real Magnet)

·       Personify

·       Lyris


The Destination Vendor field displays on the List Communication Information screen.



This type code used on the MKT001 List Mapping screen that identifies whether the list to be imported contains companies only (C), individuals only or both companies and individuals (B).  


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Both Individual and Companies

·       Companies

·       Individuals


The Load Records for field displays on the External Prospect List Mapping screen.



This user-defined code used on the MKT001 List Mapping screen identifies the source of the "List Prospect Import" list that will be created by importing customer records purchased from a third-party vendor. For example, if the list comes from your database, Galaxy, or if the list was purchased.


The List Source field displays on the External Prospect List Mapping screen and the Marketing and Communication List Maintenance screen.



User-defined code that further defines a list. For example, Annual Conference or Membership.


The List Subject field displays on the Marketing and Communication List Maintenance screen.



This optional, user-defined code used on the List Maintenance (MKT002) screen and the List Communication (MKT006) screen that allows a user to define a department for a list or a list communication. For organizations that have hundreds of marketing lists, it is helpful to associate department codes to help with filtering search results. For example, Template Broadcast.


The Lyris Template field displays on the Marketing and Communication List Maintenance screen.



This type code used on the List Mapping (MKT001) screen. If a value in a list that is being uploaded needs to be transformed to another value, a function is used. This code identifies whether the function will use a specific value or will use a range. For example, if the value in the field is "1" then transform to "LOW", if the value = "2" then transform to "HIGH". This is an example of a function that is VALUE type of function.  An example of a function that is RANGE type of function is this:  if the value is from 90-100 transform to "A", if value is from 80-89 transform to "B", if value is from 70-79 transform to "C", if value is from 65-69 transform to "D" and if value is from 0-64 transform to "F".


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Range

·       Value


The Function Type field displays on the Mapping Function Maintenance screen.



This type code used on the Marketing and Communication List Maintenance (MKT002) screen when a criteria is being defined for a list that includes including or excluding customers from the list based on whether the customer is on a selected OPT_IN list. To have customers excluded from the list if they are on the selected opt-in list, use the code EXCLUDE. To have customers included on the list if they are on the selected opt-in list, use the code INCLUDE.  


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Include

·       Exclude



This is currently not being used in the system.



Allows the user to link a market code to an organization's promotion code. For example, Brochure, Fundraising, General, Letter, Mailing, Meeting, Membership, or the Web. The Promotion field displays on the Market Code Maintenance screen.



Codes are mapped to fields in the Mkt_Prospect table that can be used as an additional check to identify potential duplicates when a list is imported. EMAIL is a field that is often selected as a field to use as an additional duplicate check.



This is currently not being used in the system.



The Option 1 field is a numeric value that represents the number of years. This is used by MKT006 in creating marketing lists to include/exclude customers who have purchased the selected product or specified product within the period of time represented by the code (e.g., 1 year, 2 year, etc.).


Option 2 identifies unit of time associated with the code.



This type code used on the List Maintenance (MKT002) screen identifies how frequently the MKT600 List Regeneration batch process should regenerate the customers on the marketing list.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       ALWAYS

·       DAILY

·       MONTHLY

·       NONE

·       WEEKLY

·       YEARLY

If you select a regeneration frequency of ALWAYS, any time MKT600 is run in the future, it will also regenerate any marketing list with a regeneration frequency of ALWAYS.

The Regeneration Frequency field displays on the Marketing and Communication List Maintenance screen.



This is currently not being used in the system.



This is currently not being used in the system.



Identifies whether the communication should be sent using the customer's preferred communication method (PREFERRED) or the communication method prioritized by the staff person (PRIORITY).  If the customer doesn't have a PREFERRED communication method, the communication will be generated using the communication methods defined by the staff person, in the priority order defined.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Priority

·       Preferred


The Send Using Customer's Preferred or User's Priority Mode field displays on the List Communication Information screen.



This is currently not being used in the system.



This is currently not being used in the system.



This is currently not being used in the system.



Identifies whether the marketing has restricted usage. Because organizations own the rights to all customers in their database, list usage is typically UNLIMITED whereas a purchased LIST_IMPORT list is usually LIMITED. A merged list that contains both LIST_IMPORT lists and one or more other types of lists created from the organization's own Customer records would have a usage limit of MIXED.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       General

·       Limited Usage

·       Mixed Usage

·       Unlimited Usage


The Usage Limit field displays on the List Usage Rules screen.

See Also:

·            Marketing Overview

·            Accessing the Marketing Launch Screen

·            Accessing the Communication Launch Screen