MKT600 – Regeneration of List Process

This batch process calls MKT510 and updates existing lists rather than creating a new list. MKT600 refreshes the list only if the list was created successfully by MKT510. If MKT510 did not create the list because no records were returned, the list will not be refreshed by MKT600.


The Regeneration Frequency parameter determines which List Codes you want regenerated. The batch process regenerates all lists where this parameter matches the Regener’n Freq code assigned to the List Code on the List Maintenance (MKT002) screen.  This value is required.


If you want the MKT600 batch process to only regenerate one list, you can include an additional value in the batch process’ List Code parameter for the specific List Code you want generated. If you enter a List Code in this parameter, the Regener’n Freq code of the entered List Code must also match up with the value you enter in the Regeneration Frequency.


This batch process can be performed on a daily, monthly, or periodic basis based as needed. Personify recommends scheduling this batch process to run at the same frequency as the Regener’n Freq code. To do so, enter the parameters for your MKT600 batch job, and select “Schedule This Request” from the TRS Tasks taskbar on the left. From here you can enter the desired frequency and save the job schedule.






The Organization ID for which you want to run the report.


Organization Unit

The Organization Unit ID for which you want to run the report.


Regeneration Frequency

Determines how often the List should be regenerated. The batch process will regenerate all lists where this parameter matches the frequency code assigned to the list.

When creating a marketing list, If you select a regeneration frequency of ALWAYS, any time MKT600 is run, it will also regenerate any marketing list with a regeneration frequency of ALWAYS.


List Code

List Code is a uniquely assigned number for each time the list is used.


Sample Report