Accessing the Marketing Launch Screen

There are two interactive launch screens for the Marketing and Communications subsystem that display the process flows for Marketing and Communications.


The Marketing Launch screen can be accessed by selecting Marketing & Communication > Marketing Launch from the toolbar.


The Marketing Launch diagram is interactive. If you click the icons, the appropriate screens display. Instructions on using the Marketing-specific screens are located in this section, such as:

Marketing Lists

·            Define Marketing List

·            Map List to Personify360

·            Manage List Details

·            Define Email Message Template

·            Generate Communication to List Members

Market and Campaign Codes

·            Define Market Codes

·            Marketing Analysis

Prospects and Constituents

·            Manage Prospects

·            Manage Constituents

·            Manage Households


·            Define Marketing System Types and Codes

·            Define Standard Letter Templates

See Also:

·            Marketing Overview

·            Accessing the Communication Launch Screen

·            System Types and Codes