Add Mapping Function Information to a List Mapping Template

Once you have created a new list mapping template, the Mapping tab defines how data will be mapped into the Personify360 tables. In general, the mapping process transfers a set of objects or data from one location to another. In this case, from the source file to the MKT_Prospect table. The mapping involves the transfer of the field sequence in a source file to a specific column in the Prospect table. You can also map a specific source field value to another specific value.


Mapping functions include two types:

·            Range – allows you to translate a value (e.g., revenue) into a coded field that represents ranges of values. For example, if the source file quotes revenue in dollars, then you can map this to a coded field that represents a range of revenue.

·            Value – allows a mapping of a specific value into another specific value. For example, the source data file may use the code “H” for home address type whereas the system uses “HOME.”


The value mapping provides the following options:

·            For delimited source files, you can map the field sequence in the source file to a specific column in the Marketing Prospect database table.

·            For a fixed length record format, you can map the start and end position in the source record to a specific column in the Prospect table.

·            For a specific source field value, you can map this value to another specific value.

·            For any column in the Prospect table, you map it to a fixed value.

The mapping should have a name field (e.g., First Name, Last Name, Company Name, etc.), address 1 (if this field is not included in your mapping file, assign a Field Order of "0" and a Fixed Value of "[space]", address status code (if this field is not included in your mapping file, assign a Field Order of "0" and a Fixed Value of "BAD"), address type code (if this field is not included in your mapping file, assign a Field Order of "0" and a Fixed Value of "BLANK") at minimum to create the mapping and the same values should exist in the upload list.

To add mapping information:

1.    From the External Prospect List Mapping screen, on the Mapping tab (shown below), click Add.
Alternatively, click Populate Table to automatically add all Target Names to the grid. Then, you can click Delete to remove the records that do not apply to your mapping.

2.    Click in the Target Name cell and select the target name.
The Data Type displays automatically.

3.    Enter the Field Order in the table cell.

Enter a Field Order of "0" if the field does not exist in the mapping file but you want it to be included.

4.    Enter the Fixed Value in the table cell.

5.    Click in the Mapping Function cell and search for the appropriate mapping function.
If no Mapping Functions exist, you need to create one by completing the following:

a.    From the Mapping tab, click Mapping Function.
The Mapping Function Maintenance search screen displays, as shown below.

b.    Click Create New List Map.
The Mapping Function Maintenance screen displays, as shown below.

c.    Enter the Map Function ID.

d.    Enter the Map Function code in the first text box and the long name in the second text box.

e.    Select the Function Type from the drop-down.
The table options differ depending on the Function Type selected here.

f.      If necessary, uncheck the Active checkbox.

g.    Select the Subsystem and Type of codes that will be mapped.

h.    Click Add.

i.      If you selected “Range” for the Function Type, then enter values in the Source Low Value and Source High Value table cells.

j.      If you selected “Value” for the Function Type, then enter the specific value in the Source Data Value table cell.

k.    Click the button in the Mapped to this Value table cell and select the appropriate value.

l.      Click Save.

m.  Navigate back to the External Prospect List Mapping.
The Mapping Function you just created appears in the Mapping Function chooser.

6.    Select the Mapping Function from the chooser.

7.    Repeat steps 1-6 for any additional mapping functions.

8.    Click Save.

Screen Element


Mapping Tab


Button. When clicked, a row is added to the table.


Button. When clicked, the highlighted row is deleted from the table.

Populate Table

Button. When clicked, the table populates with marketing prospect columns and other related information.

Mapping Function

Button. When clicked, the Mapping Function Maintenance screen displays. See Add the Mapping Function Information for more information.

Target Name

Table cell. The following are the minimum columns that must be included in the mapping detail definition:

·       First Name, Last Name, Middle Name, or Company Name

·       Address 1 - if this field is not included in your mapping file, assign a Field Order of "0" and a Fixed Value of "[space]".

·       Address Type Code - if this field is not included in your mapping file, assign a Field Order of "0" and a Fixed Value of "BLANK".

·       Address Status Code - if this field is not included in your mapping file, assign a Field Order of "0" and a Fixed Value of "BAD".

Data Type

Table cell. This populates based on the Target Name selected and cannot be changed here.

Field Order

Table cell. The order in which the target will display in relation to the other targets.

Fixed Value

Table cell. The optional fixed value for the target. If the field must be fixed, then enter the value here.

Mapping Function

Table cell. When clicked, the Generic Chooser displays where you can search for an existing marketing mapping function. If the mapping function does not display in the chooser, then you can add a mapping function using the Mapping Function Maintenance screen. See Add the Mapping Function Information for more information.

Mapping Function Maintenance screen

Map Function ID

Text box. Mapping Function ID is user-defined and can be reused across multiple lists. Enter the Map Function code in the first text box and the long name in the second text box. Mapping helps determine what should be done with a specific field in the source file when it is mapped to target column.


Checkbox. When checked, indicates this mapping function is active.

Function Type

Drop-down. This controls the behavior of the mapping function. The table options differ depending on the Function Type selected. Mapping functions include two types:

·       Range – allows you to translate a value (e.g., revenue) into a coded field that represents ranges of values.

·       Value – allows a mapping of a specific value into another specific value. For example, the source data file may use the code “H” for home address type whereas the system uses “HOME.”


Values in the drop-down are populated based on the fixed codes defined for the MKT "MAP_FUNCTION_TYPE" system type.


Drop-down. The subsystem of the code being mapped.


Drop-down. The code type defined under the subsystem for a mapping function.


Button. When clicked, a row is added to the table.


Button. When clicked, the highlighted row is deleted from the table.

Source Low Value

Table cell. Only displays when “Range” is selected as the Function Type. The data value in the source data file is evaluated against this low value and a code is substituted.

Source High Value

Table cell. Only displays when “Range” is selected as the Function Type. The data value in the source data file is evaluated against this high value and a code is substituted.

Source Data Value

Table cell. The specific source value.

Mapped to this Value

Table cell. When clicked, the Generic Chooser displays. Search for the appropriate field value to which the source should be linked.

See Also:

·            Creating a New List Mapping Template

·            Adding Special Notes about a List Mapping Template