Viewing Market Code Analysis

The Marketing Analysis screen enables ad-hoc analysis of the results from one or more marketing lists. The marketing analysis concerns itself with the end result without considering how the system arrived at the result.


Rather than trying to generate the results for analysis by looking at the various order tables, the system stores the results in a separate database table so that the database table can be populated with information from order and non-order systems, particularly from the contact tracking subsystem. The system determines the number of responses returned from a given list and potentially the dollar volume in sales.

To view the market code analysis:

1.    From the Personify360 main toolbar, select Marketing & Communication > Market Code Definition.
The Market Code Maintenance search screen displays.

2.    Search for the appropriate market code and click Select Market Code.
The Market Code Maintenance screen displays.

3.    Access the Analysis tab.

4.    Specify the filter criteria with which you wish to calculate the results.

5.    Click Calculate Results.
The Results section displays the calculated information.

Screen Element


Market Code

Link. The specific market code involved in the ad-hoc analysis. The system uses market codes in the Order Entry screen to record responses to specific list codes. For a closer analysis, you can have market codes that have nothing to do with lists but at the same time use a structure to allow capturing of a list code with a market code. The market code can also be restricted to a subsystem or a particular product.

List Code

Link. The system assigns a list code to a specific group of customers and prospects. The list code helps determine if a person from a specific list responds to a specific appeal. The system utilizes the list code to perform an ad-hoc analysis of the results from one or more lists.


Link. The name of the subsystem involved in the ad-hoc analysis. The system filters the analysis by subsystem in case a restriction on the market code to a specific subsystem exists.

Customer Class

Link. This filters records against the customer database table for a specific customer class.

Customer Status

Link. This filters the Customer database table by the status of the customer.

Record Type

Link. This filters the customer database table by the type of record.

Date Range

Drop-down. This filters the ad-hoc analysis to a date range.

Calculate Results

Button. Based on the selection criteria entered into the filters, the system will calculate the number of responses, number of orders, total amount, list cost, and list effectiveness percentage.

See Also:

·            Adding Subsystems to a Market Code

·            Viewing Market Code Usage