Creating and Maintaining Marketing Activities

The Market Code Maintenance screen enables you to define market codes and to view market code usage and analysis. Each market code typically identifies a specific marketing activity, such as a mailing piece or catalogue. The system uses the market code in all of the Order Entry screens to record and track orders.


Using this screen, you can tie the individual facets of marketing activities to a global heading. You can also link subsystems, marketing agencies, departments, and fundraising campaigns to the active market code.


In addition to tieing a market code to a fundraising campaign, you can also tie it to a discount, similar to the example discussed in the overview section about a promotional discount on books for conference attendees.


By creating a variety of market codes and then combining them with your list codes to create key codes, you can exploit your market segments to further understand the impact of each market segment's characteristics and overall mindset.

The market code can be used to discount the “Promotional Code” in e-Business.