Receipt Transfers

Performing a receipt transfer is Personify creates transactions where FAR_Txn.Txn_Type_Code = 3.


“Transfers” are specific to the transferring of receipts from one order or one line item to another. They are always done in pairs of transactions that reference the specific line items and the specific receipt involved so that the audit trail can be tracked easily as a receipt may come in and get transferred around the system. Typically, a receipt transfer consists of an incorrectly applied posted receipt or over-payments from one order to another.

For multi-line orders with a credit balance, the amount will be transferred from the all of line 1 before moving on to the next line. For example, an order has two lines, one with a credit balance of $20 and the other with a $0 balance. If one transfer of $10 is created from the order, the $10 will be taken from line one. If another transfer is created from the same order, the credit will be taken from line one (with the remaining credit), not line two.

Verify the following before transferring a receipt:

·            The receipt to be transferred has been posted

·            A balance remains on the receipt and the transfer does not exceed that balance

Transaction Structure

Transfers will create two type ‘3’ transactions with the following format:


Order from which the receipt is being transferred (increases order balance)



(PPL if the order is uninvoiced, or Unapplied Receipt Account if UAR)


TIMSS Receipt Transfer Account at the Org_Unit level


Order to which the receipt is being transferred (reduces order balance)


TIMSS Receipt Transfer Account at the Org_Unit level




(PPL if the order is uninvoiced, or Unapplied Receipt Account if UAR)

The Receipt Transfer Account zeros itself out in terms of it’s affect on the GL.

Source of the Accounts

The AR and PPL accounts are found at the order_detail level (order_detail.AR_Account and order_detail.PPL_Account). Use the AR account if the order_detail.invoice_no is not null (i.e., the order is invoiced). Use the PPL account if the order_detail.invoice_no is NULL (i.e., the order is uninvoiced.) Use the Unapplied Receipt Account (app_org_unit.unapplied_receipt_account) if the subsystem referenced in the FAR_Txn record is ‘UAR’. There will be no order_detail record for an unapplied receipt.


One FAR_TXN and two FAR_TXN_DETAIL records are created for each order_detail record referenced by a transfer.


The Receipt Transfer account is found in app_org_unit.rcpt_transfer_account for the order_master.org_id, order_master.org_unit_id combination. It is a system account that should always have a zero balance in terms of any affect on the GL.

Logic for Receipt Transfer

Minimum information needed for the process:

·            Receipt_No

·            Amount

·            Order number and order line number from which the receipt is being moved

·            Order number and order line number to which the receipt is being moved

·            Application code


1.    Verify that the receipt being transferred has been posted. Only posted receipts can be transferred.

2.    Verify that a balance remains on the receipt and that the transfer doesn’t exceed that balance.  Though multiple transfers can be made against a receipt, the sum of the receipt and all transfers cannot be greater than zero. Note that receipts are negative numbers in FAR_Txn.base_amount and that transferring a receipt from that balance is a positive number. Therefore the sum must be less than zero. A zero sum means that the entire receipt has been transferred. You know a specific receipt based on FAR_Txn.Receipt_No which is carried in all transactions (receipts and transfers) that relate to the specific receipt.

3.    Create the objects for the FAR_Txn, and FAR_Txn_Detail records and populate with either default information or information passed in based on the templates below. Note that one FAR_Txn and 2 FAR_Txn_Detail records will be created for each of the two orders involved in the transfer.

4.    For each transaction:

a.    Determine if the order is invoiced, uninvoiced, or unapplied to decide on whether to use the AR account or PPL account for the transfer. They do not have to be the same for each order line item in the transfer.

b.    Verify that the sum of FAR_Txn.base_amount is zero. (debits must equal credits)

c.    Save the two sets of records as a single transaction in the database.

Special Issues for Transfers

Original Receipt against the “To Order”


Cash in Euros



Profit/Loss to Exchange Rate





Receipt Transfer away from the “To Order”


Accounts Receivable (or PPL)



Transfer Account



Profile/Loss to Exchange Rate


This section covers the following:

·            Transferring a Receipt

·            Transferring a Credit Balance or Unapplied Receipt

·            Transferring a Deferred Credit Card Receipt

See Also:

·            Overview: Customer Financial Analysis

·            Viewing Financial Summary

·            Writing Off a Balance

·            Creating a Refund

·            Paying the Selected Order

·            Paying Open Orders

·            Creating an Advanced Adjustment

·            Viewing Transaction Details

·            Reversing a Receipt

·            Reversing a Refund