Configuring Meeting Products for Mobile Events

The Events module provides users access to a list of upcoming events entered as Meeting Products in the Personify360 back-office database and enabled for the mobile store. In order for meetings to display on the mobile application, your meeting products must be active, web enabled, and have an active mobile control set in the back office.

Without the e-Business control, users will only see the Buy Now and Donate Now options, if they have a credit card on record.

For meeting products to appear in the Events module, the meeting product must have an active e-Business control and an active mobile control by meeting the following requirements in the Personify back office:

·            Product Area = Meeting Subsystem

·            Product Type = Meeting or Break-Out Session

·            Product Status = Active

·            Available from = a past date or today's date

·            Available thru = null, today's date, or future date

·            Web Display Begin Date = less than or equal to today's date

·            Web Display End Date = null or greater than today's date

·            Web Enabled Rate = selected

·            Mobile Begin Date = less than or equal to today's date

·            Mobile End Date = null or greater than today's date

·            Available to Order = selected

If a user has a credit card on file, he or she can register for the event directly from their mobile device.

To configure a meeting product for registration on Personify360 Mobile:

If your meeting product is not already created, please refer to Creating a Meeting Product and complete the steps listed in that section before completing the steps listed below. The steps listed below are the configurations necessary after your meeting product is set up to ensure that it displays in the mobile application.

1.    Define general product information, rates and pricing to be web enabled and validate the meeting

2.    Configure a meeting to display on the web.

3.    Define a meeting for mobile.  

4.    After your meeting product is configured to display on the mobile application, the following components can be added to your meeting products to enhance a mobile user's experience:

·            Materials Information

·            Presenters

·            Biographical Information for Presenters (7.5.1 and later)

·            Product Categories for Filtering

·            Linking Conference Floor Mappings

·            Linking an Exhibitor to a Meeting

For a video demonstration, refer to Video Demo: Creating a Meeting Product for Mobile.