Defining a Meeting for Mobile

After web enabling the meeting, in order for it to display on the mobile application, the last step is to have an active mobile control set in the back office.

Without the e-Business control, users will only see the Buy Now and Donate Now options, if they have a credit card on record.

To define a meeting for mobile:

1.    From the eBusiness Links task category, click Mobile Control.
The Product Mobile Control screen displays for you to enter the mobile-specific values.

2.    From the Select Dates section, select the From date as today or a date in the past. Make sure that this date falls between the from/to date listed on the General Setup and Add eBusiness Control screens.  

3.    If necessary, select the To date as today or a future date.
The product only appears in the Mobile Store during these dates.

4.    If you would like to enter a product image to be displayed on the Event Details screen in the Mobile Events module, from the Select Images section, click Browse and select the image from your database.
The application automatically resizes the second image.

Images do NOT display for conferences/session.

5.    If desired, enter a short description in the Short description field to be displayed on the Product Details screen.

If you want to include a date in the Short description field, make sure to use the following format: xx-xx-xxxx. The Personify Mobile application will NOT render dates in the following format: xx/xx/xxxx.

6.    If desired, enter a long description in the Long description field.
This description is for recording purposes only and will not display on the mobile device.

7.    Click Save.
The product will now display for purchase in the mobile store based on the product's availability and the dates you entered.

8.    After your meeting product is configured to display on the mobile application, the following components can be added to your meeting products to enhance a mobile user's experience:

·            Materials Information

·            Presenters

·            Biographical Information for Presenters

·            Product Categories for Filtering

·            Exhibitions and Exhibitors

·            Linking Conference Floor Mappings

·            Linking an Exhibition to a Meeting

·            Linking an Exhibitor to a Meeting