Defining General Product Information

If your meeting product is not already created, please refer to Creating a Meeting Product and complete the steps listed in that section before completing the steps listed below. The steps listed below are the configurations necessary after your meeting product is set up to ensure that it displays on the mobile application.

To define general product information:

1.    From the Personify360 main toolbar, select Products > Product Central.
The Product Maintenance search screen displays.

2.    Select "Meeting Subsystem" from the Product Area drop-down and click Search to find a product or click Create New Product.
The product displays on the General Setup screen.

If your meeting product is not already created, please refer to Creating a Meeting Product and complete the steps listed in that section before completing the steps listed below. The steps listed below are the configurations necessary after your meeting product is set up to ensure that it displays on the mobile application.

3.    From the Options section, ensure that the Available to Order checkbox is selected.

4.    Ensure the product has a Product Status of “Active".
For a meeting product to be listed in the Events module, it must meet the availability requirements in the back office first. Any product with a “Cancelled", “Discontinued", or “Inactive" status in the back office will not display in the Events module regardless of your mobile control settings.

5.    Ensure that the Available from date is today or a date in the past AND this date falls between the from/to date listed on the Product Mobile Control and Add eBusiness Control screens.  

You can also set up a product for future availability by setting the Available from field to a future date.

On the Events screen, the system only searches for the next 12 months.

6.    Ensure that the Available thru date is null, today's date, or a future date AND this date falls between the from/to dates listed on the Product Mobile Control and Add eBusiness Control screens.

7.    Select an Event Format from the drop-down.
The Event Format field is new as of Personify version 7.5.0. If an Event Format is defined for a meeting product, users will be able to filter available meetings by the defined format types. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed codes defined for the MTG "EVENT_FORMAT" system type.

8.    Ensure that the Last Registration date is today or a date in the future.

9.    From the Product Definition task category, click Define Rates and Pricing.
The Rates and Pricing screen displays.

10.  Ensure that at least one Rate Structure/Rate Code has the Web Enabled Rate checkbox selected.

Standard e-Business rules apply for products.

11.  From the Product Definition task category, ensure that a green checkmark displays next to the Validate Setup task. If not, please see Validating a Meeting Product Setup for more information on validating the product setup.

12.  Click Save.

13.  Now, the meeting needs to be web enabled. Refer to Configuring a Meeting to Display on the Web for more information.