Checkout Control - Step 2: Item Summary

When the web user clicks Next from step 1 of the checkout process, he/she is taken to step 2 of the checkout process. Step 2 of the checkout process provides the web users with a summary of his/her order. It contains details such as quantity, unit price, total price, availability (back-order, in stock, or number left), etc.

If a MBR product is included in the order, it will display first in the list. Any other products in the order will display in the order in which they were added to the order (descending so that the last product added to the order will be shown first).

From this step, the web user can:

·            View Product Details

·            Accept Licensing Agreement

·            Select Shipping Preferences

·            Apply a Coupon and/or Promo Codes

·            View Meeting Registrants


At this time, the web user sees actual tax and shipping (not just an estimate as shown in the Shopping Cart Summary control). In addition, the web user can see how much money he/she save by being a member of your organization or how much money they could save by becoming a member.

If a web user has a membership product in his/her shopping cart, the members saving message will display.

Viewing Product Details

If you define a URL for a product in the Product URL field on the eBusiness Control screen in Product Maintenance in the back office, when the web user clicks a product's hyperlink or image from checkout, a new tab opens in your web user's browser with the URL defined in the Product URL field in the back office. If a URL is NOT defined and the web user clicks the product's hyperlink or image, he/she is redirected to the Product Detail page or Meeting Detail page accordingly. For more information, please see Configuring the Back Office Settings for the Checkout Control.

Accepting Licensing Agreement

If the web user is purchasing a DCD product that has been defined to display copyright information, he/she must accept the licensing information before proceeding to the payment step, as shown below. For more information, please see Configuring the Back Office Settings for the Checkout Control.

Selecting Shipping Preferences

As of 7.5.2, if the order qualifies for free shipping, the free shipping option will automatically be selected in the Select Shipping Preference drop-down, as shown below. Please note that this text is defined on the Free Shipping Org Unit Defaults screen. For more information, please see Defining Free Shipping Org Unit Defaults.

If a ship-via is defined at the product level, that ship-via will default into the Select Shipping Preference drop-down. If there is more than one product in the shopping cart with a ship-via defined OR none of the products have a ship-via defined at the product level, the system will select the default defined at the org unit level. For more information, please see Defining Organization Unit Shipping Details. Please note that the selected ship-via code must also be web-enabled in order for it to display on the web.

As of 7.5.2, an additional filter has been added to the logic for displaying shipping options based on the ship-to address on the order. If the International Only checkbox is checked on the Shipping Charges Maintenance screen for the "[ALL]" country and if the ship-to address country is NOT present in ORD_DOMESTIC_SHIP_COUNTRY table then the system will display ship-via codes setup for that country and for [ALL].  If the International Only checkbox is checked for the "[ALL]" country and if the ship-to address country is present in ORD_DOMESTIC_SHIP_COUNTRY table then the system will display ship-via codes setup only for that country. If the International Only checkbox is NOT checked for the "[ALL]" country, the system will display all ship-via codes setup for that country and for [ALL].

If this control has been setup to allow shipping to multiple addresses, the web user can select a different address or shipping preference per line item. For more information, please see Configuring the Web Settings for the Checkout Control. Additionally, the web user can select an existing or add a new address to the ship-to product. Please note that products that are received electronically (e.g., DCD products) do not require an address.


As of 7.5.2, during the checkout process, the system will calculate if the order will receive free shipping and displays a message to the web user, as shown below.


If some items in the customer's order qualify for free shipping, the shipping discount will display in the buy box, as shown below.


If the entire order qualifies for free shipping, the shipping amount will be crossed out in the buy box, as shown below.

Applying a Coupon and/or Promo Code

Web users have the option to applying a coupon or promo code to their order. As of 7.5.2, you can define a market code and/or coupon code that qualifies the web user for free shipping. For more information on coupons and promo codes, please see Configuring Back Office Settings for the Checkout Control.


If the web user applies a coupon or promo code that was not accepted, the page displays, as shown below. Please note that this message is configurable in the web settings for this control.

If the web user applies BOTH a free shipping coupon AND a free shipping market code to his/her order, if he/she removes the market code, the system will remove the free shipping even though the coupon is still applicable. This is a known issue. The web user must remove the coupon and re-add it in order for the free shipping to be applied.

Viewing Meeting Registrants

As of 7.6.0, web users have the ability to register other people, as well as themselves, for a meeting; this functionality is referred to as Register Someone Else. If a web user registered someone else for a meeting and navigates to step 2 of the checkout process, the page will display the meeting product for each individual registrant, along with the registrant's name, as shown below.

Additionally, the Register Someone Else workflow allows you to use group discounts. If the order qualifies for a group discount, then the savings are visible to the web user on step 2 of the checkout process. In order for an order to qualify for a group discount, all registrants need to be included within the order. There is no way to add registrants later and apply the group discount on the web. However, if web users need to add a registrant after placing an order, they can call your organization and a staff member can add the registrant and manually apply the group discount, which is not automatically applied to already invoiced lines. If any registrants must be waitlisted, or cannot be registered at all for the meeting (e.g., waitlist count is 0), a message will display to the web user. For more information on setting up group discounts, refer to Quantity Discounts.