Creating a Free Shipping Coupon

As of 7.5.2, you can define a coupon code as qualifying for free shipping and link the coupon to a free-shipping rule. Only order-level coupons can be qualified for free shipping, regardless of the Free Shipping Rule selected.


For a coupon code to be defined as qualifying for free shipping and linked to a free-shipping rule, the coupon code begin date must fall within the free-shipping rule begin and end dates.


If your organization wants to give free shipping to any customer who uses the coupon, regardless of order amount, the coupon should be linked to a free-shipping rule where order qualifying amount = $0. When a coupon is defined as qualifying for free shipping, when that coupon is used in an order that has order lines with shipping fees and products eligible for free shipping, the order will qualify for free shipping, regardless of order amount.


When a coupon is defined as qualifying for free shipping and linked to a free-shipping rule defined with qualifying conditions, when that coupon is used in an order that has order lines with shipping fees and products eligible for free shipping, if the order meets free-shipping qualifications defined for the linked free-shipping definition, the order will qualify for free shipping.


Coupon code valid from and valid through dates must fall within the free-shipping valid from and valid through dates. For example, assume a free-shipping rule called HOLIDAY2014 is valid from November 1, 2014 through December 24, 2014. The cart below illustrates how coupon code dates must fall within the free-shipping rule dates:

Free Shipping Rule (HOLIDAY2014: November 1, 2014 through December 24, 2014)


Valid From

Valid Through

Can It Be Linked to HOLIDAY2014 Free-Shipping Rule?


June 1, 2014

December 31, 2014

Yes, the coupon code end date falls within the free-shipping rule dates


December 1, 2014

December 31, 2014

Yes, the coupon code begin date falls within the free-shipping rule dates


January 1, 2015

January 31, 2015

No, neither the coupon code begin date nor the coupon code end date fall within the free-shipping rule dates


January 1, 2010


Yes, because the coupon has no end date, the coupon end date falls within the free-shipping rule dates.

If the web user applies BOTH a free shipping coupon AND a free shipping market code to his/her order from the checkout control or pay now control on the web, if he/she removes the market code, the system will remove the free shipping even though the coupon is still applicable. This is a known issue. The web user must remove the coupon and re-add it in order for the free shipping to be applied.

To create a free shipping coupon:

1.    Perform one of the following:

a.    On the Product Maintenance screen, click Coupon Maintenance from the Rates and Discounts task category.

b.    From the toolbar, select Products > Rates, Discounts, Coupons > Coupon Maintenance.

2.    Click Create New Order Coupon.
The Coupon Maintenance screen displays, as shown below.

3.    If necessary, change the Coupon code.

4.    Select the Coupon Status from the drop-down.

5.    Enter the Description.

6.    Check the Qualifies for Free Shipping checkbox.
This identifies that if this coupon is applied to an order line, the order qualifies for free shipping if the order meets the conditions defined in the free shipping rule. Checking this checkbox will enable the Free Shipping Rule link.

Only order-level coupons can be qualified for free shipping, regardless of the Free Shipping Rule selected.

a.    If you checked the "Qualifies for Free Shipping" checkbox, click the Free Shipping Rule link to select the appropriate free shipping rule.
Please note that the chooser automatically filter the available rules based on the Valid from and Valid thru dates selected for the coupon. The selected free shipping rule displays as a link to the right of the field. Click this link to open the Free Shipping Rules screen. For more information, please see Defining Free Shipping Rules.

7.    Select the Coupon Type from the drop-down.
Unless you are creating a free shipping coupon for a specific customer, select "Generic Coupon".

8.    Select "Entire Order Coupon" from the Order Scope Rule drop-down.

9.    Select the Valid from and Valid thru dates.

Coupon code valid from and valid through dates must fall within the free-shipping valid from and valid through dates.

10.  By default the Combine with Discounts checkbox is checked.
If this coupon cannot be combined with other discounts, uncheck this checkbox.

11.  Select the Value Rule from the drop-down.

a.    If you selected "AMOUNT" as the Value Rule, enter the Value Amount.

b.    If you selected "PERCENTAGE" as the Value Rule, enter the Value Percent.

12.  Click the Discount Account link and search for the discount account to associate with the coupon.

13.  As of 7.6.1, click the Deferred Discount Account link and search for the deferred discount account to associate with the coupon.

14.  Click Save.

15.  If necessary, define coupon rules and instructions.

16.  If necessary, view the coupon usage.