Cancelling a Meeting Order with a Refund

As opposed to only cancelling the order, a customer may not be able to attend the meeting, and, therefore, the order should be cancelled and the customer should be refunded. Your association may have special processing scenarios for cancelling and refunding an order, which is determined by the Recognized for Service option selected in the Receipt and Refund Analysis section of the Cancellation and Refunds screen. Depending on the option selected, the Refund Amount updates automatically.

If a Last Refund date has been defined for the meeting product, and that date is less than or equal to today, the system will display a warning message when you try to refund the order.

To refund and cancel a meeting order:

1.    On the Order Entry screen, search for and open the appropriate order.

2.    Select the appropriate line item.

3.    Click Cancel an Item from the Work with Line Items task category or Cancel an Order from the Work with Orders task category.
The Cancellation and Refunds screen displays.

4.    From the Scope of the Refund section, select the Refund and Cancel radio button, as shown below.

5.    If the order contains multiple line items, the Order Line(s) to Cancel or Refund tab displays. Select the appropriate line item to cancel and refund.

6.    On the Refund and Cancel tab, select the Revenue Proration Effective Date.

7.    If necessary, select the Reason Code from the drop-down.
Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed codes defined for the ORD "LINE_STATUS_REASON" system type. The option selected is stored in the LINE_STATUS_REASON_CODE column in the Order_Detail table.

8.    Enter any Cancellation Comments.

9.    If a cancellation fee was defined for the meeting product, it will display in the Optional Cancellation Fees field. Update this amount, if necessary.
The default cancellation fee will be based on the current date unless you are in an adjustment batch. If you are in an adjustment batch, the cancellation fee will default based on the batch date.

The process of entering cancellation fees is dependent on whether you are adding a cancellation fee for the master order line and/or sub order line. For more information on the options, please see the Cancellation Fees section.

10.  The amount paid minus the cancellation fee will be available for refund and will default in the Refund Amount field. Change this amount, if necessary.
This value changes automatically depending on the Recognized for Service option selected.

11.  If you check the Write-off the Balance checkbox, then enter the amount of the write-off in the text box.

12.  On the Receipts Referenced tab, highlight the appropriate receipt.

13.  If the receipt was originally created by credit card, click the Refund to Specific Credit Card Receipt tab, as shown below, and perform the following:

a.    If multiple payments were made, select the Check checkbox next to the appropriate payment from the grid.

b.    Change the Refund Amount, if necessary.

c.    To refund the order by check, check Refund by Check.
Please note that refunding to a check is not available for unsettled receipts.

d.    If your organization used a lockbox or outside service to process the credit card receipt, check the Pre-Settled checkbox.

e.    If necessary, click Edit Credit Card Info.

f.      Click Process.
The Cancellation and Refunds screen closes and the status of the order line changes to “Cancelled”. The refund will go to the payment processor and settle the next time the CCP610 settlement process is run.

14.  If the receipt was originally credited by cash or check, click the Refund to Specific Check Receipt tab, as shown below, and perform the following:

a.    If multiple payments were made, select the Check checkbox next to the appropriate payment from the grid.

b.    If the check has already been issued, check the Check Pre-Cut checkbox and enter the Check Number.
Selecting this checkbox changes the status of the refund from "Active" to "Printed"; thus, it will not be processed by the Voucher Transfer Process (FAR800).

c.    Enter the refund Amount.

d.    If necessary, click the Payor link to view more details about the customer.

e.    If necessary, click the Voucher Address link to select a different address.

f.      Enter any Notes on Advices.

g.    Click Process.
The Cancellation and Refunds screen closes and the status of the order line changes to “Cancelled”.

h.    Next, you need to run the following processes:

·            FAR800 – this creates an export file of voucher transactions that the you then need to upload to your accounts payable system.

·            FAR801 – if there are customers getting refunds that do not have a vendor number in Personify360, an export file of customer and address information is created for those customers that also needs to be uploaded into your accounts payable system.

i.      Then, you need to process the refunds by cutting checks to the customers. To do so, two export files need to be uploaded into Personify360:

·            FAR802 – uploads the file from your accounts payable system that then updates the voucher records with refund date and check number of the refund.

·            FAR803 – updates customer records in Personify360 with the vendor number of that customer in your accounts payable system.

15.  As of 7.6.1, if the receipt was originally created with a PayPal account, access the Refund to Specific PayPal Receipt tab, as shown below, and perform the following:

Once settled, a PayPal payment can be refunded to a customer’s PayPal account if it is refunded within the defined follow-on credit period, which is set to 59 days by default. When a PayPal payment is refunded, the system creates a PRE-CREDIT record in Ccp_Req_Ans, which is visible from the Credit Card Request Review screen.

If a PayPal payment needs to be refunded after the follow-on credit period has passed, the PayPal payment should be refunded by check. When a PayPal payment is refunded by check, the system creates voucher transaction records that can then be passed to the organization’s Accounts Payable third-party application.

You will not be able to refund a PayPal payment to a customer’s PayPal account if the follow-on credit period has passed.

a.    If multiple payments were made, select the Check checkbox next to the appropriate payment from the grid.

b.    Change the Refund Amount, if necessary.

c.    If your organization used a lockbox or outside service to process the credit card receipt, check the Pre-Settled checkbox.

d.    To refund the order by check, check the Refund by Check checkbox.
Please note that refunding to a check is not available for unsettled receipts.

e.    Click Process.
The Cancellation and Refunds screen closes and the status of the order line changes to “Cancelled”. The refund will go to the payment processor and settle the next time the CCP610 settlement process is run.

See Also: Cancelling a Meeting Order without a Refund