Creating a Repeating Meeting

As of 7.5.2, you have the ability create a set of meetings that will occur over a period of time and this is known as a repeating meeting. The purpose of the repeating meeting functionality is to provide an efficient way to create meeting products in Personify360 that will occur on the same day and time over an extended period of time. For additional information about repeating meetings, refer to the following sections:

·            Business Scenarios

·            Logic Behind Creating the Parent and Product Code for Repeating Meetings

·            Best Practice Recommendations for the Number of Meetings to be Created at One Time

·            Locating the Last Repeating Meeting in a Series

For a video demonstrating how to create a repeating meeting in Personify360, please refer to Video Demo: Creating a Repeating Meeting.

To create a repeating meeting:

1.    From the Personify360 main toolbar, select Products > Product Central.
The Product Maintenance search screen displays.

2.    Click Search to find a product or click Create New Product.

Repeating meetings can only be created for parent meeting products. The only parent meeting products are M, COURSE, and EXAMPROCT.

As a best practice, you should always copy the latest version of the meeting in order to make it recurring. For example, you setup a recurring 12 week meetings and you want to create the next set of the 12 week meetings, you would copy the latest version of the meeting in order to extend it. See Locating the Last Repeating Meeting in a Series for more information.

3.    Since the repeating meetings functionality uses the Product Copy's screen, from the Related Task Category, select Copy this product.
The Product Copy screen displays with information on the original product appearing at the top of the screen.

4.    Check the Repeating checkbox.
Additional tabs are now visible on the Product Copy screen, so you can define the repeating event's rules, as highlighted below.

5.    Since you checked the Repeating checkbox, the Product Code field is disabled.

6.    In the Parent Product field, enter up to 13 characters for the parent product and the system will append 11 characters to the code that will identify the start date and time (military). For more information about this logic, refer to Logic Behind Creating the Parent and Product Code for Repeating Meetings.  

When creating a repeating meeting, the first 13 characters from the meeting product code will be copied over to the Parent Product field. For example, if you are creating a repeating meeting for the following meeting: STCMeeting14AUG191630. STCMeeting14AU would be copied over to the Parent Product field. As a best practice, you should remove the unnecessary character. In the above example, 14AU would be removed from the field.  

7.    Select the Product Class of the new product.
This value defaults from the original product, but may be changed as needed.

8.    Enter the Product Description and Invoice Description.
These values defaults from the original product, but may be changed as needed.

9.    Since you checked the Repeating checkbox, the Start Date/Time and End Date/Times are disabled. These fields are defined on the 3- Repeat Options tab.

10.  If necessary, modify the Date Available for Sale.

11.  Click Next.
The Copy Parameters tab display, as shown below.

12.  On the 2- Copy Parameters tab, select the appropriate radio button in the System Accounts section.

·            Use Default System Account

·            Copy System Accounts

13.  If necessary, check the Impose Mask on System Accounts checkbox.
When checked, you must enter a GL account mask. When you enter a GL account mask, the system will validate that the resulting GL account is a valid GL account in the FGL_Account_Master table.
If it does not exist in the table, then a warning is issued and the user must define these accounts manually.

14.  From the Recognition Method drop-down, select a value. This field controls how revenue recognition for the order will be handled and the values are populated based on the fixed REVENUE_RECOG_METHOD system type for the MTG subsystem.

15.  From the Recognition Date drop-down, select a value.

16.  Check the appropriate checkboxes in the Revenue Accounts section.

·           Copy Revenue Accounts

·           Impose Mask on Revenue Accounts

17.  If necessary, enter the GL Account Mask.
This field is enabled if either of the “Impose Mask” checkboxes are checked.
When checked, it will accept a mask and then update the account based on this mask. The system must validate that the resulting account is a valid account. GL account numbers are created with segments that represent the same type of item for all GL account numbers. You can define the pattern for the GL account here.

18.  From the Copy Parameters section, check the appropriate checkboxes of the parameters to copy.
The parameters include the following:

·            Rates and Prices

·            Components

·            Cancellation Fees

·            Shipping Fees

·           Product Images

·            Web Text Info

·            Ebus Controls

·            Categories/Keywords

·            Relationships

19.  From the Copy Subsystem- Specific Parameters section, check the appropriate checkboxes of the parameters to copy.
The parameters include the following:

·            Subproducts

·            Meeting Location

·            Requirements

·           Questionnaire

·           Rotating Images

20.  Click Next.
The 3- Repeat Options tab displays, as shown below.

21.  In the Repeat Pattern section, select one of the following radio buttons to determine how often you want the meeting to occur:

·            Daily
If you select Daily, select one of the following radio buttons:

o           Every "N" Day(s): if you want the meeting to occur every "N" amount of days. Enter a numeric value for "N". For example, if you enter "2", the meeting will occur every two days; if you enter "4", the meeting would occur every four days.

o           Every Weekday: if you want the meeting to occur Monday thru Friday.

·            Weekly
If you select Weekly, enter the following information:

o           In the Repeat Every "N" Week(s) On field, enter a numeric value for "N" that indicates how often you want the meetings to occur. For example, if you want the meetings to occur every three weeks, enter "3" in this field.

o           Check which day(s) of the week that you would like the meetings to occur. For example, if you want the meetings to occur on Sunday, Tuesday, and Friday, you would check those checkboxes.

·            Monthly
If you select Monthly, select one of the following radio buttons:

o           Day "N" of every "X" Month(s): indicates that you want the meetings to occur on the "N" day of every "X" month. Both "N" and "X" are numeric values; "N" equals the day of the month and "X" equals how often. For example, if you want your recurring meetings to occur on the 17th every 3 months, enter 17 for the day and 3 for the month. Please note that if you enter the 31st for the day, since not every month has thirty-one days in it, the system selects the last day in that month. For example, for April, the day that the meeting would occur on is the 30th.

o           The "Occurrence" "Day of the Week" of Every "N" Month(s): indicates that you want your meeting to occur on either the first, second, third, fourth, or last day of every "Y" months; "N" is a numeric value and it equals how often. For example, if you want to create a meeting that occurs on the second Monday every three months, from the "Occurrence" drop-down, select "second", from the "Day of Week" drop-down, select "Monday", and in the "N" field, enter "3".

·            Yearly
If you select Yearly, enter the following information:

o           In the Repeat Every "N" Year(s) field, enter a numeric value for "N" that indicates how often you want the meetings to occur. For example, if you want the meetings to occur every two years, enter "2" in this field.

o           Select one of the following radio buttons:

§            On "Month" "Day": indicates the date that you want your meeting to occur every year. For example, if you want your meeting to occur on May 18th every year, from the "Month" drop-down, select May and in the "Day" field enter 18.

§            On the "Occurrence" "Day of Week" of "Month": indicates that you want your meeting to occur yearly on either the first, second, third, fourth, or last day of a specific month. For example, if you want to create a meeting that occurs on the second Monday of November, from the Occurrence drop-down, select "second", from the "Day of Week" drop-down, select "Monday", and from the "Month" drop-down, select November.

22.  In the Range of Repeat section, enter the following information:

a.    From the Start drop-down, select the date that you want your meeting to start.

By default, the start date for the repeating meeting will be the date of the meeting you are copying from.

b.    Select one of the following radio buttons:

i.      End After "N" Occurrences: the amount of times you would like this meeting to occur; enter a numeric value for "N". For example, if you want the meeting to be over after ten occurrences, enter 10 for this field.

ii.     End By: the date that you want your meetings to end.
The number of years out that a repeating meeting can be created is determined by the "Maximum Years Out to Create Repeating Meetings" field on the Meeting Parameters screen. You can only create recurring meetings up to 5 years out, and in base, this field automatically defaults to 2 years out. See Defining Organization Unit Meeting Parameters for more information.

By default, the repeating meetings functionality creates new meetings in batches of twenty at one time. How fast the meeting products are created is a function of your organization's network and hardware. On average, it takes about 1 minute to create 300 meetings with basic options. If you choose to copy images, questions, etc., then it depends on the number of images, size of the images, location of the application server, etc. for how long it will take to create the meeting.  In addition, it is recommended that you only create 6 months out for daily occurrences, 12 months out for weekly occurrences, and 2 years out for monthly occurrences.

23.  Click Next.
The 4- Review and Create Meetings tab displays, as shown below.
You can use this tab to see the meetings that will be created.

24.  Review all your fields, select/deselect meetings in the grid, and after review, click the Create Meetings button.
The status column displays the results. When the system is first creating the repeating events, a status of "Processing" is displayed. Once the events are created, a status of "Created, Validated" or "Created, Not Validated" is displayed for each event. At the bottom of the screen, a progress bar provides visual confirmation of progress and a counter tallies total events created along with the total that will be created.   

Once you create the repeating meetings, there is no way edit all the meetings in the series at once; you will have to manually edit each meeting. It is very IMPORTANT that you verify that the logic is correct for your repeating meetings before clicking the Create Meetings button.

The system creates the number of meetings, courses, or proctored exams based on the recurrence pattern and range of recurrence defined on the Repeat Options tab. When each new meeting is being created, if enough information has been copied, that the product can be validated, and the products' validation flag(s) should be updated to "Y". How fast the meeting products are created is a function of your organization's network and hardware. On average, it takes about 1 minute to create 300 meetings with basic options. If you choose to copy images, questions, etc., then it depends on the number of images, size of the images, location of the application server, etc. for how long it will take to create the meeting.

If you have a meeting product with sessions, you can copy BOTH the meeting and the session(s). However, this process does not automatically validate the session product. You still need to click Validate Setup, as with other product setups, to finalize the product.

If there are any issues encountered during the creation of repeating meetings, the status column will display information about the issue, as shown below, but will continue creating the next repeating meeting. Some conditions that may cause the creation of a new meeting record to fail include the following: using a Parent Product/ Product Code combination that already exists, trying to create a facility and room reservation for a meeting that is already booked, etc.

25.  If necessary, click Cancel to stop the creation of the meeting products that have not been created yet.
A warning message will display asking you to confirm that you want to stop the process.

26.  After the repeating meetings were created, you can perform the following:

a.    If necessary, select Export Results to save the results as a comma-separated file.

b.    If necessary, double-click on a meeting product in the grid in order to open it in Product Central.

27.  Click Close.
The last meeting that was created in the series will open in Product Central.

Screen Element


1 – New Product to be Created tab

Product Code

Read-only. Since you checked the Repeating checkbox, this field is disabled.

Parent Product

Text box. Enter up to 13 characters for the parent product and the system will append 11 characters to the code that will identify the start date and time (military).


Personify360 supports a maximum of 24 characters for parent and product codes. Since it is possible to have the same meeting on the same day (e.g., in the morning and the evening or a half hour apart), start time is part of this code. Therefore, the formula that was implemented for a repeating meeting is the following:

·       1-13 characters from meeting being copied

When defining a formula for the first 13 characters of the PARENT_PRODUCT and PRODUCT_CODE, you do not have to use all 13 characters, but you should use enough characters that will make the code intuitive and easy to use. A common strategy is to break up the leading characters into groups that identify meaningful characteristics, such as branch, division, department, and/or group that owns the meeting followed by a small number of characters that identifies the type of meeting. The same leading characters will most likely be used for the series of repeating meetings (unless you manually change the leading characters), so before making a final decision, have users who will be searching for and entering registrations for the repeating meetings review the formula and give their feedback.

·       yymmmddhhmm (11 characters)

§       2 digits to represent year

§       3 characters to represent three-letter code for month

§       2 digits to represent day

§       2 digits to represent start time hour in military time

§       2 digits to represent start time minutes (00-59)


For example, if you are creating a repeating meeting that occurs on the 14th of every month at 3:30 p.m., the product code calculation would be the following: STC Meeting 14AUG191630. STC Meeting represents the 1-13 characters from the meeting being copied and 14AUG191630 represents yymmmddhhmm.    

When creating a repeating meeting, the first 13 characters from the meeting product code will be copied over to the Parent Product field. For example, if you are creating a repeating meeting for the following meeting: STCMeeting14AUG191630. STCMeeting14AU would be copied over to the Parent Product field. As a best practice, you should remove the unnecessary character. In the above example, 14AU would be removed from the field.  

Product Class

Drop-down. Used to classify any meeting product (master or subproduct) to distinguish between break-out sessions and social events from general sessions. It can also be used to give a discount to a certain class of products. The options available are determined by the Product Type selected. This value defaults from the original product, but may be changed as needed.

Product Description

Text box. Enter a description  This value defaults from the original product, but may be changed as needed.

Invoice Description

Text box. Defaults to the Product Description. If your Product Description is extraordinary long, you can edit the Invoice Description to 50 characters. If the Invoice Description is longer than 50 characters, it will be cropped off the invoice. This value defaults from the original product, but may be changed as needed.

Start Date/Time

Since you checked the Repeating checkbox, the Start Date/Time, End Date/Times, and Date Available for Sale fields are disabled. These fields are defined on the 3- Repeat Options tab.

As of 7.4.2, when copying a meeting product, if you have different price rates set up for the date/month that a user registered for a meeting (e.g., early registration price, late registration price, etc.), the system will copy that rate structure over to the new meeting product. See Defining Rates and Pricing for more information.


Checkbox. As of 7.5.2, this checkbox identifies that the meeting(s) to be created will be repeating events. When this meeting is copied and this checkbox is checked, additional tabs are visible on this screen, so you can define the repeating event rules. This checkbox only displays for meeting products with a Product Type of "M", "Course", or "EXAMPROCT".

Date Available for Sale

Drop-down. Select the date that you would like the meeting products to be available for sale. This value defaults from the original product, but may be changed as needed.

As of 7.4.2, when copying a meeting product, if you have different price rates set up for the date/month that a user registered for a meeting (e.g., early registration price, late registration price, etc.), the system will copy that rate structure over to the new meeting product. See Defining Rates and Pricing for more information.

2- Copy Parameters tab

Use Default System Account

Radio button. When selected, the system will copy the system accounts defined as default system accounts for the subsystem of the product being copied.

Copy System Accounts

Radio button. When selected, the system copies the Product_Account record from the original product.

Impose Mask on System Accounts

checkbox. When checked, you must enter a GL account mask. When you enter a GL account mask, the system will validate that the resulting GL account is a valid GL account in the FGL_Account_Master table.
If it does not exist in the table, then a warning is issued and the user must define these accounts manually.

Recognition Method

Drop-down. From the Recognition Method drop-down, select a value. This field controls how revenue recognition for the order will be handled and the values are populated based on the fixed REVENUE_RECOG_METHOD system type for the MTG subsystem. Options include the following:

·       Begin Date: revenue will be recognize at the meeting begin date.

·       End Date: revenue will be recognize at the meeting end date.

·       On Invoice: selected by default for meeting products.

·       On Specific Date: typically not used for meeting products.

·       At Year End: refers to the fiscal year end; typically not used for meeting products.

Recognition Date

Drop-down. This field is only enabled when "On Specific Date" is selected from the Recognition Method drop-down. The Recognition Date field indicates the specific date that revenue should be recognized. After this date, sales transactions will hit the real revenue account rather than the deferred revenue account.

Copy Revenue Accounts

checkbox. When checked, the system copies the records from the Product_Revenue_Distribution.

Impose Mask on Revenue Accounts

checkbox. When checked, you must enter a GL Account Mask so the system validates that the resulting account exists in the Financial and Accounts Receivable system.
If it does not exist in the table, then a warning is issued and the user must define these accounts manually.

GL Account Mask

Text box. This field is enabled if either of the “Impose Mask” checkboxes are checked.
When checked, it will accept a mask and then update the account based on this mask. The system must validate that the resulting account is a valid account. GL account numbers are created with segments that represent the same type of item for all GL account numbers. You can define the pattern for the GL account here.

Rates and Prices

checkbox. When checked, the rate codes and rate structures from the original meeting product are copied to the new meeting product(s). See Defining Meeting /Session Product Rates and Pricing for more information.


checkbox. When checked, if your existing meeting product has components saved to it, the system copies them from the existing meeting to the new meeting being created. Components are products that should be included with the active products at no additional charge. Any product in Personify can be added as a product component. See Defining Meeting/Session Product Components for more information.

Cancellation Fees

checkbox. When checked, if your existing meeting product has cancellation fees saved to it, the system copies them from the existing meeting to the new meeting being created. See Defining Meeting/Session Cancellation Fees for more information.

Shipping Fees

checkbox. When checked, if your existing meeting product has shipping fees saved to it, the system copies them from the existing meeting to the new meeting being created. See Defining Meeting/Session Shipping Fees for more information.

Shipping charges are typically not used in meeting products. If materials need to be shipped, define them as components. See Defining Meeting/Session Product Components for more information.

Product Images

checkbox. As of 7.5.2, when checked, if your existing meeting product has images saved to it, the system copies the image records from the existing meeting to the new meeting being created. For more information about adding images to your meeting product, refer to Adding Online Store Listing Images.

Web Text Info

checkbox. When checked, if your existing meeting product has a brief and long web description saved to it, the system copies them from the existing meeting to the new meeting being created. See Adding a Brief Web Description and Adding a Long Web Description for more information.

Ebus Controls

checkbox. When checked, if your existing meeting product has fields defined on the eBusiness Control screen, the system copies them from the existing meeting to the new meeting being created. See Defining a Meeting Product to Display on the Web for more information.


checkbox. When checked, if your existing meeting product has categories and keywords saved to it, the system copies them from the existing meeting to the new meeting being created. See Defining Categories and Keywords for more information.


checkbox. When checked, if your existing meeting product has relationships saved to it, the system copies them from the existing meeting to the new meeting being created. Relationships are optional and are setup between the active product, customers, other products, and/or reports. See Membership Product Relationships for more information.


checkbox. When checked, the application copies over any meeting sessions. The setup of the sessions remains the same. You may need to update its availability dates to align with the new product.

Meeting Location

checkbox. This is the location you selected within the Meeting Products section of the product’s General Setup screen.
When checked, this links the new product’s location to the previously selected location. See Defining Meeting/Session Room Inventory for more information.


checkbox. Requirements are equipment and services, such as podiums, microphones, coffee service, etc., defined for the original product.
When checked, this copies over the same requirement for the meeting product as the original product.
For more information, please see Defining Meeting/Session Product Requirement.


checkbox. As of 7.5.2, when checked, if your existing meeting product has a questionnaire attached to it, the system copies the questionnaire from the existing meeting to the new meeting being created. For more information about attaching a questionnaire to your meeting product, refer to Creating a Meeting Product Questionnaire.

Rotating Images

checkbox. As of 7.5.2, when checked, if your existing meeting product has images saved to it, the system copies the rotating image records from the existing meeting to the new meeting being created. For more information about adding rotating images to your meeting product, refer to Adding Rotating Images.

3- Repeat Options tab


Radio button. Indicates that you want to create daily meetings.
If you select Daily, select one of the following radio buttons, as shown below.

·       Every "N" Day(s): if you want the meeting to occur every "N" amount of days. Enter a numeric value for "N". For example, if you enter "2", the meeting will occur every two days; if you enter "4", the meeting would occur every four days.

·       Every Weekday: if you want the meeting to occur Monday thru Friday.


Radio button. Indicates that you want to create weekly meetings.
If you select Weekly, enter the following information, as shown below.

·       In the Repeat Every "N" Week(s) On field, enter a numeric value for "N" that indicates how often you want the meetings to occur. For example, if you want the meetings to occur every three weeks, enter "3" in this field.

·       Check which day(s) of the week that you would like the meetings to occur. For example, if you want the meetings to occur on Sunday, Tuesday, and Friday, you would check those checkboxes.


Radio button. Indicates that you want to create monthly meetings, as shown below.
If you select Monthly, select one of the following radio buttons, as shown below.

·       Day "N" of every "X" Month(s): indicates that you want the meetings to occur on the "N" day of every "X" month. Both "N" and "X" are numeric values; "N" equals the day of the month and "X" equals how often. For example, if you want your recurring meetings to occur on the 17th every 3 months, enter 17 for the day and 3 for the month. Please note that if you enter the 31st for the day, since not every month has thirty-one days in it, the system selects the last day in that month. For example, for April, the day that the meeting would occur on is the 30th.

·       The "Occurrence" "Day of the Week" of Every "N" Month(s): indicates that you want your meeting to occur on either the first, second, third, fourth, or last day of every "Y" months; "N" is a numeric value and it equals how often. For example, if you want to create a meeting that occurs on the second Monday every three months, from the "Occurrence" drop-down, select "second", from the "Day of Week" drop-down, select "Monday", and in the "N" field, enter "3".


Radio button. Indicates that you want your meeting to repeat every year, as shown below.
If you select Yearly, enter the following information, as shown below.

·       In the Repeat Every "N" Year(s) field, enter a numeric value for "N" that indicates how often you want the meetings to occur. For example, if you want the meetings to occur every two years, enter "2" in this field.

·       Select one of the following radio buttons:

§       On "Month" "Day": indicates the date that you want your meeting to occur every year. For example, if you want your meeting to occur on May 18th every year, from the "Month" drop-down, select May and in the "Day" field enter 18.

§       On the "Occurrence" "Day of Week" of "Month": indicates that you want your meeting to occur yearly on either the first, second, third, fourth, or last day of a specific month. For example, if you want to create a meeting that occurs on the second Monday of November, from the Occurrence drop-down, select "second", from the "Day of Week" drop-down, select "Monday", and from the "Month" drop-down, select November.


Drop-down. Select the date that you want your meeting to start.

By default, the repeating meetings functionality creates new meetings in batches of twenty at one time. How fast the meeting products are created is a function of your organization's network and hardware. On average, it takes about 1 minute to create 300 meetings with basic options. If you choose to copy images, questions, etc., then it depends on the number of images, size of the images, location of the application server, etc. for how long it will take to create the meeting.  In addition, it is recommended that you only create 6 months out for daily occurrences, 12 months out for weekly occurrences, and 2 years out for monthly occurrences. For more information about the logic and best practice recommendations for creating repeating meetings, refer to Creating a Repeating Meeting.

By default, the start date for the repeating meeting will be the date of the meeting you are copying from.

End After "N" Occurrences

Radio button. The amount of times you would like this meeting to occur; enter a numeric value for "N". For example, if you want the meeting to be over after ten occurrences, enter 10 for this field.

By default, the repeating meetings functionality creates new meetings in batches of twenty at one time. How fast the meeting products are created is a function of your organization's network and hardware. On average, it takes about 1 minute to create 300 meetings with basic options. If you choose to copy images, questions, etc., then it depends on the number of images, size of the images, location of the application server, etc. for how long it will take to create the meeting.  In addition, it is recommended that you only create 6 months out for daily occurrences, 12 months out for weekly occurrences, and 2 years out for monthly occurrences. For more information about the logic and best practice recommendations for creating repeating meetings, refer to Creating a Repeating Meeting.

End By

Radio button. The date that you want your meetings to end.
The number of years out that a repeating meeting can be created is determined by the "Maximum Years Out to Create Repeating Meetings" field on the Meeting Parameters screen. You can only create recurring meetings up to 5 years out, and in base, this field automatically defaults to 2 years out. See Defining Organization Unit Meeting Parameters for more information.

By default, the repeating meetings functionality creates new meetings in batches of twenty at one time. How fast the meeting products are created is a function of your organization's network and hardware. On average, it takes about 1 minute to create 300 meetings with basic options. If you choose to copy images, questions, etc., then it depends on the number of images, size of the images, location of the application server, etc. for how long it will take to create the meeting.  In addition, it is recommended that you only create 6 months out for daily occurrences, 12 months out for weekly occurrences, and 2 years out for monthly occurrences. For more information about the logic and best practice recommendations for creating repeating meetings, refer to Creating a Repeating Meeting.

4- Review and Create Meetings tab

Create Meetings

Button. Review all your fields, select/deselect meetings in the grid, and after review, click this button.
The status column displays the results. When the system is first creating the repeating events, a status of "Processing" is displayed. Once the events are created, a status of "Created, Validated" or "Created, Not Validated" is displayed for each event. At the bottom of the screen, a progress bar provides visual confirmation of progress and a counter tallies total events created along with the total that will be created.   

Once you create the repeating meetings, there is no way edit all the meetings in the series at once; you will have to manually edit each meeting. It is very IMPORTANT that you verify that the logic is correct for your repeating meetings before clicking the Create Meetings button.

The system creates the number of meetings, courses, or proctored exams based on the recurrence pattern and range of recurrence defined on the Repeat Options tab. When each new meeting is being created, if enough information has been copied, that the product can be validated, and the products' validation flag(s) should be updated to "Y". How fast the meeting products are created is a function of your organization's network and hardware. On average, it takes about 1 minute to create 300 meetings with basic options. If you choose to copy images, questions, etc., then it depends on the number of images, size of the images, location of the application server, etc. for how long it will take to create the meeting.

If you have a meeting product with sessions, you can copy BOTH the meeting and the session(s). However, this process does not automatically validate the session product. You still need to click Validate Setup, as with other product setups, to finalize the product.

If there are any issues encountered during the creation of repeating meetings, the status column will display information about the issue, as shown below, but will continue creating the next repeating meeting. Some conditions that may cause the creation of a new meeting record to fail include the following: using a Parent Product/ Product Code combination that already exists, trying to create a facility and room reservation for a meeting that is already booked, etc.


Button. Click this button to stop the creation of the meeting products that have not been created yet.
A warning message will display asking you to confirm that you want to stop the process.

Export Results

Link. Select this link to save the results as a comma-separated file.