Awards System Types and Codes

The following table describes the system types and codes for the AWD subsystem. Prior to working with the AWD system, you must create codes (and in some cases, subcodes) for each of the non-fixed system types. Fixed types and codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed. For your reference, information about the fixed codes are also included in the table below.


Fixed Code?




The answer code associated with the subcode values that can be selected as the answer to a nomination question. The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       1-5 (subcodes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

·       Yes/No (subcodes: Yes, No)


For example, if the nomination question is, "Rate the nominee's professional experience on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest", you would want to select the Validation Code of "1-5" so the system displays the proper answer selections to the nominator.


The Validation Code field displays on the Questions tab on the Manage Awards Programs screen.



The category of the awards program. The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:  

·       International

·       Regional

The subcodes defined for these codes populated the Award Sub-Category field on the Manage Awards Program screen.

The Award Category and Award Sub-Category fields display on the Manage Awards Programs screen.



The type of award program. The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       Achievement

·       Awards Program

·       Community Service

·       Excellence in Management

·       Leadership


The Program Type field displays in the header on the Manage Awards Programs screen.



Identifies whether the nominee is an individual, company, subgroup, or both. The following codes are delivered with base and should not be changed:

·       Company

·       Individual

·       Subgroup

·       All Individual, company, and individual

·       Both company and individual


The system enforces the winner type that is defined for the award.


The Winner Type field displays in the header on the Manage Awards Programs screen.



Identifies whether the description is a header or is a regular condition. On the Program Detail page, the system will list the header ahead of the conditions. The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Condition description

·       Header description


The Condition Type field displays on the Awards Program Conditions screen.



The type of document to be uploaded. The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       Curriculum Vitae

·       Letters of Recommendation

·       Photograph

·       Student Grades


The Document Type field displays on the Awards Program Attachment screen.

The file type (.pdf, .doc, .docx, etc.) is not restricted or enforced.



The status of the nomination. The status keeps track of when the nominator submits their completed nomination. The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Cancelled Nomination

·       Completed Payment Pending

·       Draft

·       Draft Payment Pending

·       In Review

·       Submitted

·       Declined


The Nomination Status field displays on the Identify Nominator screen.



The status of the nominee. The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       Awarded

·       Eligible

·       In Review

·       Nominated


The Nominee Status column displays in the grid on the Award Nominations screen.



The type of question that must be answered in order to nominate a candidate for an awards program. The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       Experience

·       Personal Details

·       Qualifications


The Question Category field displays on the Questions tab on the Manage Awards Program screen.



The level of recognition given to the award winner(s). The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       First Place

·       Recipient 1

·       Recipient 2

·       Second Place


The Recognition  Level field displays on the Recognition tab on the Manage Awards Programs screen.



The name of the review stage. The following codes are delivered with base and should not be changed:

·       Final Stage

·       Interim Finalist Stage


The Review Stage field displays on the Review Process subtab on the Manage Awards Programs screen.



The status of the nominee review assigned to a reviewer. The following codes are delivered with base and should not be changed:

·       Invited

·       Declined

·       Assigned

·       Draft

·       Withdrawn

·       Complete


The Review Status field displays on the Nomination Review screen.



The status of the reviewer assigned to the awards program. The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       Confirmed

·       Declined

·       Invited


The Reviewer Status field displays on the Awards Program Reviewer screen and is only applicable to Individual reviewers.

Committee reviewers are not assigned a status because it is assumed that they have already confirmed.



The type of reviewer assigned to review nominations submitted for an awards program. The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Committee

·       Individual


The Reviewer Type field displays on the Review Process tab.



The answer code associated with the subcode values that can be selected as the answer to the reviewer question. The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       1 - 5 (subcodes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

·       A - E (subcodes: A, B, C, D, E)

·       Poor - Excellent (subcodes: Excellent, Fair, Good, Poor)

·       Yes/No (subcodes: Yes, No)


For example, if the reviewer question is, "Rate the nominee's overall qualification for this award based on the answers submitted with the nomination on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the least qualified and 5 being the most qualified", you would want to select the Validation Code of "1-5" so the system displays the proper answer selections to the reviewer.

The Numeric Value field for the subcodes is used to determine the numeric value for each subcode. This numeric value is used in the calculation of a nominee's score. For more information, please see Understanding an Award Nominee's Score.

The Validation Code field displays on the Reviewer Scoring Questions tab.



Not currently implemented and will be removed in a future release.



The category code that allows the links to be grouped on the page by category description.


The Link Category field displays on the Related Links tab.