Overview: Generating an ABC Publisher Statement (ABC900)

Now that you have set up the system for ABC reports, you can begin to generate the reports. Twice a year you will create a statement of circulation data for ABC. You should check the results of the statement from the system prior to sending the data. This will need to be performed at least twice a year, or as many times as necessary to get the statement correct by correcting the data. Once you have finished making all the necessary corrections, you need to create a final report. This is the report that will be sent to ABC. For more information on how to generate and send this report, refer to:

·            Generating the ABC900 Reports for Verification

·            Generating the ABC900 Reports for Finalization

See Also:

·            Overview: ABC Setup Management

·            Defining the Audit Type Codes in the System

·            Defining Publisher's Audit Regions

·            Enabling ABC Audit for a Specific Publication

·            Generating an ABC Publisher Statement

·            Recording your Audit History