Defining Publisher’s Audit Regions

You can run your ABC for multiple regions within a country or countries. The Publishers Audit Region Definition screen allows you to set up the regions your organization uses.

To define audit regions:

1.    Using the Subscriptions Manager persona, from the toolbar, select Subscriptions > Publication Audit > Publishers Audit Region Definitions.
The Publishers Audit Region Definition search screen displays.

2.    Click Create New.
The Publishers Audit Region Definition details screen displays, as shown below.

3.    Select "ABC" as the Audit Agency from the drop-down.
This is the agency who audits your organization’s publications.

4.    Enter the Audit Region Break.

5.    Enter the name of the Audit Region you are creating.
This is the code for the audit region you are defining.

6.    Enter a Description of this audit region to help you easily identify it later.

7.    Enter the Sort Order.
This allows you to choose the order in which the audit regions display.

8.    In the Publishers Audit Region Details section, click Add.
A new row is added to the grid and the accompanying fields become active.

9.    Enter the Sort Order for this section of the region.
This allows you to choose the order in which the audit region details display.

10.  Select the Country in which this section of the region belongs from the drop-down.

11.  Select the State from the drop-down.

12.  Enter a Description about this section of the region.

13.  Click Save.

See Also:

·            Overview: ABC Setup Management

·            Defining the Audit Type Codes in the System

·            Enabling ABC Audit for a Specific Publication

·            Generating an ABC Publisher Statement

·            Recording your Audit History