Generating the ABC900 Reports for Verification

Twice a year you will create a statement of circulation data for ABC. You should check the results of the statement from the system prior to sending the data. This will need to be performed at least twice a year, or as many times as necessary to get the statement correct by correcting the data.

You must run the SUB670 Issue Fulfillment process prior to running ABC900 as the SUB670 process populates necessary areas of the SUB_AUDIT_STATS table.

To generate an ABC report for verification:

1.    From the toolbar, click Reporting > Job Submission.

2.    From the Job Submission search screen, perform a search for and select the ABC900 application.
The Job Submission screen for the ABC900 report displays.

3.    In the User Setups section, highlight the ABC900_A: ABC Publisher Statement – Non-Finalized job code.

4.    From the Start job on drop-down, select the date you want the job to start on.

5.    The Job Priority defaults to “100.”
Change this if necessary.

6.    In the Job Parameters section, click the Publication link or manually enter the publication parameter.

7.    Select the Statement Date from the drop-down.

8.    Enter the Audited Issue you want audited.

9.    Enter the Statement Period in the text box. This defaults to “6.”

10.  Ensure that the Finalized Flag is unchecked.

11.  Enter the price of a one-year subscription in the 1 Year Basic Price text box.

12.  Enter the price of a two-year subscription in the 2 Year Basic Price text box.

13.  Enter the price of a single issue/volume in the subscription in the Single Copy Basic Price text box.

14.  Click the Output Files tab.
The Crystal Report File Names for each paragraph of the ABC report displays.

15.  Check the checkbox next to the ABC audit paragraph you want to Print Immediately.

16.  Enter the amount of Copies of the selected paragraph you want to print.

17.  From the TRS Tasks task category, click the appropriate link:

·            Upload input file – Uploads a file from your hard drive into the system (you should not use this for ABC reporting).

·            Run this report now – Immediately runs the report regardless of the Start Job On date selected.

·            Submit to TRS server – Submits this job to the server where it will be run on the Start Job On date.

·            Submit on hold – Submits this job to the server, but will not be run until the hold is released.

·            Schedule this request – Opens the Job Scheduling screen. From this screen you can schedule when you want the report to be run (this is not used for ABC reporting).

18.  Verify the report outputs and go back and make corrections to the data as necessary.

Sample Report

See Also:

·            Overview: Generating an ABC Publisher Statement (ABC900)

·            Generating the ABC900 Reports for Finalization