Recording Your Audit History

After running your ABC reports, you may want to record the audit information for a particular subscription. This information can be used to track the subscription’s audit history over time.

To record a publication’s audit history:

1.    From the toolbar, select Subscriptions > Publication Audit > Audit History.
The Generic Chooser displays with a list of qualified subscription products.

2.    Highlight the desired subscription product and click Select.
The Publishers Audit History screen displays for the selected subscription, as shown below.

3.    Click Add.
A new row is added to the grid and the Audit History Details fields become active.

4.    Enter the Circulation Claim Year for the subscription.
This is the year of the subscription that was audited.

5.    Select the Statement Date from the drop-down.
This is the date on which the ABC report was submitted.

6.    Enter the Post Expire.
This is the percentage of paid subscription volumes/issues that were sent after the subscription’s expiration date (known elsewhere in Personify360 as “grace issues”).

7.    Enter the Average Annual Price of the subscription.
This is the average price of an annual subscription to the publication.

8.    Enter the number of Qualified Paid subscriptions.
This is the number of qualified paid subscription publications.

9.    Enter the number of Qualified Non Paid subscriptions.
This is the number of qualified non-paid subscription publications.

10.  The Total Qualified field is read-only.
This the total number of qualified paid and qualified non-paid subscription publications.

11.  Click Save.

See Also:

·            Overview: ABC Setup Management

·            Defining the Audit Type Codes in the System

·            Defining Publisher's Audit Regions

·            Enabling ABC Audit for a Specific Publication

·            Generating an ABC Publisher Statement

·            Recording your Audit History