Subscription Products Overview

The General Setup screen allows you to setup the specific type of subscription to be recorded. Using this screen, as well as the related screens reachable via the taskbar, an in depth record of your association’s subscriptions can be maintained. It is important to remember that the publication itself will be defined as the parent product code for purposes of aggregating ABC and BPA reporting, regardless of the product code itself.

To setup a subscription:

1.    Define the general subscription product.

2.    Define rates and pricing.

3.    Define rate code extensions.

4.    Define GL accounts.

5.    Define Revenue accounts.

6.    Define shipping charges.

7.    Define cancellation fees.

8.    Define components.

9.    Define credit card billing description.

10.  Add issues.

11.  Define audit requirements.

12.  Add authors and articles.

13.  Defining Product Images for a Subscription Product

14.  Validate setup.

The instructions in this section assume you are using the Subscriptions Manager persona.