Base Access Points

Access Point Code



To implement system wide security of audit log data, this access point restricts access to audit log data to only back office users who are currently logged on to Personify and are members of groups selected for this Access Point. For more information on audit logging, please see the ApexSQL Audit Logging section.


This access point is not currently being used.


As of 7.5.0, this access point allows back office users to clear the web cache. Users must belong to a security group in which rights to this access point are assigned in order to see and click the Refresh Web Cache button on the Clear Cache screen. For more information, please see Refreshing Web Cached Data.








As of 7.6.0, this access point allows back office users to edit the Billing Description, Phone, City, and URL fields on the Credit Card Billing Description screen in Product Maintenance. You can add a custom credit card billing description for the following products:

·       Advertising

·       Certification

·       DCD

·       Exhibition

·       Facility

·       Fundraising Gift

·       Inventoried Product

·       Meeting

·       Membership

·       Miscellaneous Invoice

·       Package

·       Subscription

·       Transcript

·       Umbrella

Custom credit card billing descriptions are only applicable for organizations who have integrated with Vantiv as their payment handler.

By default, this access point is assigned to the Accounting Manager security group.


This access point allows back office staff to perform the following tasks on the Certification Registration (CRT002) screen: Modify Process Expiration, Modify Certification Expiration, Modify Completion Date, Certify and Reverse Certification.


As of 7.5.0, this access point allows back office users to change the payor on a receipt. Users must belong to a security group in which rights to this access point are assigned in order to see and check the Change Payor to Bill-To Customer checkbox on the Receipt Transfer screen. For more information, please see Transferring a Receipt.


This access point allows back office users to open a batch from the Batch Control screen. For more information, please see Opening a Batch.




This access point secures all activity records to the staff group that works with prospect moves plans. This access point should be added to the "FUNDRAISING_MOVES_PLAN" code for the MRM "CALL_TOPIC" system type. Only add this access point to the security group that will maintain moves plans. For more information, please see Updating Prospect Tasks.


This access point allows back office staff to access the SSO/IMS admin portal outside of DNN. Users must belong to a security group in which rights t o this access point are assigned in order to see and click the SSO IMS Admin button on the Configure and Verify Interfaces screen, which launches the login page for the SSO/IMS module. For more information, please see Setting Up the SSO and IMS Admin Module.


This access point allows back office staff to forcefully make batch available.


This access point allows back office users to delete miscellaneous comments about a constituent created by another user. Users must belong to a security group in which rights to this access point are assigned in order to see and click the Delete button on the Miscellaneous Comments screen in CRM360® and Donor360®. For more information, please see Adding Miscellaneous Comments to a Constituent's Record in CRM360 or Adding Miscellaneous Comments about a Donor.






























As of 7.6.0, this access point allows back office users to replace a credit card from the Saved Credit Cards screen in CRM360. For more information, please see Updating an Existing Credit Card in CRM360.


This access point allows back office users to update member counts.


As of 7.5.2, this access point allows back office users to view a customer's complete, unencrypted bank account number. Users must belong to a security group in which rights to this access point are assigned in order to see and click the View Bank Account Number button on the EFT Bank Account Information screen in CRM360®. For more information, please see Adding EFT Bank Account Information to a Constituent's Record in CRM360.




If the Mark Private checkbox is checked when creating a new contact tracking record, users must belong to a security group in which rights to this access point are assigned in order to view this contact tracking record from the Contact Tracking AND CRM360 screens.