Adding Insertion Products and Services

For certain types of advertisements, such as those in buyer’s guides and directories, the advertiser includes information about their products and services. When this is done, an index of advertisers by product/service categories is also provided in this type of advertising media.


Products and services are maintained at the advertiser customer level. If you want to add products/services to an insertion order, you can select the products/services you want included from a list and they are automatically copied into the insertion order.

To maintain insertion products and services:

1.    From the Insertion Order Details screen, from the Insertion Order Details task category, click Maintain Insertion Prod/Srvs.
The Products and Services Advertised screen for the advertiser connected to the insertion order displays, as shown below.

2.    From the Customer Products and Services group box, highlight the product or service featured in the advertisement and click the right-facing arrow.
The product or service is copied to the Insertion Order Products and Services group box.

 Multiple products and/or services can be added to an insertion order line.

3.    To add new products or services provided by this advertiser, click Maintain Advertiser Products and Services.
The Customer Product Service screen displays, as shown below.

a.    Click Add New Product.

b.    Select a Product Category.
Values in the drop-down are populated based on the codes defined for the non-fixed CUS "PRODUCT_CATEGORY" system type.

c.    Select a product Sub-Category.
Values in the drop-down are populated based on the subcodes defined for the non-fixed CUS "PRODUCT_CATEGORY" system type and codes.

d.    Enter the Brand Name.

e.    Enter the Directory Description.

f.      If applicable, select the Default to Shows checkbox.

g.    Click Save.

4.    Click Save.

See Also:

·            Overview: Insertion Orders

·            Accessing Insertion Order Maintenance

·            Creating an Insertion Order

·            Insertion Order Details

·            Maintaining Ad Creative

·            Adding Insertion Order Sales Representatives

·            Maintaining Insertion Order Product Information

·            Maintaining Advertising Content

·            Cancelling an Insertion Order Line

·            Maintaining Classified Text

·            Creating a Duplicate Insertion Order

·            Reviewing Order Pricing Summary

·            Maintaining a Payment Schedule