Shopping Cart Control Overview

The Shopping Cart control serves as a holding place for products that your web user intends to purchase and/or has expressed an interest in. Here, web users are able to easily update, remove, or put products in the "Save for Later" holding area without navigating to another page. For web users who are logged into your site, products that were added in the past, but were not purchased will still display in the shopping cart. For web users who are NOT logged into your site, products that were added in the past, but were not purchased will be saved for guest web users as long as cookies are enabled on your site.

The shopping cart lists items in descending order based on when they were added, so that the last product added in the cart will be shown first.

See Also:

·            To add the Shopping Cart control to a page on the web, see Configuring the Web Settings for the Shopping Cart.

·            For some Frequently Asked Questions about the Shopping Cart controls, see Frequently Asked Questions for the Shopping Cart Controls.

·            For a video demonstration on how to set up the Shopping Cart page, refer to Video Demo: Creating the Shopping Cart Page.

Customer Impact

After configuring the Shopping Cart control, your web users will see the control similar to the one displayed below.

The text that displays if the web user has an empty shopping cart is based on the “Shopping Cart Empty Message” parameter in the web control settings. You can craft a message that will resonate with your web users. For more information, please see Configuring the Web Settings for the Shopping Cart Control.

From this control, the web user can do the following from his/her shopping cart:

·            Edit product selections

·            Save products for later

·            Remove a product

·            Continue shopping

·            Update product quantity

·            View CE Credits for a product

·            View Product Alerts

·            Viewing Product Details

·            View Free Shipping Eligibility Messaging

·            View Meeting Registrants

Editing Product Selections

If the web user clicks the Edit link below the product in his/her cart, the "Edit Your Selection" pop-up screen displays. The edit options that display on this pop-up depend on the type of product.


The following is a list of products and each hyperlinks to the appropriate section below:

·            Umbrella

·            Miscellaneous

·            Inventory

·            Digital Content Delivery (DCD)

·            Packages (fixed)

·            Subscription

·            Membership

·            Meeting

·            Donation


For umbrella products, web users will see a Edit Your Selection pop-up similar to what is shown below. In addition to changing the quantity amount, web users can change their product options (e.g., size, color, format, etc.). Please note that if the web user updates the quantity to greater than one, all of the products will have the same product options as selected on this screen. For more information on umbrella products, please see the Umbrella Product Overview.


For miscellaneous products, web users will see a Edit Your Selection pop-up similar to what is shown below. The only edit option available for miscellaneous products is to change the quantity. For more information on miscellaneous products, please see Creating a Miscellaneous Product.


For inventoried products, web users will see a Edit Your Selection pop-up similar to what is shown below. The only edit option available for inventoried products is to change the quantity. For more information on inventoried products, please see Creating an Inventory Product.

Digital Content Delivery (DCD)

For DCD products, web users will see a Edit Your Selection pop-up similar to what is shown below. If any download files were defined for the DCD product, the list of files will display. The only edit option available for DCD products is to change the quantity. For more information on DCD products, please see Creating a DCD Product.

Packages (fixed)

For package products, web users will see a Edit Your Selection pop-up similar to what is shown below. The products contained as part of the fixed package will display. The only edit option available for DCD products is to change the quantity. For more information on package products, please see Creating a Package Product.


For subscription products, web users will see a Edit Your Selection pop-up similar to what is shown below. In addition, to changing the quantity amount, web users can also change the rate (e.g., 1 year, 2 years, etc.) for the product. For more information on subscription products, please see Creating a Subscription Product.


For membership products, web users will see a Edit Your Selection pop-up similar to what is shown below. In addition, to changing the quantity amount, web users can also switch between print and/or digital . For more information on membership products, please see Creating a Membership Product.

For membership products added from the Product Detail control (as opposed to going through the membership join process), the system will NOT display the membership duration, sorting of sub products, prorated prices, etc.


For meeting products, web users will see a Edit Your Selection pop-up similar to what is shown below. If the meeting product has a badge associated with it, the web user can update his/her full name, nickname, company name, city, country, and state on his/her badge, as shown below. No other changes can be made to the meeting product from this screen. Instead, the web use must click the Modify Registration link to open the registration workflow. For more information on meeting products, please see Creating a Meeting Product.

Sessions included in the meeting registration will NOT display in the web users' shopping cart.


For fundraising gifts, web users will see a Edit Your Selection pop-up similar to what is shown below. No changes can be made to the fundraising product from this screen. For more information on fundraising gifts, please see Creating a Fundraising Gift.

Saving Products for Later

If the web user clicks the Save for Later option below the product in his/her cart, the system will move that product to the SAVE FOR LATER section at the bottom of the shopping cart page, as highlighted below. Product(s) added to this section are NOT reflected in the total price that is displayed on the Shopping Cart Summary control, because it is not expected that the product(s) will be purchased. Additionally, product(s) in this section do NOT impact the member savings amount indicated by the Shopping Cart Savings control. The web user can add a saved item back to his/her cart by clicking Add To Cart.

The Cart is captured in the database as of 7.5.0 along with "Save for Later" items so you can analyze this data and if desired, create notifications or marketing emails to prompt your web users to purchase these products.

Removing Products

If the web user clicks the Remove option below a product in his/her cart, the Confirmation window displays, as shown below. The web user must then click Remove to remove the item from his/her cart.

Updating Product Quantity

If the web user wants to change the quantity of a product that is in his/her shopping cart, he/she can enter a new amount in the Quantity field and click Update to save the change. The total for that line and in the summary area will update accordingly. If the amount is updated to 0, then the system assumes that the web user is trying to delete that item and the product will be removed from the cart.

Continuing Shopping

If the web user clicks the continue shopping link, as highlighted below, he/she will be redirected to the page defined in the control settings.

Your web users may have reached the Shopping Cart page from a number of different locations/actions and NOT just from a shopping experience (i.e., they may have clicked on the mini-cart icon, followed a URL from an email, used a 3rd party site to add an item to the Cart, etc.). Therefore, the continue shopping link cannot simply lead one step back. You are responsible for configuring the page, ideally a product listing page, that most makes sense.

Viewing CE Credits

A CE credit ribbon will display if a credit type and amount has been defined for a product on the Transcript Link screen in Product Central. This information is provided in the store and shopping cart to entice your web users. See CE Credit Ribbons for more information.

Viewing Product Alerts

Product alerts inform the web user if a product is for members only, how many are left, sold out, pre-order available, back order available, etc., as shown below. Alerts are intended to be noticed by your web users. While most of these messages are system generated, it is a good idea to spot-check your site to understand the impact of those that your organization can remove (i.e., out of stock items). Product alerts are configured at the product level. You do not have to configure additional settings for this control in order for product alerts to display in the shopping cart. If the product alert is members only, wait listed, no longer available, etc., the web user can choose whether he/she wants to edit, save for later, or remove the product from his/her cart. For more information on setting up product alerts, please see Configuring Product Alerts.

Products in the shopping cart that are no longer available, cannot be included in checkout, but can be saved for later so that the web user can refer to it later (e.g., to check back to see if it becomes available or to find something similar).

Viewing Product Details

If you define a URL for a product in the Product URL field on the eBusiness Control screen in Product Maintenance in the back office, as highlighted below, when the web user clicks a product's hyperlink or image, a new tab opens in your web user's browser with the URL defined in the Product URL field in the back office. If a URL is NOT defined and the web user clicks the product's hyperlink or image, he/she is redirected to the Product Detail page or Meeting Detail page.

Viewing Free Shipping Eligibility

As of 7.5.2, when a web user adds an INV product to his/her cart that is eligible for free shipping, the system will calculate if the order will receive free shipping and displays a message to the web user. If the order does NOT qualify for free shipping, the system will display how much needs to be added to the cart to qualify, as shown below.


If the order qualifies for free shipping, the system displays the following message:

View Meeting Registrants

As of 7.6.0, web users have the ability to register other people, as well as themselves, for a meeting; this functionality is referred to as "Register Someone Else". If a web user registered someone else for a meeting and navigates to the Shopping Cart page, the Shopping Cart control will display the meeting product for each individual registrant, along with the registrant's name, as shown below.

If a web user selects Edit, the Edit Your Selection screen displays, as shown below. If the web user clicks the Modify Registration link, he/she is redirected to the Registration Summary step for the ship-to constituent for that order line, where he/she can edit the meeting registration for the selected constituent. However, the web user cannot change the constituent that is registered for the meeting, because the Contact Information step is suppressed. If he/she needs to change the constituent that is registered for the meeting, he/she will need to click the Remove link in the Shopping Cart and proceed through the Register Someone Else workflow for the new constituent.