Online Member Directory .NET Controls

It is very common for membership organizations to publish a directory of their current members online. This serves as a resource to other members and sometimes to the general public. In most cases, the directory will only include members. Members use the directory as a networking tool. In the case of many medical societies who publish a directory of their members for the public, it is a member benefit and an incentive to keep membership current.


As of 7.6.0, the new online member directory .NET controls allow organizations to create searchable, member directories through which logged in members can search.

Prior to 7.6.0, a dynamic search tool was offered in DNN that provided a very flexible way to configure a search and listing tool for online users. As of 7.6.0, the new .NET member directory control is NOT a replacement for that because dynamic search was not limited to customers (it has been used to create a product listing, but a .NET control has already been provided to meet that need).

Data in the table that holds membership order information for online directories is populated and kept up to date by the MBR800 batch process. You can schedule this batch process to run as frequently as needed. It is recommended that you run the process two to four times a day so that online member directories are kept up to date.

In this section:

·            Member Directory Control

·            Member Directory Detail Control

See also:

·            Back office setup

·            Technical implementation