Online Member Directory Setup

It is very common for membership organizations to publish a directory of their current members online. This serves as a resource to other members and sometimes to the general public. In most cases, the directory will only include members. Members use the directory as a networking tool. In the case of many medical societies who publish a directory of their members for the public, it is a member benefit and an incentive to keep membership current.


Prior to 7.6.0, a dynamic search tool was offered in DNN that provided a very flexible way to configure a search and listing tool for online users. As of 7.6.0, the new .NET member directory control is NOT a replacement for that because dynamic search was not limited to customers.

The new member directory does NOT support the definition of a "member" that is different from what is delivered in base. Organizations that have a different way to indicate membership will need to customize the logic that populates membership details by updating the stored procedure which searches the records in the member directory.

The Online Member Directory Setup screen (MBR200_ONLINE_DIRECTORY_SETUP) allows membership managers and IT staff to configure online directories per org/org unit. In addition to identifying the stored procedure that provides searchable data, organizations have the option of setting up advanced search options. For more information, please see Setting Up a Member Directory.

Organizations that store latitude and longitude data per customer address can provide an advanced search by distance in their directory. You must integrate with Spectrum's geocoding feature in order for this to work. International searching is not currently supported. For location searches to work, addresses must have corresponding latitudes and longitudes stored in CUS_ADDRESS_GEO_LOCATION table.

Organizations with more than one org unit are not expected to have a single source of data for directories serving each entity. Just as separate websites need to be set up, separate directories will need to be set up – and the data that feeds each org unit’s directory is expected to be separate (or you need to be very careful about including org unit in your data, SPs, views, etc.). The base delivery includes ORG_ID and ORG_UNIT_ID as part of the stored procedure and view logic.

In this section:

·            Setting Up an Online Member Directory

o           Defining Online Member Directory Advanced Search Options

o           Defining Online Directory Search Results

o           Defining Online Member Directory Detail Page Information

See also:

·            MBR800 - Populate Membership Directory

·            Online Member Directory .NET Controls