Online Member Directory Technical Implementation

The purpose of this section is to provide technical information for implementing a custom online member directory.


Personify delivers three base versions of the Online Member Directory:

·            National Member Directory

·            Chapter Member Directory

·            Trade Member Directory


Each of these directories uses stored procedures to populate the search page and the detail page. The following is the list of stored procedures used for each of the directories.


Search Stored Procedure

Detail Stored Procedure

National Member Directory



Chapter Member Directory



Trade Member Directory



It is recommended that organizations use these directories and stored procedures as samples, and use these sample directories and the stored procedures as a basis to create their own member directories.

In this section:

·            Offline Tables Available for Member Directory Searches

·            Member Directory Structure

·            Creating a Stored Procedure for the Online Member Directory Search Page

o           Sample Member Directory Search Page Stored Procedure

·            Creating a Stored Procedure for the Online Member Directory Detail Page

o           Sample Member Directory Detail Page Stored Procedure

·            Data Harvesting Considerations

For tips on styling the online member directory search and detail pages, please see Configuring the Web Settings for the Member Directory Control and Configuring the Web Settings for the Member Directory Detail Control, respectively.