Credit Card Processing System Types and Codes

The following table lists the credit card processing types and codes. The non-fixed codes must be defined before using credit cards in Personify360.






Visa, MasterCard, and Discover provide enhanced credit card products for consumers with high disposable incomes and high card spending. These cards encourage usage by offering the cardholders additional benefits usually including reward incentives, no pre-set spending limit, higher authorization approval rates, faster access to a customer service representatives, and dedicated chargeback resolution support.


Vantiv analysis of payments data indicates that consumers using these cards types typically spend more per order than consumers using traditional credit and debit cards. The Affluence Indicator feature provides the ability for merchants to segment their consumers based on the affluence level as determined by the issuer. Within the LitleXML Authorization response, consumers using these enhanced card products are classified either as Mass Affluent or Affluent. Based upon the specific card type, high income consumers are classified as Mass Affluent, while high income-high spending consumers are classified as Affluent.


Having this information at the time of authorization allows merchants the opportunity to adjust their sales approach to the needs and spending patterns of the consumer, potentially generating additional sales. Having this information on file for later analysis also may provide the opportunity for targeted marketing campaigns and future sales.


If you are using Vantiv as your payment handler AND you have enabled the Affluence indicator feature, the Affluence Level field will be populated on the Credit Card Request Review screen (FAR015_Credit_Card_Request_Review) and Saved Credit Cards screen in CRM360®. However, please note that the affluent code will be written to the CCP_Req_Ans table without being validated and the codes for this system type are provided for informational purposes only.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Affluent

·       Mass Affluent



As of 7.6.0, the Cardholder Type indicates whether the submitted card is an unknown consumer, commercial, or consumer card, providing you with additional data useful when analyzing sales patterns and/or planning marketing campaigns.


If you are using Vantiv as your payment handler AND you have enabled the Cardholder Type indicator feature, the Cardholder Type field will be populated on the Credit Card Request Review screen (FAR015_Credit_Card_Request_Review) and Saved Credit Cards screen in CRM360®. However, please note that the cardholder type code will be written to the CCP_Req_Ans table without being validated and the codes for this system type are provided for informational purposes only.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Consumer

·       Commercial

·       Unknown



Determines the mode to run the CCP500 report. The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Bydate

·       Settlement

·       Unsettled



Determines the category level for the transaction grouping for the CCP504 report. Options include Batch, Merchant ID, Receipt Type, Settlement Number, and Transaction Type. This field is located on the CCP504 report.



The types of credit cards available that your payment handler can process. For example, American Express, Discover, or MasterCard.

·       If your processor is a Global Payment Service, then change the descriptions for the “Delta” and “Solo” credit card types.

·       If your processor is not a Global Payment Service, then delete the “Delta” and “Solo” credit card types.


The Card Type Map (CyberSource) field (Option_1 column in APP_CODE ) identifies what the credit card starts with and is used to validate that the credit card is valid. For example, if you enter 3 in this field for American Express, the system knows that the user is paying with an American Express credit card. This only applies to credit card transactions being processed by CyberSource.


The Start Digit(s) field (Option_2 column in APP_CODE) identifies the starting digits of credit card numbers for the credit card type represented by the code. This value defaults into the "Start Digits" field on the Receipt Types & Cash Accounts screen in Organizational Unit Maintenance for the selected credit card type.


The Length field (Option_3 column in APP_CODE) identifies the number of digits in a credit card of the type identified by the code. This value(s) defaults into the "Credit Card Length" field on the Receipt Types & Cash Accounts screen in Organizational Unit Maintenance for the selected credit card type.


The Validate Check Digit? field (Option_4 column in APP_CODE) identifies whether the check digit value should be validated for credit cards of the type defined by the code. If this is set to "Y", the "Validate Check Digit" checkbox will be checked on the This value defaults into the "Start Digits" field on the Receipt Types & Cash Accounts screen in Organizational Unit Maintenance for the selected credit card type.


As of 7.6.0, the Card Type Map (Vantiv) field (Option_5 column in APP_CODE) is used to identify the type of Vantiv credit card. Valid values include AX (American Express), DC (Diners Club), DI (Discover),  JC (JCB), MC (Master Card), and VI (Visa). Vantiv expects this value when an authorization request is sent and Vantiv also returns this card type with the account updater functionality. This only applies to credit card transactions being processed by Vantiv.


As of 7.6.1, the Vantiv Auth. Recycling Days field (Option_6 column in APP_CODE) identifies the number of days that Vantiv will continue to try to obtain an authorization for a declined transaction. The value in this field will be used to populate Far_Receipt.AUTHORIZATION_RECYCLE_END_DATE. For more information, please see Vantiv Authorization Recycling. By default, this field is set to "28" for AMEX, DINERS_CLUB, DISCOVER, and MAST_CARD and "16" for VISA. This only applies to credit card transactions being processed by Vantiv.



This is not currently being used in Personify360.



The types of payment handlers supported by Personify360. The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:


·       VANTIV (new as of 7.6.0)

·       VERISIGN


Credit card processors (i.e., payment handlers) have system type and code records, as well as subcode records, to store the value of parameters needed by the payment handler. The values defined for App_Subcode PAYMENT_HANDLER records default into merchant parameters of the same name as the App_Subcode.SUBCODE record on the Merchant Setup screen.


The following subcodes are delivered with base for each code listed above:


§       ACTIVE



§       CURRENCY


§       IGNORE_AVS

§       IGNORE_CVV



·       PAYPAL (new as of 7.6.1)

§       ACTIVE






§       BN CODE

§       CURRENCY




§       SUBJECT

·       VANTIV

§       ACTIVE



§       CURRENCY


§       IGNORE_AVS

§       IGNORE_CVV




§       PROCESS_EXPIRED_CC (new as of 7.6.1)







·       VERISIGN

§       ACTIVE


§       CURRENCY


§       IGNORE_AVS

§       IGNORE_CVV

§       IGNORE_ZIP



§       PARTNER



§       VENDOR

For subcodes, the Required field (OPTION_1 column in APP_CODE table) indicates whether or not the merchant parameter on the Merchant Setup screen is required, and the Default Value field (OPTION_2 column in APP_CODE table) indicates the default value of the merchant parameter on the Merchant Setup screen.



The codes for this system type are hard-coded in the CCP610 logic. As of 7.6.0, this system type and its codes have been added for informational purposes; CCP610 does NOT validate against these codes.


The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       Complete

·       New Request



The codes for this system type are hard-coded in the CCP610 logic. As of 7.6.0, this system type and its codes have been added for informational purposes; CCP610 does NOT validate against these codes.


The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:


·       CREDIT


·       PRE-AUTH

·       PRE-CREDIT

·       PRE-SALE

·       SALE


·       VOID-AUTH (new as of 7.6.1)