Defining Organization Unit Receipt Types and Cash Accounts

Cash accounts are defined for each financial company for different receipt types. These are used for payment and refund transactions. Each accepted credit card needs to have a corresponding receipt type and merchant login ID.


One or more cash accounts need to be set up for each receipt type within a company. It needs to be set up here in order to add a receipt line to a batch. In general, it is recommended that a different cash account be used for each receipt type. In some cases, the accounts for different receipt types may be the same (e.g. checks and cash). It is helpful in the reconciliation of credit card merchant statements if each different type of credit card has its own account. Visa and MasterCard are sometimes combined but American Express should be in a different account. It also helps with reconciliation if a separate account is set up for e-Business. On the cash account details for each receipt type, it can be indicated whether the account is the default for that receipt type when creating a batch. The cash account can be changed when creating a batch.

If your organization has different merchants for web and back office credit card transaction and allows customers to add credit cards from the web, you must setup ONE receipt type and add BOTH merchants to it with TWO different cash accounts.

You may need to update the credit card receipt types and merchant login IDs for PA-DSS compliance.

To define cash accounts:

1.    From the toolbar, select System Admin > Organization Structure > Organization Unit Definition.

2.    Search for an organization unit and select it.
The General System Parameters screen in Organizational Unit Maintenance displays.

3.    From the Default GL Accounts task category, click Receipt Types and Cash Accounts.
The Receipt Types and Cash Accounts screen displays.

4.    To add a receipt type, perform the following in the Receipt Types section:

a.    Click Add.
The Receipt Type Details fields are enabled.

b.    Enter the Receipt Type name.

c.    If necessary, check the Default for New Batch checkbox.

d.    Enter the Description of the receipt type.
The Web Description defaults to the same text, but you can change it, if necessary.

e.    Enter the Web Usage.

f.      Enter the Display Order.

g.    Select the Availability of the receipt type from the drop-down.

h.    If necessary, check the eCheck, Credit Card Receipt, or PayPal checkbox.

i.      Select the Payment Handler from the drop-down.

j.      By default, the Active checkbox is checked. Uncheck if necessary.

k.    If the "Credit Card" checkbox is checked, select the Credit Card Type.

l.      If the "Credit Card" checkbox is checked, check the Validate Check Digit checkbox if necessary.

m.  If the "Credit Card" checkbox is checked, enter the Start Digits.

n.    If the "Credit Card" checkbox is checked, enter the Credit Card Length, if necessary.

5.    To add a cash account, perform the following in the Cash Accounts section:

a.    Highlight the appropriate receipt type and click Add.
The Cash Account Details fields are enabled.

b.    Select the Company from the drop-down.

c.    Click the Debit Account link to search for a debit account.

d.    If necessary, check the appropriate checkboxes:

·            Default for Web

·           Default for Personify

e.    Select the Currency from the drop-down.

f.      Click the Merchant link to search for a merchant associated with the cash account.

6.    Click Save.

Screen Element


Receipt Types


Button. When clicked, a row is added to the table and the corresponding fields are enabled to add a receipt type.


Button. When clicked, the highlighted row from the table is deleted.

Receipt Type Details

Receipt Type

Text box. The receipt type associated with the organization unit. For example, Check or MasterCard. Once the receipt types are defined, you can associate them with cash accounts.

It is recommended that you do NOT include a hyphen ( - ) in the Receipt Type name.

Default for New Batch

Checkbox. When checked, indicates the receipt type is the default when a batch is created. If you select a default receipt type, you do not need to click “Add” on the Batch Control screen.


Text box. The description of the receipt type.

Web Description

Text box. The description of the receipt type on the Web. This field automatically populates based on the description entered, but you can change it.

Web Usage

Text box. When a list of receipt types is displayed on the Web, this is the order in which the highlighted receipt type is displayed. For example, a receipt type with the display order of “1” will display before the receipt type with the display order of “2” in a listing.

Display Order

Text box. When a list of receipt types is displayed, this is the order in which the highlighted receipt type is displayed. For example, a receipt type with the display order of “1” will display before the receipt type with the display order of “2” in a listing.


Drop-down. Select whether this receipt type will be available for Personify, the Web, both, or none. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed codes defined for the FAR "RECEIPT_AVAILABLILITY" system type.


Checkbox. When checked, indicates the highlighted receipt type will produce an eCheck receipt and you must select a Payment Handler.

Credit Card

Checkbox. When checked, indicates the highlighted receipt type will produce a credit card receipt and you must select a Payment Handler.


Checkbox. As of 7.6.0, when checked, identifies the highlighted receipt type is a PayPal receipt type.

If this checkbox is checked, you should set the Availability to "WEB", because PayPal as a payment method has only been implemented on the web.

Payment Handler

Drop-down. The third-party application used to handle payments. As of 7.6.0, when the receipt type is a PayPal receipt type (i.e., PayPal checkbox is checked), this field is required. Currently, only Vantiv as a payment handler is supported for the PayPal payment method.


Values in the drop-down are populated based on the fixed codes defined for the CCP "PAYMENT_HANDLER" system type.


Checkbox. By default, this checkbox is checked and indicates that the receipt is active.

Credit Card Type

Drop-down. If the Credit Card Receipt checkbox is checked, you must select the type of credit card. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed codes defined for the CCP "CREDIT_CARD_TYPE" system type.

Validate Check Digit

Checkbox. When checked, indicates the receipt type will validate the check digit of the credit card number. This is used for Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. The system executes a simple checksum formula that validates that the credit card number could be correct by validating that the checksum digit (the last digit of the credit card number) is correct based on the other digits in the credit card number. The formula is designed to catch possible data-entry errors.

If the Validate Check Digit? checkbox is checked on the Types and Codes Maintenance screen for the selected Credit Card Type code, this checkbox will default to checked, but can be changed.

Start Digits

Text box. The first digits of the credit card number. Certain credit card types have the same start digits for all of their credit cards. This is only needed if the Credit Card Receipt checkbox is selected.

If the Start Digit(s) field has been defined the Types and Codes Maintenance screen for the selected Credit Card Type code, those values will default here, but can be changed.

Credit Card Length

Text box. Enter the amount of numbers in the credit card (if the receipt type is a credit card). This is only needed if the Credit Card Receipt checkbox is selected. You can distinguish between a range using a hyphen or a list using a comma.

If the Length field has been defined the Types and Codes Maintenance screen for the selected Credit Card Type code, that value(s) will default here, but can be changed.

Cash Accounts


Button. When clicked, a row is added to the table and the corresponding fields are enabled to add cash accounts.


Button. When clicked, the highlighted row from the table is deleted. No transactions can exist for this account for it to be deleted.

Cash Account Details

Receipt Type

Read-only. Displays the receipt type selected from the Receipt Types grid above.


Drop-down. The company associated with the cash account. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the financial companies defined on the General System Parameters screen in Organizational Unit Maintenance.

Debit Account

Link. The debit account that is used for cash transactions of the associated receipt type. This should be unique within the organization, organization unit, company, and receipt type.

Once a receipt type is associated with EFT bank profile, if you try to change the Debit Account of that receipt type, then the following validation issue will be raised: “This receipt type is associated with the EFT bank profile. Please change the receipt type for the EFT bank profile first.”

Default for Web

Checkbox. When checked, indicates the cash account is the default for the receipt type when creating an e-commerce batch.

Default for Personify

Checkbox. When checked, indicates the cash account is the default receipt type when creating a non e-commerce batch. If only one account is listed, check this checkbox so you do not need to select the account every time a non e-commerce batch is created.


Drop-down. Select the currency associated with the cash account. Currencies are defined on the Currency Exchange Rate Maintenance screen.


Link. The merchant ID that is used to process credit cards. The selected credit card merchant must be assigned the same currency code as the receipt type code. New credit card transactions are verified using this merchant ID.