Certifications System Types and Codes

The following table lists the certification-related types and codes. The non-fixed system types must be defined before using certifications in Personify360.






The type of activity. The Activity field displays on the Certification Activities Tracking screen.



The status of a certification registration. The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       CANCELLED (new as of 7.4.2)


·       EXPIRED


·       PENDING



The Certification Status field displays on the Certification Registration and Tracking (CRT002) screen.



The type of certification. The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Certification

·       Recertification


The Certification Type field displays on the Certification Definition screen.



The options for completing the certification. The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Specific Number of Months

·       Unlimited Number of Months


The Completion Option Code field displays on the Certification Definition screen.



The date mask of the certification program. The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       One Year

·       One Year Minus

·       One Year Plus

·       End of January

·       End of February

·       End of March

·       End of April

·       End of May

·       End of June

·       End of July

·       End of August

·       End of September

·       End of October

·       End of November

·       End of December

·       End of Month


The Date Mask field displays on the Certification Definition screen.



The user-defined codes are used to identify the type of relationship with a related customer. The following codes are delivered with base and can be modified:

·       Author

·       Product Manager

·       Speaker

·       Vendor


The Relationship Type field displays on the Related Customers screen.


The Option 1 field is used to create a product relationship between the product and the constituent. Enter "CUS001I-APPEARANCE" in this field in order for the code to be an option from the Relationship Type drop-down on the Related Customers screen.



Identifies the record type of the customer. Personify360 currently supports four customer types: Individual (I), Company (C), Subgroup (S), and Committee (T).



This is not currently being used in the system.



The expiration options for completing the certification. The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Custom

·       Even Years

·       Masked End Date

·       Odd Years

·       Rolling Anniversary

·       Specific Date


The Expiration Option field is located on the Certification Definition screen.



The status of the product within the order. The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Active

·       Expired

·       Complete


The Fulfill Status field is located on the Line Item Details screen in Order Entry.



The status of the line item on the order. The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Active

·       Cancelled

·       Proforma


The Line Status field is located on the Line Item Details screen in Order Entry.


The Option 1 field determines whether or not FAR670 will recognize the order line. Enter "RevenueRecognition" in the Option 1 field if you want FAR670 to process the transaction. In the base application, only line status codes of "A" have "REVRECOGNITION" in the Option 1 column. This was executed for organizations that customize order entry to use different line status codes.


Option 3 identifies whether order lines with the line status defined by the code should be included in invoices.



Determines where the related link will display on the Certification Detail page on the web.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Additional Information


The Placement field displays on the Related Links screen.



The class of the product. The Product Class field displays on the General Setup screen in Product Maintenance and is used to distinguish between certification and recertification. The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       Accreditation

·       Certification

·       Recertification


As of 7.5.0, unique icons can be defined for each PRODUCT_CLASS code to display in your online store, as shown below. These icons will display on the Product Listing, Product Detail, and Event Calendar pages in e-Business.


For more information, please see Configuring Categorical Iconography.



A system-defined code that identifies the type of CRT product. The Product Type is selected on the General Setup screen in Product Maintenance when first defining a product. Currently, "Certification" is the only system code.



The category of the certification program. The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       General

·       Management

·       Professional


The Program Category field displays on the Certification Definition screen.



The rate code of the product. The Rate Code field is located on the Rates and Pricing screen in Product Maintenance and determines the pricing for the rate structure.



Indicates when the certification requirement is met on completion. The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       Certification

·       Exam

·       Manual

·       Purchase

·       Transcript


The Requirement Option Met On field displays on the Certification Requirements screen.



Indicates the type of requirement for completion of a certification. The following codes are delivered with base and can be changed:

·       Continuing Education

·       Certification

·       Course

·       Course Type

·       Exam

·       Miscellaneous

·       Product

·       Transcript


The Option Type field displays on the Certification Requirements screen.



The codes defined for this system type control how revenue recognition for the order will be handled. The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       On Invoice

·       On Specific Date

·       At Year End


The Recognition Method field displays on the GL Accounts screen in Product Maintenance.



User-defined system type used to categorize related links on the Certification Detail page on the web. The URL Type field displays on the Related Links screen.